Round 3 Challenge 7: The Screening

Mar 11, 2009 22:25

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the week seven screening!

Welcome all to the World Premiere of "I Think I Killed a Duck!"

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week Seven!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, March 13th.

I Think I Killed a Duck!

Scene (inspirational movie): About A Boy
Action (must include): 350 words exactly, ***Epilogue-compliant***
Theme (additional information): Hugo's perspective on Draco & Hermione


Title: Fancy That
Author: slytherinswench
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 350

His mother was the patron saint of hearth and home. She was so smart, smarter than he was. Smarter than his da. Smarter than most of world, Wizarding or Muggle. She could have had a great career, made brilliant discoveries, been captured in the annals of history forever. It was because of her that “annals” would even be a word he would use in his own head. But she chose to be a mother and a wife. She chose to make sure they had the best of everything. Including her time.

Hugo loved his da like all children do, but as he grew he wondered what his parents had in common. His mum was an activist, a brainiac witch and his father was a Quidditch star. His magick had never been strong, he didn’t converse with her about world events, in fact all they seemed to share were their children. Hugo thought that they both deserved more. He felt guilty thinking it, but perhaps what had been good enough at Hogwarts wasn’t good enough in the real world.

He noticed other things too. The way that at the schoolboard/parent meetings they still referred to each other by last names. As if they were both still soldiers in a war.



It was simple, but it seemed as if whole worlds were conveyed in those moments. There was nothing between them but a chasm gravid with expectation, yet somehow equally empty.

It was hard to study people when one’s eyes were so large and not get caught.

“Son, are you alright?” Mr. Malfoy had asked him.

“I was wondering what it would be like if you were my da. I think my mum would be happier. I’d go cue ball to see her happy.”

The room froze and Hermione quickly put herself between her boy and Malfoy, though her face was red like an apple. She muttered, “Remember your science. Male-Pattern Baldness comes from the maternal… Children,” she shrugged helplessly.

Malfoy was silent for a moment, the only clue he’d been startled, then said, “Wonder how Weasley would fancy that?”


Title: Pleading His Case
Author: bookishwench
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 350

“You want to marry my mum, don’t you.”

Even if I hadn’t realized they were serious, today wasn’t exactly subtle. A Quidditch match, sundaes at Goyle’s Ice Cream Emporium, then butterbeers at the Leaky Cauldron, all of it just him and me? The only stepfather/stepson bonding moment he missed was broomstick shopping. Right now, though, watching him squirm is almost as fun as a Nimbus 2030.

“I realize this isn’t an ideal situation for you,” he says, looking uncomfortable.

“No,” I say bluntly. “Ideal would be if Mum and Dad had never fallen apart.”

Draco clears his throat rather violently.

“I understand you would prefer that,” he says, trying too hard to be accommodating.

On Draco, bending over backward to please somebody looks out of place, unless it’s for Mum… and my mind just went somewhere that will require Muggle therapy and a forgetfulness potion.

“I know what happened with Lavender,” I say.

That makes him pause.

“What exactly do you know?” Draco asks.

“I know Dad was shagging her and Mum found out,” I say. “One of Lavender’s kids told me, but I’d guessed already.”

“Which one, the girl with the unpronounceable name or the son who suspiciously resembles old Cornelius Fudge?” Draco says, sounding repulsed.

“Rhododendron,” I say, grimacing before going on. “Why do you want to marry Mum?”

“I love her,” he says immediately, then adds, “Really!”

“You used to hate one another,” I point out, sipping my butterbeer. “What happened?”

“After Astoria left and took Scorpius with her…,” he stops, looking pained, “things were bad. Hermione wasn’t happy either, and we bonded. It just went from there.”

Seeing Draco nervous is unusual. I’m enjoying it, but I’ve had enough fun.

“You won’t break her heart?”

“I swear to you, I’ll never hurt her.”

“And you’ll stop referring to Dad as ‘that freckle-covered baboon’s arse’?”

“I promise,” he says, then admits, “well, while you’re in earshot.”

“Fair enough,” I agree.

I put out my hand, and we shake. Draco can’t stop smiling. Neither can Mum whenever he’s around, and that’s the real reason I’m okay they’re together.


Title: Through His Eyes
Author: __vintagebomb
Rating: PG
Warnings: Epilogue compliant
Words: 350 - trusting Microsoft Word

The blond man always came when his daddy wasn't home and Rose was at her friend's house. Mummy said he was a very good friend but daddy couldn't know that he came to play. He didn't understand why. He liked Draco. He had a cool name that meant “dragon” and always gave him sweets when he visited.

Hugo could tell that he made her happy. It didn't take a lot for a four-year-old to know that. After Draco left each time, a smile would be always plastered on her face for hours. He always thought she was even more beautiful then.

It wasn't the case today. Hugo was playing in his room when his mum started yelling.

"Oliver Wood!" he said to his action figure, raising his voice. "Why didn't you save that goal?" He continued to talk loudly, trying to block out his mum's yells which had turned into heart-wrenching sobs.

Though they were in the parlour, their voices escalated to the point that Hugo could make out what they were saying.

“I can’t do this anymore!”

"I thought you loved me!"

"Don't make this more than what it was."

A minute after the front door slammed shut, his sniffling mother came by to check up on him. Hugo could see the sadness in her eyes, the tears threatening to spill over. He couldn't stand to see his beautiful mother so melancholy. He abandoned his toys and gave her a hug hoping to put a smile on her face.

"It's okay, mummy. Don't cry anymore. Daddy, Rose, and I still love you. Don't you love us?"

Hermione smiled weakly at her son. "Of course I do, Hugo. Don't worry. I'm fine."

Hugo didn't see Draco for years until he was leaving for his first year at Hogwarts. For a second, Hugo thought he saw a flicker of sorrow in his mother's eyes when she saw Draco standing with his wife and son. He knew that after all these years she still wasn't fine. A smile was now on her face but Hugo knew that inside her heart was broken.


Title: His Mother’s Savior
Author: somandalicious
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 350

“Afternoon, Granger.”

Seven-year-old Hugo Weasley peered from behind his mum’s robes at the tall, blond man that had greeted her. It was Draco Malfoy and he was standing too close, and smirking too maliciously. Hugo didn’t like it at all.

“It’s Weasley now, as you know,” murmured Hermione as she moved to the next cart to peruse the baskets of various reptile parts. Hugo’s hand found his Mum’s and gripped it protectively, scowling at Malfoy as he followed them.

“Semantics, really.” Mafloy shrugged dismissively. “Would you fancy my assistance with your errands today?”

Hugo’s mum smiled down at him, as she ruffled his ginger curls. “I have all the help I need, thank you.”

Malfoy sneered. “Ah, I see.”

Hugo’s wrinkled his nose and stuck his tongue out at Malfoy.

“What do are you playing at, Malfoy?” asked his mum, her chin tilting up in defiance. Hugo could feel her agitation rolling off of her in waves.

“Nothing, I merely wanted to say hello to my favorite witch.” Malfoy leered just before he reached up and caressed her cheek.

“Don’t,” she whispered and turned away, but Hugo was furious, his ears burned red. He hated Draco Malfoy, just like his dad did, and he hated that Draco Malfoy touched his mum. Hugo closed his eyes tight and wished with every molecule of his being, praying to Merlin, Nimue, and Circe that ugly, stinky boils would sprout all over Malfoy’s body.

Suddenly, the crowed gasped and the putrid stench of rotten dragon’s eggs permeated the air.

When Hugo opened is eyes, he saw his wish had come true, Draco Malfoy was covered in ugly, red pus-filled boils and that some emitted a green gas.

Hermione pinched her nose as she took Hugo by the shoulders. “You should really get that taken care of, Malfoy.” Then she led Hugo away from the frantic and angry Malfoy as he made a scene. “That was naughty, Hugo.”

“Sorry, Mum.” Hugo mumbled and frowned at his shoes, he didn’t really feel contrite, though.

“Your father will be proud!” She grinned and gave him a wink.


Title: Smiles
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: G
Warnings: Character Death
Word Count: 350
A/N: Hugo is 17 in this.

Memories of my childhood are bright and full of my mother’s smiles. She laughed a lot, and easily; my father told the worst jokes, and my sister was always doing something ridiculous. I loved when Mum was happy.

I remember well the weekly occurrence which robbed me of her cheery disposition for almost a full day.

Mum worked at the Ministry, and as part of her job, she had to meet with Draco Malfoy once a week. On those mornings, she was tense and short. Her smiles were forced, and her lips thin. She always brought Rose and me to those meetings, and then me alone after Rose went to Hogwarts. I read quietly in the corner while they discussed matters of state.

Nothing out of place ever happened at those meetings, yet I can still feel the tension that permeated the air whenever I smell Earl Grey-Malfoy’s flavor of choice. He drank at least one cup during that hour. I was too young to suspect the cause, to wonder why she insisted on bring me along every time, without exception.

The day my dad was killed, a routine mission gone horribly wrong, Draco Malfoy was there. He barely spoke to Mum, but he barked orders until everything was done. Through my haze of grief, however, I saw the way he looked at her, and it hit me. He loved her.

Malfoy lingered until everyone was gone. I wanted to yell, to curse him in place of the unreachable Fates who’d stolen the father I loved. As he was leaving, Mum squeezed his hand. It was the first time I’d ever seen them touch, and it was very slight, but as she did, a weight seemed to fall off her shoulders.

Draco Malfoy had meant something to her, and part of me hated him for it. But when she finally smiled again, four months after dad’s death, it was because he had sent her a set of gold-plated measuring cups for her birthday.

I realized then that if she needed Malfoy to smile again, I was okay with it.


Title: Hugo's Observations
Author: dazzled_x
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Word Count: 350.

“Scorpius,” I whispered.

My best friend glanced at me curiously.

“Don’t take this the wrong way or anything…There’s a possibility that I’m going crazy but…Is your dad checking out my mum?” I asked as I observed the two.

We were at a Holyhead Harpies match with our parents, sitting close to the pitch. There was a reasonable space between Mr. Malfoy and Mum; however, both of their hands were resting right next to each other’s on the bench.


Every once in a while, Mr. Malfoy would lean forward to say something to Mum. In turn, she would give him a smile that I’ve never seen her give to anyone before.

Presently, Mum’s focus was on the match and Mr. Malfoy’s was on her. He wore a pensive expression as he gazed at her; I wondered what he could possibly be thinking.

His gaze traveled downward to Mum’s matching green business robes and I turned away to hear my friend’s reply
“Well, your mum is pretty good-looking,” Scorpius commented, giving Mum an exaggerated once-over.

I thumped him on his back.


Scorpius rolled his grey eyes at me. “Don’t be ridiculous, mate. You’re probably just seeing things. After all, they’re good friends now because of us.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Dunno know what I was thinking.”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell Scorpius about the things I had noticed about Mum and Mr. Malfoy’s interactions. There were little things - like how he always bought her a book she had mentioned in passing or the time he had sent her flowers for her birthday when Dad had forgotten.

For some reason, whenever Dad and Mum got in a fight, she’d end up at Malfoy Manor. Aunt Ginny said it was because Uncle Harry couldn’t handle dramatic situations and that Mr. Malfoy was next in line. After a few hours of talking with Mr. Malfoy, Mum always came home and made up with Dad. They’d be happy as clams the next morning.

But that didn’t explain the kiss I had seen in the pantry on the night of Rose’s sixteenth birthday dinner.


Title: Dead Duck Day
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death? Look at the title.
Word Count: 350

My mum must have read somewhere that it is better to tell your children bad news outside of the house, so they don't associate negative things with their home, because she always takes Rose and me for a walk in the park whenever she wants to tell us something upsetting.

For example, we were at the park when she told us that our family pet had died and when mum and dad confessed about getting a divorce. So when mum suggested this afternoon that we should go feed the ducks, Rose and I shared a knowing look. Something was up.

"Rosie, Hugo, you know how much your dad and I love you," mum began when we were standing at the pond, throwing pieces of bread down for the ducks. She continued to tell us that dad and her parting ways didn't change the fact that we were a family etc.

I've heard it all before.

I busied myself with naming the ducks, waiting until mum would finally tell us why we were at the park. The one with the ducklings looked like a Molly, the one that seemed too dumb to catch any of the bread crumps reminded me of that duck Donald from the Muggle cartoons I used to watch at my grandparents' house and the one that kept cleaning its wings had an uncanny resemblance to my sister.

I was just wondering what the fattest duck of the flock should be called when mum finally got to the point.

"Being a single mum can be lonely and Draco and I, well…" she trailed off.

I could only stare in shock. Could it be?

I was pulled from my stupor when I heard a loud splash followed by angry quacking. Rose had let the loaf of bread fall into the pond. All ducks but one were in an uproar.

Looking at my sister, I couldn't suppress a grin. It was difficult to tell what upset Rose more: The fact that she had just killed Donald Duck or that our mother appeared to be dating the father of Rose's crush.


Title: Broken Homes and Mended Destinies
Author: greenschist
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Adultery, but if that's a squick, it can safely be read with the belief that the lovely Dramione doesn't happen until the canon couples have separated.
Word Count: 350
A/N: Hugo and Rose are 13 and 15 here, respectively.

I hate Draco Malfoy. This is his fault. Well, his and Mum's, but mostly his.

Mum says she and Dad love us and that we're still a family. The only change is she and Dad won't live together anymore, and Rose and I will divide our holidays between the house we all used to share and Malfoy bloody Manor. Pretty big change, if you ask me.

Dad's right to call Mr. Malfoy a tosser and worse, but he missed the most obvious thing: Draco Malfoy is a thief. He's been stealing Mum away since the day Rose left for Hogwarts.

It was so stupid and weird, the way they stared at each other as the train left, ignoring Dad and Scorpius's mum. Malfoy looked at Mum like she was a new broom or a Honeydukes' sweet, and Mum just smiled and blushed. I didn't understand why, but I wanted to go home then. But Malfoy came home with us, somehow, because he was always there after that.

He was there in the way Mum started working late and the way she and Dad couldn't speak to each other without yelling. He was there as Rose showed Mum photographs of the end of term dance, when Scorpius had worn dark blue robes and too much of his dad's sandalwood cologne, and Mum got all teary and said he was "as handsome as his father." Last summer, when Uncle Harry mentioned that Scorpius would be spending a few weeks with Albus while his mother packed up and moved out of the Manor, Draco Malfoy was there in the way Mum locked herself in the bath and cried. When Mum and Dad came to Hogwarts mid-term to talk to us, I already knew they were splitting up; I could smell sandalwood in Mum's hair and on her clothes. It was like Malfoy was there, sitting in the space that had formed between my parents.

I refuse to visit them, and I already signed up to stay at school over Christmas. Draco Malfoy ruined our family. I hate him, and Mum too…but mostly him.


Title: Everything
Author: midnight_birth
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst(ish).
Word Count: 350

They always told him he was most like his mother. He remembered his father telling him proudly that she was the smartest witch in the wizarding world, and he was eager to believe it. His mother was perfect in every way; clever, kind, loving. He was nothing special, really. But people always told him he was clever. Just as clever as her. Just as intuitive.

He realized quickly that perhaps there was some truth in what people said. He did notice and figure out a lot of things other people didn’t. He saw Rose secretly send owls to someone he knew their parents would never approve of. He noticed when his father started coming home later and later each day, finally starting a steady routine of coming home after everyone had gone to bed. And he noticed the small glance and the second-long squeeze of the hand a tall blond man had given his mother at King’s Cross station, and the way her eyes lit up at the momentary touch.

The blond man came for tea sometimes, only when his father wasn’t home. He only stayed a little while. Hugo knew to become scarce during those times, and he also knew not to tell anyone. He didn’t know how he knew, but it must have been the cleverness and intuition everybody so praised him for. His mother’s eyes begged him to understand, to forgive, to love. And he did. For her. Anything.

He knew it was wrong. He was clever enough to know. He knew only his father should be able to make her eyes shine the way they did, only his father should be allowed to touch her in that way. But that wasn’t the way it happened. It was better for everyone, then. His father was blissful in his ignorance, and his mother could be happy. Happy with another.

It was wrong. But at least they were all happy with the arrangement. Everything was alright.

At age ten, he knew he could be intuitive. He also knew he still had the right to be naive.

For her. Everything.


Title: Groaned, Screamed & Scolded: The Story of the Purple Goo & Other Stuff
Author: kate0404
Rating: PG
Warning: Nada
Word Count: A not-very-fun 350 words. Boo!

It was a Saturday the first time I saw my Mum and Mr. Malfoy have a conversation. I was only ten.

”Hugo, please don’t touch that.” I pulled my hand back away from the enormous glob of purple goo sitting in a tank in Uncle George’s store. “Merlin only knows what it is,” she added.

“Or what it could do to you.”

I looked up to see the blond-haired man give Mum a crooked smirk that was a cross between a grimace and a smile. I knew he was Mr. Malfoy because Dad and I had come across him once at the Ministry when I was there visiting. Dad had nodded in his general direction, but talked about what a git he was just after.

Mum looked startled. “M-Malfoy,” she stuttered and then looked around the store. “What in the world are you doing in here?”

If Mr. Malfoy was insulted, he didn’t look it. “Shopping,” he said and just as Mum’s mouth opened to ask a question he added, “Scorpius, my son, loves this place. His birthday is coming up next week. I thought I’d get him a few things.”

His body was as stiff as his answer and I immediately felt nervous.

However, Mum just smiled. “That’s wonderful. Rose said he was sorted as a Slytherin.”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

It was a dry joke, but Mum chuckled. Mr. Malfoy gave another grimaced smile.

Their awkward conversation, full of Mum’s nervous laughter and Mr. Malfoy’s lame jokes, had gone on far too long for my liking and I touched the purple goo in the tank. When my hand swelled up the size of a basketball, Mum groaned, screamed, and scolded me all at once. When Uncle George had come running out of the storage room, he had burst into a fit of laughter… until Mum rounded on him.

The entire time this scene unfolded I didn’t listen to Mum, or laugh along with Uncle George, or even complain about the increasing size of my hand.

I watched Mr. Malfoy watch Mum… and he smiled.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

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