[voice and vid]

Jun 10, 2009 09:42

[video clicks on and Harley waves enthusiastically at the camera]

Hiiiii everyone! I see we got some new people pokin' around here at the triple D, huh? Well, if that ain't just the best news I heard in .. well .. at least the last few minutes! [beams brightly]

My name is Harley and I got a bit of a favor ta ask ya .. I'm in need of a bit of C-4 ( Read more... )

harley quinn, pavel chekov, mihael "mello" keehl

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Comments 62

[locked] gonnabe1st June 10 2009, 17:49:05 UTC
...Well, you could try explaining to me what the hell you plan on doing with some C-4. And then maybe I'd see what I can do.
My name's Mello, by the way.


[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 18:03:41 UTC
[beams happily]

Hiya, bubs! I'm Harley Quinn, but you can call me Harley like everyone else.

An' it all has ta do with one two words .. Explosive Whoopie-Cushions!

[blinks and frowns] Well, I guess, technically, it's three words, but whateva, ya know? [shrugs and smiles brightly] I got a gas of a joke planned!


[voice | locked] gonnabe1st June 10 2009, 18:11:49 UTC
[A small chuckle]
And you need C-4 for that? Wouldn't something less explosive do?


[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 18:17:56 UTC
[beams wider at the chuckle]

Well, I'm sure that there are less explosive means, but I wouldn't want it ta not work. An' Mistah J went with dynamite once and it was really just not as impressive, ya know?

There is just a certain flare and coloration ta an explosion set off with C-4 .. [she sighs wistfully and then blinks, looking at him] Do ya think it's overkill?

I mean, I ain't aimin' ta kill or nothin' but .. price of a good laugh an' all .. [she gives a half shrug]


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[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 18:19:29 UTC
[grins smoothly]

How much ya got?


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[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 19:18:30 UTC
[beams brightly]

Well, any I can get would certainly put me ahead of where I am now, dollface. Ya got a name, bright eyes?


sun_cutie_plz June 10 2009, 18:09:19 UTC
Oh I can totally get you some C-4!! What are you going to do with it~??


[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 18:22:24 UTC
[beams happily] Explosive whoopie-cushions!


[ locked] sun_cutie_plz June 10 2009, 18:33:16 UTC
That is.... SUCH a totally awesome idea~!!! I soo want to help with that!!


[voice and vid | locked] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 19:27:03 UTC

Ya see?! I thought so too! I'm goin' ta have Jack help me with it, cause we ain't had no bondin' time in forever ... buuuut, the more the merrier! HAH!


[Anon like an anon thing] gritode_guerra June 10 2009, 19:32:06 UTC
Need any detonators?


[voice and vid] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 20:01:17 UTC
[She blinks and looks off screen, frowning slightly with a bit of a furrowed brow. She smiles brightly and looks back again]

Well, yes I do, toots! I'm glad ya showed up, because I would'a had ta come and ask for more stuff .. better ta limit my shoppin' trips.

I owe ya anythin'? I'm more than happy ta do what I can .. or send a couple'a goodies your way if ya'd rather?

[ooc: Oh War .. thank you for enabling! :D I squeed, really.]


gritode_guerra June 11 2009, 00:11:20 UTC
No payment needed for such a delightful person. All I require is pictures and just a little bit of mass chaos and confusion.

((OOC: Hee, enabling is awesome.))


[voice and vid] hesmypuddin June 14 2009, 01:08:26 UTC
[beams widely]

Do ya need me ta come and collect 'em?


ruskieinwention June 10 2009, 20:56:27 UTC
You could kill someone without trying. That would be just as bad.


[voice and vid] hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 21:07:10 UTC
[beams brightly, thrilled at the responses, even if the implied message goes awry]

Well, if I could kill someone without tryin, there'd hardly be any effort involved at all! And where would the image be, ya know? I want 'em ta remember my gags, not just .. ignore 'em like a bag punch line.

I ain't lazy, but you sure are gorgeous! What corner of the universe are ya from, handsome?


ruskieinwention June 10 2009, 21:11:49 UTC
Image? I do not think image should factor into such a use of explosives.

Ah...Russia, miss.


hesmypuddin June 10 2009, 21:33:12 UTC
[tssks softly and sighs]

I'm aimin' for originality with a bit of a gag an' I ain't got everythin' I need ta make it all come together, ya know? I could get explosives hereabouts, but it would require stealin' 'em and I want ta get ta work without all that extra stuff. While the idea is hot and rollin' in my head, ya know? An' if ya asked Mistah J, the show is everything! If ya just plan on usin' the same ole gag over an' over again, ain't no one goin' ta pay attention ta ya.

Russia? Wow, now that is a bit of a trip across the way .. ya on Earth or somewhere else? I found if I don't ask, I find myself world hoppin' farther than I might've expected when it comes time ta go out for drinks.


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