Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 5: Permanently Frozen

Dec 15, 2010 12:00

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Comments 4872

Flemeth/Loghain anonymous October 27 2011, 17:58:22 UTC
Random plot bunny spawn - Morrigan is the child of Flemeth and Loghain, fathered when Loghain and Maric encountered the witch in events near the beginning of The Stolen Throne. Loghain doesn't remember sleeping with Flemeth because she removed his memories of it afterwards.

Did she trick him into sleeping with her? Seduce him? Drug him? Young-i-fy herself first, somehow disguise herself as another person (shapeshifting), what?


Re: Flemeth/Loghain anonymous October 27 2011, 21:19:02 UTC
This idea is amazing.


Alistair/Anders: Anders is afraid of almost!Templar!Alistair, Alistair reassures him anonymous October 28 2011, 01:56:26 UTC
The pairing alone is enough of a prompt and a kink for me, because I've never seen it and it would be so hot. BUT, just to make a real prompt:

Alistair (Warden, King, or wandering drunk, your choice) comes to Vigil's Keep. He and Anders hit it off and get on smashingly - until Anders discovers that Alistair was almost a Templar and still has all the Templar talents.

Frightened, Anders runs off and tries to hide from/avoid Alistair. Maybe he even runs away from the Keep altogether. But Alistair isn't having it, and hunts Anders down and shows him he has nothing to fear unless that's how he likes it.


Re: Alistair/Anders: Anders is afraid of almost!Templar!Alistair, Alistair reassures him anonymous October 28 2011, 06:31:49 UTC
Mmm, tempting this. I love a bashful Anders (for lack of a better word.) Anon's been away for too long and has a lot of catching up to do. Shall add this to the queue and see if it, along with another Awakenings play-through, prompt anything.


Re: Alistair/Anders: Anders is afraid of almost!Templar!Alistair, Alistair reassures him anonymous October 29 2011, 02:31:55 UTC
OP also loves "bashful" Anders and is thrilled that you're possibly interested. Thank you for considering the prompt. :)


Re: Alistair/Anders: Anders is afraid of almost!Templar!Alistair, Alistair reassures him anonymous October 31 2011, 10:59:51 UTC
Anon just realized she should warn the OP that she doesn't post until the story is done, because one of A!A's pet peeves is stories that are trucking along great...and then haven't updated for a year and a half. Thankfully, they've given me 10 pages already. They're just not being incredibly sexy about it (working on the BFF factor more). Maybe as the story winds down. Or maybe a second "chapter" for later down the road. Shall have to see.

Dear captcha: How in the blazes am I supposed to type in a SIDEWAYS 2? WTF?


Corff/anybody, "Speed Griffon" anonymous October 28 2011, 06:46:21 UTC
There's a background conversation at the Hanged Man where a patron is making fun of Corff's griffiction. I hate people reading over my shoulder when I write, but I really want to know what kind of tale our most beleaguered bartender is spinning. What is a "speed griffon"?

Bonus if it's every bit as silly and self-indulgent as it sounds. Make me smile, anons.


The Adventures of Warden Korof and Xerxes anonymous October 30 2011, 22:11:54 UTC
”Nobody can ride Xerxes. He’s the fastest griffin in the stables, and also the wildest.” Crusty old Warden Malach gave the young but strangely mature recruit a slap on the back. “Better pick another one, Korof, my boy.”

But Korof only narrowed his piercing blue eyes and rolled up his sleeves over his manly biceps. He was meant to ride a speed griffin and he knew it. Xerxes was his destiny.

He had led a hard life in the Lowtown slums of Kirkwall, before Malach had discovered him serving tepid ale in a filthy little tavern of no account. He knew that the youth had seen all manner of back alley fights and knew his way around a broken blade, and had invited him to join the Wardens. Korof had accepted, of course, the nobility of the Grey Wardens’ mission calling to a heart of gold he hid beneath his gruff, street-smart exterior.

The beautiful and deadly sex goddess/pirate queen who frequently kicked the ass of troublemakers in the GLORIOUSLY filthy tavern was sad to see him go, because he was actually kind of cute and more to the ( ... )


Re: The Adventures of Warden Korof and Xerxes dragonage_kink October 31 2011, 00:35:38 UTC
...do you want me to delete this?


Re: The Adventures of Warden Korof and Xerxes anonymous October 31 2011, 00:44:54 UTC
*head tilt* Because it's in the wrong part of the meme? If you think that's best, go ahead.

If you mean because of the "rough outline," no, that's part of the fill. Fun as this was, I have other, smuttier things to get up, but I thought the sweeping contours of Corff's masterwork deserved a mention. ;)


Zevran's Whore Training anonymous October 28 2011, 14:22:45 UTC
The Antivan Crows are known to be the best assassins. They are also known for their sexual training in order to get close to a mark.

This OP would has read a number of interesting takes on how crow assassin training goes, however, there is nearly nothing around for their whore training.


OP would like to see how Zevran got his other skill set.

(please go all out, OP has very very very few squeeks - and very many kinks. i believe my list of kinks can rival the original OP post for Reverse-Cowgirl Diplomacy ...yams have a wonderful shape after all - and the only request i have is that it not be all angst - some angst is ok, just make it better somehow later)


Re: Zevran's Whore Training anonymous October 28 2011, 14:23:27 UTC
*sighs* html fail. >


Re: Zevran's Whore Training anonymous October 28 2011, 17:59:34 UTC
Zevran says that he 'picked up techniques' for Antivan massage when he was still in the whorehouse. The Crows bought him when he was seven.
And I think most of us would agree that the Crows were not any better and that they probably didn't wait till he was 16 before they started this training.
Which is why you will not find it on kmeme.


Re: Zevran's Whore Training anonymous October 28 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
I can't speak for the OP, but given this is all fanfic, one assumes an a!a has leave to start Zev's training whenever they please.


Ghoul!M!Amell/Misc Templar corruption. anonymous October 28 2011, 17:52:32 UTC
Amell escaped when Jowan did, they ran together until still being able to be tracked Jowan split from him taking everything including his staff leaving Amell alone in the wild world with only his magic.

He decides to make his way down to Ostagar to join the wardens, during the way he encounters darkspawn attacking a group of warriors. Amell helps but is then taken by the darkspawn where he is exposed to the taint, he becomes the groups emissary transforming into a powerful ghoul and later actual darkspawn.

Templars after getting the tower back from the demons begin to search for him, they find him and he sends darkspawn to capture them.

-The transformation, including his slow break down to allow the Archdemon to control him.

Non-con with one of the templars sent to find him, where he is extremely sadistic. (bloodplay and knifeplay would be great)


The Corrupt. anonymous July 31 2012, 01:11:36 UTC
I've only done the part with the Templar and Amell. But here's hoping someone will enjoy it ( ... )


The corrupt, part 2. anonymous August 1 2012, 10:08:44 UTC
The next part, written quickly. There should be two more parts to come after this ( ... )


Re: The corrupt, part 2. anonymous August 15 2012, 08:38:49 UTC
please , please go on!


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