YooMin Fic Recs

Sep 15, 2009 10:43

Jewel **WIP**
Summary: Music brought them together; life could tear them apart, but love would never let it end.
What I Think: This fic... is intense. Things just keep getting worse and worse for the boys, and you keep hoping for a happy ending but just can't imagine how it'll work out. Can't say much more, because it is a WIP. Updates are few and far between, but they are still coming.

Photographic Memories
Summary: Changmin's a photographer who most want to save.
What I Think: Just really beautifully written. The YooMin relationship is... tense, harsh at times, full of heartbreak. They fight through a lot, and I was rooting for them every step of the way.

Summary: Au. Drug dealers. prostitutes. Murder.
What I Think: The idea of Changmin being a big-time crime boss is... oddly intriguing to me. And, well, I definitely have a weakness for stories where the tough guy turns into mush for love.

Summary: Changmin meets someone strange on the surface.
What I Think: Really interesting 'verse. Yoochun's just super-cute in this fic, and I love the relationship development between them. Just wish it would've been a little bit longer… ^_~

The Way You Look at Me
Summary: For young noblemen, taking a concubine is a common tradition at the age of twenty. However, Prince Yoo Chun has no interest in such a thing, too preoccupied with his work and his people. But, once he stumbles across a servant that has grabbed his attention, his focus shifts. And, slowly, he finds himself falling for the man who speaks no words.
What I Think: This... just... this. It's an amazing AU, a great story, and it's nice to see their relationship grow the way it does.

A Map for Those Who Know
Summary: I drew a map so we can get home or maybe come back here in the summer.
What I Think: Very simple, a little bittersweet. Beautifully written.

And I Lay Before You
Summary: Changmin's lost his way, and hopes that Yoochun can help him back to his path (but Jaejoong gets there first.)
What I Think: I just love this author's writing, descriptions and voice and characterization and everything. And this one... It hurts my heart, but it's amazing at the same time. And the ending makes up for the pain.

Summary: when he goes to bed, the sun is just about to come up. the sky is full of colours, the warm kind, all purple and orange and pink.
What I Think: Really love the style of this, the juxtaposition of dreams and reality. It's got a very magical, surreal quality to it, and it's just really beautiful.

Drink for You
Summary: When Yoochun gets drunk, Changmin reaps the benefits.
What I Think: I really wanted to dislike Yoochun at the beginning of this fic, taking advantage of Min the way he did. It turns out okay in the end, though, and the writing style is really... fluid, I guess, would be the way to describe it.

Summary: Yoochun sells potions and Changmin doesn't believe in magic.
What I Think: This is... very nearly indescribable. In the best way possible, of course. Changmin is so practically clueless, and Yoochun is... Yeah. Then Yoochun's explanations and Changmin's reactions in the epilogue are pretty much priceless.

For a While
Summary: Oh, the timing is cruel
I need and don't want to need
More than I should
What I Think: This fic... pretty much breaks my heart. I imagine my own ending every time, pretending there's a happy ending out there somewhere.

Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms
Summary: My take on crying!Changmin at MKMF
What I Think: The descriptions are just... amazingly beautiful. And I love the fact that the story kind of takes advantage of one of Min's rare (at least as far as we're allowed to see) IRL vulnerable moments

If I Can't Have You
Summary: Yoochun is a pimp from New York, and Changmin is a small-town boy working in a café.
What I Think: Ohmygosh, hilarious. Yoochun's fail!English and Changmin's... fail at life. *laughs* But it's really cute and funny and fluffy and awesome.

Summary: Yoochun is a loser where a certain dongsaeng is concerned.
What I Think: Hilarious. And Yoochun's adorable. And Changmin's kinda confused but not. So, all around, just basically awesome.

Just Another Day
Summary: Everyone deserves a day off, eat, drink and be merry... until the fangirls find out.
What I Think: Freakin' cracked me up. Yoochun and Changmin have... quite the adventure on their day off.

Kiss a Sky
Summary: Paris is where things-that-never-happened happen.
What I Think: I love the boys in Paris. And an AU of the boys in Paris is... just as good. Very cute.

More than Words
Summary: Changmin's blind; Yoochun shows him the world.
What I Think: Simply beautiful. I really don't know what else to say about it.

Not Quite Sinatra (But Close Enough)
Summary: A stolen moment after a photoshoot.
What I Think: Love this one. Love it. It's... pretty basically just smut, but the feelings and everything fueling that smut are just so clear. Just amazing.

Of Possessions and Innocence
Summary: Chunnie’s being naughty like a fat cat and it’s causing our Changmin to blush because Chunnie knows something and he’s not sharing just yet.
What I Think: Despite the fact that there's not actual YooMin interaction, the voice in this story is really great. Good set-up.

On a Magic Carpet Ride
Summary: Oh, how long does it take for a boy to figure things out, anyway?
What I Think: Okay, you just can't really go wrong with DBSK in the Harry Potter 'verse. Really cute, really sweet, and REALLY amusing

Our Secret Summer Haven: July in Motion
Summary: Every summer since three years ago, Yoochun would climb in behind the wheels of his midnight blue convertible and speed off, waving his straw hat at the rest of the members as he drove away. He would turn up again exactly a week later, all smiling and whistling happy tunes for days on ends, but during that one week, none of the members could reach him; no phone calls, sms-es or emails either. It’s like Yoochun simply disappeared off the face of the earth into his own secret summer heaven.
What I Think: I just love that they both escape separately to be together, no interruptions and no one bugging them. Just really sweet overall.

The Boy with a Permanent Hangover
Summary: Yoochun's diagnosed with a disorder likened to living with a permanent hangover.
What I Think: I'm not sure that I can really put words to why I like this fic so much. It's got a nice progression, and I love how the relationship grows between them.

The Right River Fall (Or How Changmin Built His Life)
Summary: Changmin was rich and spoiled. Yoochun didn't give a damn.
What I Think: Amazing style, and I just love seeing Changmin as this spoiled child thrust into a life of struggle and near-poverty. Really awesome.

Twenty Secrets Changmin and Yoochun Keep for Each Other
Summary: Title's pretty self-explanatory…
What I Think: Really lovely. Each individual "secret" is gorgeous/adorable on its own, but then they all join together to form a really beautiful love story.

Stranger at Night
Summary: Visited by a stranger every night, Changmin begins to think that he is slowly losing his mind.
What I Think: It's a bit of a mystery in a creepy - almost stalkerish - kind of way. But it's also oddly sweet and very intriguing.

Summary: If you wrote me a love story, how would it go? Just like this.
What I Think: Gorgeously written. I love the slow build-up of their relationship, the rather... unconventional start. It's just a really great story, and I was super-happy that it didn't break my heart the way I thought it would.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Summary: They all have their times to visit him.
What I Think: Absolutely gorgeous writing. I was a little hesitant as I read through it, positively certain that something

Summary: Yoochun is by his side through it all.
What I Think: Yes, tragedy. Yet not. And I like the lyrics spread throughout. Overall, it just has a very poetic feeling to the language and style and everything.

White Rain and Green Whispers
Summary: A sudden shower of a different sort brings in chance encounters and paper chases. Includes bff!MinSu.
What I Think: So, I totally have a thing for awkward-fumbling-nervous!Changmin. And this has all of that, along with a flirty-composer!Yoochun. Kinda fluffy, cute, really really sweet.

You Will Always Be (In My Heart)
Summary: "There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart." - Mahatma Gandhi
What I Think: It absolutely breaks my heart to think of the boys ever NOT being together. But if it has to happen, I hope it happens exactly like this.

yoomin, dbsk fic recs

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