Dub-con Dramione fics

May 20, 2012 10:18

*NOTE: This is not a recommend list, but a compilation list of all of the dub-con Dramione out there for the archives. I'll edit this list as fans make suggestions. Please try to include a URL, if you can.

According to Fanlore.com, Dub-con ('dubious consent') is defined as: "Dub-con" refers to sex involving dubious consent in fanworks. This ( Read more... )

specs: dark!draco, warnings: questionable consent, fic: recs (rating: nc-17), warnings: sexual content, warnings: mentions of rape, fic: recs (rating: r)

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Comments 27

ldymusyc May 20 2012, 17:39:09 UTC
The resisting party finally gives in/stops fighting at some point and accepts the sex of their own free will, finding some enjoyment in the act

If this is the definition you are using for dubcon, then remove my fic from this list. Surrendering out of a lack of options or through coercion and/or force does not make an act any less of a rape. "Stops fighting" is not "free will" acceptance.

I'm also disquieted by the implication that someone "enjoying" the act of rape makes their consent dubious or questionable. Are you separating conscious enjoyment from physiological response? Stimulation, even orgasm, against one's will does NOT equal enjoyment.


rzzmg May 20 2012, 18:03:02 UTC
Excellent points. I was using this website as a reference: http://fanlore.org/wiki/Dub-con

Why don't we just reference that site for the definition, rather than the very generic one I used initially for this post? I think that might make things clearer.


rzzmg May 20 2012, 18:13:51 UTC
I've changed the post definition, referencing Fanlore.com's definition. Is this better? Do you still want your fic pulled from this list?


ldymusyc May 21 2012, 01:44:38 UTC
Negative Passion is definitely not appropriate on a dubcon list, no. Even if it's solely in Draco's mind/fantasies, Hermione's participation will always be forced from her. Whether or not she "enjoys" in future chapters, this is not something she would consent to under any voluntary circumstance. It's rape, not dubious consent.


eevilalice May 20 2012, 17:43:24 UTC
Could you make it clear that this is how you're defining "dub-con"? For me, the term is much broader and covers more than that. For instance, dubcon need not entail intercourse. I would also add that dub-con is a warning used when it may not at all be clear that the resisting party is enjoying the act (perhaps the party gives in, but that does not equal consent; the pov character may not know). I've also used it or seen it used when potions, alcohol/drugs, spells, etc. are used and enjoyment may be had (some consider that non-con, some dub-con, some don't realize consent issues enter at all).


rzzmg May 20 2012, 18:15:01 UTC
I've changed the definition to Fanlore.com's definition for "dub-con". Does this work better for you?

I tried to be as generic as possible in my initial definition, allowing for a broad range of examples for dub-con to be considered, but perhaps it's better to just let the experts speak on it. Fanlore's been around for a while now, and seems to be well-regarded, as far as I can determine, for its information.


akashathekitty May 20 2012, 21:53:36 UTC
Just to be another voice of dissent (sorry, babe)...

I actually don't think Master fits here. She does have sex with him one time voluntarily, yes, but I don't think it blurs the lines of all those other times at all. They were flat out rape. Of my own fics, I'd much rather see In The Darkness (she thinks she's with someone else), You Change My Mind (the sex is voluntary but ONLY because she's looking for a ticket to freedom) or even Silencio (chapter 5, she's tied up and says NO) on that list than Master.


rzzmg May 20 2012, 22:43:38 UTC
Hi hi hi! This is not a problem at all - I'll fix it right away and move "Master" to the non-con list instead.

What URL links would you like to use for the other fics, if you want them linked to this post?


akashathekitty May 20 2012, 23:16:39 UTC
Well, I suppose if it's meant to be an exhaustive list, they should... I think it's going to be difficult to get people for people to agree on when dub-con turns into non-con, though. :) Hawthorn & Vine links would be fine.

You Change My Mind http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=121 (sex as a last resort to survive)

Silencio http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=88 (yes turns into no... and later turns into yes again)

In the Darkness All Cats are Grey http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=85 (thinks he's someone else)

oh, and

One Wild Night http://dramione.org/viewstory.php?sid=138 (magical aphrodisiac - even if the last part of the fic is a nonsensical justification of it)


namelessamelie May 21 2012, 01:38:20 UTC
Wow, so much backlash! Dub-con is certainly a very grey area, so I suppose it isn't that surprising-- but, be it controversial or not, kudos to you for trying to assemble a comprehensive list.

I'm sure there are many that I'm forgetting, but another fic you can add is "Thin Line," by Kyra4!


rzzmg May 21 2012, 02:08:57 UTC
Added it! Thanks for the rec, and for the sweet words.


rzzmg May 21 2012, 02:31:12 UTC
Dear Dramione Community ( ... )


ldymusyc May 21 2012, 03:05:43 UTC

If someone else wishes to maintain a list similar to this, that's no problem. However, do not delete this post, as there have already been comments made to it, and the record of comments and post edits should remain. (You can change the settings to stop comments from being emailed to you.)



scarletladyy May 23 2012, 16:05:05 UTC
I just want to thank you for making both this thread and the non-con one :) As you know, we share very similar tastes in fic and I really appreciate this, because as much as I feel as though I have read every Dramione non-con out there, I haven't! So these lists are always exceptionally helpful :)

(Also, I for one am definitely not tired of you asking for those sorts of fics! I always appreciate your threads ♥)


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