Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 5: Permanently Frozen

Dec 15, 2010 12:00

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Comments 4872

On Borrowed Time anonymous October 26 2011, 15:31:18 UTC
While Morrigan's ritual prevented instant death, there are other ramifications. Not too long after the confrontation with the Mother, the Warden realised her taint was spreading twice, thrice as fast. Her dreams are more frequent and intense, visions and whispers of the darkspawn plague her when she is awake and most of all she begins to truly understand them. The darkspawn soon begin to hunt her, but she eventually realises they are drawn in by her song, desperately seeking leadership, willing to obey her commands. In time she finds herself drawn to their needs as well.

Will she answer their call or will she use her newfound curse to the Wardens' advantage? How will her friends deal with it?

Preferences: Mahariel or m!Surana, LI Alistair and/or Zevran, default names
Squicks: bodily waste, extreme s&m, non-con


Re: On Borrowed Time anonymous March 3 2012, 07:29:33 UTC
Wow, I've never seen or considered this as a possible side-effect of the Dark Ritual, but this makes a terrifying amount of sense. Seconded!


Non-Warden F!Cousland, Alistair/Zevran anonymous October 26 2011, 17:32:58 UTC
F!Cousland is not the Hero of Ferelden, she survived the attack of Castle Cousland but hid for the rest of the Blight, until she was reunited with Fergus after Howe's death. A Warden from another origin became the Hero, and Alistair has just become king. Eamon thinks it would be a great idea to marry him off to the Cousland girl. She agrees to the marriage, and is okay with the idea of marrying a stranger, until she hears rumors that the king has an Antivan elven assassin as a lover (perhaps a bitter Anora clues her in). Cousland, who was sheltered and innocent before her family was killed, is upset, and wants to call off the wedding, until Zevran introduces himself, and makes her see the upside of this arrangement. Sexily.

No squicks, would love it if this turned into Cousland/Alistair/Zevran action. Bonus for a wedding night threesome.


Re: Non-Warden F!Cousland, Alistair/Zevran anonymous October 27 2011, 01:34:56 UTC
Totally seconded!


Zevran/M!Warden Zevran/Alistair M!Warden/Zevran/ Alistair anonymous October 26 2011, 17:53:50 UTC
Zevran offers himself to the warden, who is only too happy to take him up on the offer. However, as Zevran realises he is falling for the warden he panics and backs off, leaving the warden confused and hurt.

Alistair is feeling bad after meeting his sister, and having revealed that he is a bastard prince. So he gets drunk, and Zevran gets drunk. They end up in bed together.

When the warden finds out, he is really angry with Zevran, maybe even to the point of violence. Alistair is also angry with Zevran, feeling like the elf took advantage of him and stole his virginity whilst he was drunk. To make things all better again, Zevran hands himself over to them to do as they wish to him. Basically, becoming their shared sex slave/toy.

Sorry for the long prompt, I have been having a rubbish time of it and need something special to cheer me up. This feels pretty special to me. ;)


"Catgut" 1/X (Zvn/M!Srna, Zvn/Alstr, M!Srna/Zvrn/Alstr - threesome, slash, sub/dom) anonymous November 26 2011, 18:51:28 UTC
There were very few people Zevran would have allowed to seize his leather armor and rattle him around in it like a dry bean in a barrel. At least his throat had not been seized, because at this point he might have gladly perished and then, oh dear, that would have been the end of him, wouldn't it? Not that this end wasn't long-coming, mind. Just he'd rather die for something a little more glorious than 'lover's spat' or 'jealous rage' or to whatever degree of over-blown ridiculousness the Warden was willing to take the ordeal. About the time sparks started to etch and sizzle through his breastplate's silverite trimming did Zevran pry Aen's skinny fingers away.

"You," Aen continued to strangle and shake the empty air between them, molten mana dripping from his palms.

Zevran stepped back, brushing down his front just in case. "I?"

"You, you, you-!"

Zevran scratched the back of his neck idly, peering at the far wall for clues to a resolution. Any resolution. Mierda, these Fereldens and their ridiculous stigmas about sexual ( ... )


Re: "Catgut" 1/X (Zvn/M!Srna, Zvn/Alstr, M!Srna/Zvrn/Alstr - threesome, slash, sub/dom) anonymous November 27 2011, 22:54:13 UTC
Interesting beginning, and your warden is kinda silly. I hope i will get to read more soon A!A. Meanwhile i'm bookmarking this!


Re: "Catgut" 1/X (Zvn/M!Srna, Zvn/Alstr, M!Srna/Zvrn/Alstr - threesome, slash, sub/dom) anonymous November 28 2011, 08:38:41 UTC
*Claps* Oh yes. Readies the F5 key.


F!Amell birthday party, F!Amell/Any anonymous October 27 2011, 04:03:20 UTC
So, I'm about to turn 21, and it made me think: a Grey Warden party must be pretty damn fun.

I'd love to see Solona (or whichever name you'd like) Amell's birthday during her time in Amaranthine. Every other detail is up to a!a. Just a cute gen fic, have Anders as the LI, or Nate (or Anders AND Nate!?), have Alistair or Zevran show up, have Oghren out-drink everyone...

Just give me the Wardens having fun and being a family and not worrying about Darkspawn! I'd love to read a fill with any warden, but I definitely have a STRONG preference for Female Amell (she might know her birthday because she was nobility/not taken until she was slightly older? I dunno, go with it.)


Re: F!Amell birthday party, F!Amell/Any anonymous October 27 2011, 13:08:06 UTC
This prompt makes me feel old....


Re: F!Amell birthday party, F!Amell/Any anonymous November 7 2012, 06:52:52 UTC
Judging by the date, you had your 22nd b-day already. Hope the last one was fun. So, I'm going to fill this prompt. Expect something by Friday.


Alistair/Anora anonymous October 27 2011, 11:18:05 UTC
Alistair and Anora have been (mostly) happily married for some time now, but old memories die hard, and Alistair *is* her dead husband's brother. So at the end of a particularly stressful day (possibly around the aniversary of Ostagar), Anora calls him Cailan while having sex. Cue to some hurt/angry sex where Alistair wants to make sure that she knows who she's having sex with or sex where Anora convinces him that while she misses Cailan, she loves him and knows who she's with. Or, preferably, BOTH.

BONUS points if they address the Cailan issues afterward, in a somewhat of a comforting/mutual assurances of love talk. BONUS BONUS points if that leads to comfort sex.

In conclusion: Anora and Alistair should have more sex.


Seconded! anonymous October 28 2011, 00:53:45 UTC
THIS, yes.


Re: Alistair/Anora anonymous November 19 2011, 17:31:58 UTC
I'm working on this. Hope you like ANGST. :)


Re: Alistair/Anora anonymous November 28 2011, 03:37:27 UTC
OP here, OH GOD, I LOVE ANGST SO MUCH! <3 *waits anxiously*


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