Wrap Party for Round Three, Challenge 7

Mar 14, 2009 09:29

Good morning/Good midday/Good evening to all. I am your Master of Ceremonies, Ticky Box.

Welcome to the weekly wrap party at Club dramione_ldws - The bar is open and the buffet is to die for! I know you're all anxious to see the results, so without further ado...

The envelopes, please.

For the category of Most Favorite drabble this week, the Globe goes to...


Your "Smiles" was beautifully constructed, covering a lot of ground in a minimum of words and plausibly, as well. Quite a few people agreed. Congratulations!

For the category of Moderator's Choice drabble this week, the Walk of Fame star goes to...


As JKR says: "Draco Malfoy, he's not a nice guy." His Mother's Savior took the road less traveled (a canonically probable scenerio) in a charming and vividly reminiscent direction that produced temporary error amnesia. Hugo is indeed his father's son (we're thinking of the infamous slugs curse) and his mother's too. It's refreshing to read character interaction that explores ALL the possibilities. Awesome job.

Finally, it is with a great deal of sadness that I must announce this week's contribution to the Cutting Room Floor -

slytherinswench. :-(

Aw, man. We're sorry to see you go! Especially since RL got in the way of your full participation - next round, right? You rawk, slyth. See you over at pphp & stick around here, k?

And somandalicious. :-(

Unfortunately, not everyone sees things the same way. But that's what makes life interesting, right? We can't wait to see what else you come up with, now that you have some spare time (lol)!

Finally, here are the voting tallies.

kalina_blue mf: 9 lf: 0floorcoaster mf: 10 lf: 0
greenschist mf: 4 lf: 5 hathorx RL skip
kate0404 mf: 5 lf: 2bookishwench mf: 5 lf: 1
midnight_birth mf: 0 lf: 3__vintagebomb mf: 2 lf: 8
dazzled_x mf: 5 lf: 0 luvscharlie used skip

hathorx received a RL skip this week due to computer death. She should be back next week! ~crosses fingers~

Writers who wish to receive feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on Monday or so.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - visit the buffet and have a few on us. We'd like to add a special additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Last but certainly not least, next week's challenge will be posted shortly

round 3, results

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