Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 5: Permanently Frozen

Dec 15, 2010 12:00

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The Corrupt. anonymous July 31 2012, 01:11:36 UTC
I've only done the part with the Templar and Amell. But here's hoping someone will enjoy it.

Derek groaned as he awoke, the pain in the back of his head spiked as he moved it. The other templars that had been in his group to apprehend the mage Amell where tied up. He remembered the oldest and most experienced of the group moving to take the mage, when Amell turned to show he had transformed.

Not a demon, Derek remembered. A ghoul, the mage had risen his arms then darkspawn had attacked but not killing any of them. He heard a noise of snarling and he looked up to see darkspawn near him, there were humans and elves held captive as the foul creatures were what looked like to him. Making camp. At the distance, Amell was infront of some of the smaller darkspawn and then they were off. Scouts.

Amell's handsome face was partly covered by the strange skin that all darkspawn had, he had straps that went across his face to hold up the headdress Derek had seen the mage darkspawn wear. Black eyes looked up to see Derek looking causing Amell's lip to curl up displaying fangs. He gasped struggingly to move back as the mage moved towards him, "afraid of me, templar?" Amell rasped as he crouched to his level. Voice coming nearly a growl and not the smooth voice he spoke before.

"N-no" Derek managed to say, looking over at the other templars. Daylen only smiled thinly at him, his fangs easily seen through his open lips. "They'll tainted aren't they?" he asked and saw Daylen's smile widen before he gave a small nod in answer to his question. A clawed hand reached out touching the cut on Derek's cheek.

"Ser Derek, your tainted too" Daylen mocked, "do you feel it coursing through your veins?" the ghoul hissed and the Templar yelled out in pain as Daylen's claws dug into his face. Opening his eyes again he saw Daylen looking at him, his head cocked to the side as the mage studied his reaction. Black eyes stared in his own blue eyes before he turned away growling towards two of the darkspawn who walked towards the both of them. Daylen gave him one last look before he stood moving from him. The last he saw was the mage's retreating back.


The corrupt, part 2. anonymous August 1 2012, 10:08:44 UTC
The next part, written quickly. There should be two more parts to come after this.

Daylen twitched claws against the wooden banister. his strength snapped it and pain moved through his fingers, bringing his hands up he saw sprinters and blood. Tainted, darkspawn blood. He groaned palms against his eyes as he attempted to gain control of himself. Only the cool reassures of the Archdemon remained in his mind, promising him protection from demons.

A snarl escaped his lips mana surging as he threw out his hand, a small fireball emerged destroying a table perched in the corner. His mind easily slipping back into serving the Archdemon. Coolly watching as the captives were brought into the house, some were more ghoullish then others. The templars baring one was killed on his request and he watched him struggling as he entered the house. He looked to one of the Darkspawn, a soft growl forming in his throat. They both changed course dragging the templar up the stairs as towards him.

The templar spat as soon as he was placed at his feet, two hurlocks were restraining him. Daylen responded snapping his teeth shut in anger as he snarled. Tousing his head he moved into one of the rooms hearing the two drag the man into the room, "leave!" he rasped and they left. Turning to the restrained man Daylen moved towards him, only to pace side to side as he kept his eye on the templar. His master told him to kill, but he didn't want to.

Ser Derek had been kind to him, as well as Cullen. Both had, but the one before him even more. The voice in his head told him to kill kill kill but not now. Not for a while Daylen turned from the Templar giving it to their surroundings. The room was the former owner's bedroom. Keepsakes that meant nothing to the darkspawn were scattered around the room, thrown around as the humans attempted to escape the horde.
They would fall soon Daylen thought a one sided smirk on his lips as he thought of his master taking Ferelden from the others. "I would normally ask a copper for your thoughts, but I'm guessing it's bad for us" Derek told him with a scowl, a hiss escaped Daylen's mouth and the Templar's head snapped to the side a set of new claw marks carved into his cheek. Daylen's own hand throbbed from the strike and there was blood underneath his fingernails.

"You would never raise a hand before" Derek told him, as he turned to face the ghoul once again. The marks bled and Daylen felt the sudden urge to consume the red life essence coming from the wounds, he moved forward catching the Templar's chin in his hand his claws biting into the man's flesh.


Re: The corrupt, part 2. anonymous August 15 2012, 08:38:49 UTC
please , please go on!


Re: The corrupt, part 2. anonymous August 16 2012, 06:28:56 UTC
please for my part too!


Re: The corrupt, part 3. anonymous August 19 2012, 13:51:13 UTC
Amell had moved forward, the daggers serving as his headdress clinked together as the ghoul stared at him. A look in his eyes, Derek felt revusion when he felt his head turned to the side and a tongue snaking it's way up his cheek. Amell moved back, Derek's still red blood on his lips. A tongue, to odd to be human found it's way out as Amell licked his lower lip savouring it's taste.

The mage ghoul's strength easily lifted him from the ground, pushing him backwards. Fear went through his body when the back of his legs caught the bed, a smirk on the mage's lips and he was pushed backwards. His armor had been removed, and he had seen darkspawn wear it. Hands were pulled up over his head and he felt magic and cold, he twisted moving attempting to move the mage from him.

The ghoul stayed, his hands frozen and with a purr of contentment Amell moved down to settle between his legs staring at him as he slipped something from his boot. Derek stiffened when he saw a flash of metal. He shouted as he felt the knife against his flesh, digging. A laugh from the mage above him, a flash of something in those black eyes as the shirt he is wearing is cut away.

"Scream all you want" Amell told him as the knife was abandoned in favour of claws digging into his flesh, the mage's mouth soon followed his nails. A twisted mockery of a lover's touch as Derek felt the sharp teeth bite into his flesh, he wouldn't scream as he threw his head back shutting his eyes. Wouldn't give the creature above him anything.

When the mage had lifted his head from his flesh, Derek's blood covered his chin to match Amell's firey wild red hair. The Templar forced himself to look, raising his head he saw scratches and bite wounds covering his torso. He panted in both pain and a growing desire. Derek began to whisper the chant in an attempt to ignore that something was trying to interwine with his thoughts.

A hand grabbed his chin, Amell's sharp claws digging into his flesh as a mouth crashed onto his. Derek's blood covered the mage's lips and he tried to wench his head to the side, to get away. A hiss and his lower lip was bitten, as he cried out a tongue slid into his mouth searching for his own.

He tasted blood and lyrium. A hand grabbed his hair as Amell deepened the kiss and Derek was forced to taste his own blood and when the lips left his he gagged and coughed swallowing the bile raising. "You're sick" he managed to cough out and Amell grinned showing bloodied fangs to him.

"But your enjoying this" Amell told him and his breathing stilled when he felt a hand between his legs touching him. "I feel you against me" the mage rasped at him testing as he trusted forward against him, Derek felt it and he jerked back in an attempt to get away from the ghoul. He didn't want this, he was a Templar. Hands moved against his stomach stopping from moving as Amell began to thrust against him, he moaned involuntary at the feel. He didn't want this..


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