Dragancaor.net Asylum Challenge - Pt 3

Mar 26, 2008 01:22

Language Warning! This is written from the point of view of one of the patients & there will be swearing.
You have been warned =)

Part 1 - Pleasant Acres Asylum
Part 2 - Nina Sux

Pleasant Acres Asylum


I’ve decided I hate gardening. I really hate it. Not only does it take away precious hours of my day but it’s a constant battle to keep the stupid fucking things alive. There’s either weeds or bugs or something that needs attending to and then there’s the matter of remembering to water them. Gah! I’m determined to show my psych that I’m not all about the work stuff and that I’m making an effort on general… well lets face it it’s crap. Gardening is fucked and I don’t intend to do any more of it unless I’m forced.

Notu’s not been himself lately. He’s been missing pushing people on the tyre swing. It’s really not like him. …I just realised how ironic that is. Notu is not himself. Not-you.
I think I need to get out more.

Oh! I finally got the time yesterday to relax! Actually relax without having to worry about work or visitors being nutjobs or undercover nurses with medication. To make things better, the bathroom was free!! So I treated myself to a nice hot bath full of bubbles. It felt great!

I have work in the morning so it’s lights out for me. Thankfully there’s a mutual agreement to not wake people up in the bedroom unless its an emergency. Sleeping on the sofa is another story, but the beds - if you manage to get one - are a guaranteed sleep.

- Draganin


Bloodflesh gets rather a number of calls from Dina...

Yet when she visits, she's all over Cactus Joe


Bloody hell!
I guess it had to happen sometime considering the way things were going, but that’s not the point! Nina was over today.

Someone decided that drawing on the walls would be a good idea considering that Parthon has been hogging the easel. So now it seems to have become the done thing. Hatefueled has taken the opportunity to make her views of Nina all the more obvious. She's written "Nina sux" & "Nina is a whore" on the walls in the main room. She went to a lot of effort with the whore comment, she tried to make it look pretty with curly, calligraphic ends to the letters. Anyway, Nina saw them & wasn't impressed.

So Nina slapped Hatefueled. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth - words like bitch & whore, slut & tramp were used over & over. I'm yet to see Hatefueled not rise to a challenge and so Nina copped a slap in reply for her troubles. I don't know what the actual trigger was, I was trying to get the dishes sorted, but Nina lunged for Hatefueled.

So there they were, asylum patient and supposedly-sane-outsider, belting the living shit out of each other in the common room, between the radio & the chess table. I wasn't surprised at the outcome. But the moment Hatefueled had stalked off to the bedroom, Nina started on Cactus Joe. Delicate though he's been of late, he still found it in himself to shove her back.

I told her to leave.

- Draganin.



With winter comes snow, and with snow comes this unyeilding need to go and play in it. I can't say I really understand that. Its cold, hard, wet, hurts when you get smacked in the head with it & annoying when someone demolishes the sculpture you've spent the day working on.

Nevertheless, from the moment they could get outside in it they have been.

Before the snow was deep enough to do much with, they were having water balloon fights out there. Waterballons. its -10 degrees and they are throwing thin rubber sacks full of cold water at each other to make them burst & getting drenched. Apparently they are practicing for when there is enough snow for snowball fights.

This morning the snow was 40cm deep. But they are too distracted with the building of variously decorated snowmen to worry about building forts and making teams. The water balloon fights have stopped & the snowball war is yet to begin. Right now, there are so many snowmen out there it looks like a scene from a Bill Watterson comic.

The imagination is high enough to suit one of Watterson's comics too. Cactus Joe & Hatefueled are both convinced they saw a penguin waltz through the common room. Apparently it let itself in the front door & then left via the back door. Parthon was there at the time they reckon it happened the first time, but he didn't see a thing. Hatefueled reckons he was concentrating too hard on not letting anyone else use the easel. But Cactus Joe says he's seen it twice now. I'm very tempted to only eat at work at this point.

- Draganin


You were out there in THAT?!

Bathrooms; the universal D&M location


Yes, Parthon, you have the easel again.

Clontarf_X faces the ultimate battle of self - Ninja? or Pirate?


I came home from work today to find the kitchen on fire.

Sure enough, they are all running around in circles in the kitchen screaming and carrying on but not actually doing anything about it. The microwave, the cabinet, the floor - all flaming. I grabbed the phone and called emergency, and then grabbed the nearby fire extinguisher. Instead of making herself useful though, Cassandra joined everyone else & just fucking panicked! What the fuck is up with that? Cassandra & I work together. How is it that she can live on the outside and have a job like she does & yet be unable to correctly act in a situation like that??

The fireys didnt take too long to get there either. We managed to get it under control after a while, but we need a new counter, cupboard, and mircrowave. I know I dont have to, but I gave him $100 as a thank you.

No one will admit to who started it.

Rather ruined a good day. I got a new job in the firm - I'm an Inventor, with a nice big salary increase too. So much for a celebratory dinner though. Everyone was too exhausted from their panic dances. It would be nice if, just once, someone other than me could deal with things like that. You know, pick up the fire extinguisher and fight the fire they started instead of screaming and carrying on until I get home.

Apparently the new gear will arrive tomorrow arvo. Meanwhile there's still the oven....

- Draganin



Click here for Asylum Challenge Rules


For those of you who are wondering why this post has been so long in coming; my 6 year old Blue Russian, Shadow, is really sick. You can read more at my website here.


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