LJ presents: A New Dawn, part one

Nov 18, 2014 22:47

"Hey Dad, when is it acceptable to change the roster of a super hero team?"

"Good question! The simple answer is 'whenever the creative team feels like it' but, in order to keep the fans happy and for everything to feel like logical character progression, it usually happens after a big event or crossover or world-shaking storyline."

"Oh, you mean like the one we just finished?"

"... should I interpret that as you having plans, little one?"

The answer came in the form of a mischievous grin I know so well, and a lengthy session of playtime that left me feeling dazzled and delighted. LJ is becoming a fearless storyteller, a creator who's willing to throw her favourites under the bus if it will create conflict, drama and interest. She's insightful enough, now, to realise when a status quo has run its course and things need to be shaken up. And in the wake of the conclusion to her eight month long Ultron-X saga, that time is upon us once again.


LJ presents:

Written and directed by LJ
Novelisation by SF

Quickdraw, Ironclad, Sunburst and Shield Maiden should have had every reason to smile. Thanks to them, the dreaded Ultron-X had been defeated and the world spared an eternity under the crazed synthezoid’s control. The Avengers and Justice League had been liberated, as had the citizens of Super Hero City. With Ultron-X reduced to a single, noxious microchip and the rest of the super villains locked within Arkham Asylum, the girls and their famous fathers - the Flash, Iron Man, Superman and Captain America - should have been able to celebrate.

Instead, their world was falling apart.

The dark future - kept secret, by the four older heroes, for almost two decades - was now a matter of public record amongst the Avengers and Justice League. The revelation that the four men had known of the impending threat, and yet refused to disclose it to their allies, had fractured the two teams. Many of the “visiting” heroes, such as the Green Lantern Corps and the Heroes for Hire, had already left - and done so on very bad terms. Batman was incensed, meanwhile, furious that the men he had trusted above all others would “betray” him so badly, and for so long.

“We did what we thought was best,” Iron Man countered, “and we based our decision on wanting to help everyone. We thought we could prevent that future from happening and everything we’ve done - all of our best efforts - were directed toward that goal.”

Batman’s response was savage. “Listen to yourself! ‘We’. ‘Our’. It’s all about the four of you, holding secret meetings to plot and plan, keeping the rest of us out of the loop. I was convinced to work with you, to pool our resources for the betterment of everyone. I should never have trusted any of you!”

The Dark Knight’s fury was shared by many within Hero Headquarters - and by those on the streets of Super Hero City. When Black Widow and Hawkeye ventured outside to help with disaster relief, they were pelted with cans and rotten tomatoes by angry citizens. “The last thing we saw before Ultron-X zapped us,” snarled J Jonah Jameson, ever the voice of discontent, “was you and your jumped-up yahoo friends beating each other to pulp! You say you’re here to help us but, when we needed you most, you were too busy with your super civil war! Heroes? Pah!”

Unhappiness rippled through the young heroes’ world. Torunn announced she was leaving for Asgard, wanting to spend time with her mother and grandfather. The girls begged her to stay but she shook her head. “When it fell to me to defend the four of you, I failed,” she whispered. “I am no warrior… I am unfit to be amongst heroes such as yourselves. I will resume my training and, once I am worthy of such an honour, I shall return to your side.”

Damien, known to the world as Robin the Boy Wonder, had also decided to leave. Though he had shown immense bravery in battle - enough to prove him deserving of the Mantle of the Bat - he was still only 10 years old. Fighting his corrupted parents, at the same age his own father had lost his parents, and then being mind-controlled had scarred him emotionally. Once supremely overconfident, he couldn’t bring himself to speak to, nor approach the girls. Damien’s mother, Wonder Woman, had arranged for them to return to Themyscira. Like the girls, Batman was unhappy with the decision, but his wife insisted it was the right call. “Remember how I felt when we believed the League had died?” she asked. “Damien faces that crucible now, and my first duty is to help my son heal.”

The girls hugged the silent, sullen, detached Damien goodbye, and watched as he and Wonder Woman departed in the Batwing. Moments later, Batman leaped aboard the Batmobile and revved the engine. The girls were shocked that he would leave. “I will never abandon my duty to this city,” he corrected coldly. “As Shield Maiden knows, I have other lairs dotted around the city. And from now on, I work alone.”

“I don’t understand it,” Shield Maiden whispered as the Batmobile roared away. “We won, right? So why is all of this happening?”

There was more pain to come. In the laboratory, the girls found Firestorm, Iron Man and the Wakandan Avengers tending to Cyborg. The first of Ultron-X’s victims, Cyborg had been cruelly experimented upon for more than 10 years. Even with the pooled genius of Tony Stark, T’Challa and Hank Pym, it was unclear how much of Victor Stone could be salvaged.

“We will take him to Wakanda for treatment,” T’Challa, the Black Panther, announced. “Our science is far more advanced than what is available here…” he glared at Iron Man… “and our methods are beyond reproach.”

Vision stepped forward. “I cannot join you,” he said. “My place… my heart… is here, in Super Hero City, with the Scarlet Witch. I love her, and more - I have always loved her, from the moment I learned it was she who convinced the Avengers to rebuild me. In a very real way, I owe my life to her. And I have denied my feelings for too long. I am sorry, my king.”

Wasp and Ant-Man embraced their “grandson” while Black Panther placed a steadying hand on the synthezoid’s shoulder. “That love would blossom from such adversity is the first truly good news to arise from this debacle,” he said. “Vision, I release you from your obligation to me and to the people of Wakanda. Go in peace, knowing your love has been blessed by the Black Panther.”

B’wana Beast playfully punched Vision in the shoulder. “Gonna miss ya, tin man,” he grinned, “but this does pose another problem: we’re one Avenger down.”

Firestorm lifted his head. “No you’re not,” he said, “if you’ll have me, that is. Vic is my best friend, and I didn’t even realise he’d been turned into Ultron-X’s puppet. I was too blind to help him before, so I’m going to make certain I’m around when he needs me. Besides…” He, too, scowled at Iron Man. “There’s nothing for me here anyway.”

Others felt the same. Mary Jane Watson-Parker had long shouldered the responsibility of being a super hero’s wife, and had learned to cope with being the mother of another super hero. In the wake of Ultron-X’s rampage, she wanted her husband and daughter - aka Spider-Man and Spider-Girl - to take a much-needed break from their own responsibilities. She’d won a modelling contract that could take them all overseas for an extended period, but Spider-Girl was reluctant. She did not want to leave her boyfriend, Aqualad, behind while he grappled with the fall-out of battling his own father, Aquaman.

Unsurprisingly, the deep and sensitive Aqualad had already figured this out. He took his girlfriend by the hands and urged her to go with her mother. “Ultron-X dragged the darkest parts of our friends out into the light, and everything they said was based on some ugly truth they keep deep inside,” he reasoned. “Though he was out of his mind, my father was right: I do need to focus on Atlantis for a while.” He smiled. “And if you’re travelling the world, it’ll be easier for me to swim to your side for date nights in exotic locations.” More than a little grateful, Spider-Girl agreed to his plan.

Spider-Man had withdrawn emotionally and physically, spending all his time atop the mansion’s tallest tower in silent angst. Spidey’s distance greatly worried his guilt-stricken clone “brother”, the Scarlet Spider. While under Ultron-X’s control, he had said horrific things to his family. MJ and Spider-Girl had forgiven him instantly, chalking the entire experience up to “the super hero lifestyle” but Spidey had not spoken to him since their liberation.

“I’m not angry with you, Ben, I’m angry with myself,” Spidey finally explained. “I was the one who came up with the idea of gathering a heroic army to face down looming danger. I sent you out to round everyone up, and what happened? I all but handed Ultron-X the soldiers it needed to take over the world. That’s all on me, it’s my responsibility, and Peter Parker can’t leave this city while Spider-Man has amends to make.” He sighed. “MJ and May will just have to go without me.”

Inspiration struck the Scarlet Spider. “Maybe Peter Parker can leave while Spider-Man attends to his responsibilities,” he said brightly. “I have an idea.”

Downstairs, in the mansion’s garden, Magneto was proposing an idea of his own. “At Quickdraw’s recommendation, SHIELD has given Villainville to me as compensation for my help against Ultron-X,” he told his daughter, the Scarlet Witch. “I’ve no intention of reverting to my old ways. I want to create a safe haven for mutants and outsiders who have been shunned by human society. We will start our own city, free of prejudice.” Wanda was surprised by that. “Thanks to the young heroes I, like Ultron-X, have at last seen the value of the human race,” Magneto said. “I seek now to evolve its attitudes, and I would very much like you and Vision to come live in my city and assist me.”

Scarlet Witch was unsure, but Vision was supportive of the idea - if only so they could keep an eye on Magneto’s supposed rehabilitation. Another hero raised his voice in support. “Got room for one more?” Deadpool asked. “I know I can be annoying, and I know you’ll likely say ‘no’, but if you’re looking for shunned outsiders you really can’t go past me.” His tone darkened. “And to be honest, I can’t go back to being locked under the stairs by the guy who kept an impending apocalypse from all of us. I’ve been trying really, really hard to do this hero thing and, if I stay here, I’m pretty sure I’m going to do something drastic that we’ll all regret.”

Magneto keenly understood Deadpool’s inner turmoil and welcomed him to join them. “Great,” the merc said, snapping back into his usual loopy state and throwing an arm across Magneto’s broad shoulders. “Now, let’s talk founding citizens. I know this dame in Arkham Asylum who’s done wonders changing her ways, and she’s got this friend who’ll grow you such a veggie patch, we’ll never want for fresh produce ever again…”

A short time later, everyone gathered in the garden to say goodbye. Captain America, Iron Man, Superman and Flash hung back as the Wakandan Avengers loaded Cyborg aboard their Quinjet. Black Panther thanked Shield Maiden, Ironclad, Sunburst and Quickdraw for their heroism, vowing they would “always have a place in Wakanda”.

Magneto and his group were the next to leave; Deadpool cried but assured the girls this was the best decision for him. There was a tense moment as Magneto said goodbye to Quickdraw, and Scarlet Witch glared at them - not all wounds were so easily healed.

“Lunatics,” Wolverine growled. “You’re all a bunch of lunatics! Giving Magneto control of a city is like giving matches to an irresponsible kid - any second now, he’s going to burn everything down.” The feral mutant stalked out of the main gate. “I’m done with you idiots,” he snarled. “You didn’t listen to me last time and you’re not listening now, so don’t come crying to me when all of this forgiveness garbage blows up in your faces!”

The heroes were surprised to see Peter Parker, dressed in his normal clothes and lugging a suitcase, alongside Mary Jane and May. “The girls are right, I need a change of scenery,” he said. “I’ve taken a leave of absence from the Hero Times… Jonah’s quite happy about not having to pay me… but don’t worry: I’m not leaving you without a Spider-Man.” He pointed to the sky and, with a whirl of webs, the Sensational Spider-Man swung onto the scene! Beneath the new, stylish costume was the erstwhile Scarlet Spider, aka Ben Reilly - the torch had been passed, brother to brother.

The Parkers left, and an awkward silence fell over the garden. Iron Man started to say something, only for Thor to silence him.

“Tony, we have had… discussions,” he said firmly. “It is our feeling the people of Midgard will not place their faith in Avengers led by you and the Captain. Though you did not rob the city of its technology, you rendered it vulnerable through your hubris, your secrecy and your refusal to entrust the rest of us with your knowledge.” He narrowed his eyes. “Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and myself have voted you and Captain America out of the Avengers.”

Iron Man balked. “But---“

“Thou art fired!” Thor snapped, his voice causing a pearl of thunder to boom over the horizon. “There will be neither protest nor appeal. The decision has been made and, by the one eye of my father, you will respect it!” He pointed, with Mjolnir, to the heroes behind him. “From these ashes doth arise a team of New Avengers. Hawkeye, Hulk, Black Widow and I shall remain on duty. Dr Strange has agreed to join us, as has Silver Surfer.”

“I will not,” the Surfer intoned, “let another cosmic threat pass me by.”

“We would have the Man of Spiders join us, if he be willing,” Thor continued.

“Whoa,” the newly-minted Spidey breathed. “You want me as an Avenger right out of the gate? Instant membership into a team feared and hated by the public at large and by J Jonah Jameson especially? Gee, how could I say no to that?” He facepalmed. “Good old Parker luck.”

“Then we are seven,” Thor nodded. “Tis a good and righteous number.” He turned to Iron Man. “The chip containing the last remnants of Ultron-X shall be transported to Asgard, where it will be locked in Odin's treasure room. The creature will not vex Migard again with its infernal technology kept well away from mortal hands. You and your… cabal… are welcome to continue living in the mansion and pursue whatever activities you wish. But the four of you will not be called upon, by us, to battle evil or undertake missions. Living arrangements aside, thou art no longer affiliated with us.”

Captain America stepped forward as Iron Man sagged. “We understand,” the sentinel of liberty said.

The New Avengers left the garden and went inside. Captain America led Iron Man back to Superman and Flash before they departed for the laboratory. Quickdraw and her friends watched the entire, mournful scene in mute shock, tears welling in their eyes.

“But we won,” Shield Maiden wept. “We won, dammit!”

Peggy Carter did not know it, but her anguish had an echo in Super Hero City. As one final crack splintered the ranks of the Avengers, the city’s long-serving Mayor took the stage to address a press conference. His mood was grim and his face was like stone; he was an altogether different man than the one who had happily, brightly, enthusiastically led the people through crisis after crisis.

He managed to say “my fellow citizens” before his voice caught in his throat. “I’m not here to make a speech,” he croaked sadly. “I’m here today to apologise to you all. And to announce that, effective immediately, I am resigning as your Mayor.”

-----TO BE CONTINUED!-----

Greet the Fire as Your Friend,
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