IDW Thoughts II

Jul 23, 2016 08:11

I woke up at 3am with a sudden realization regarding a character in MTMTE and it kept me up for an hour as I thought about it. XD

As always, take me with a grain of salt. :P

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musings, transformers, transformers: mtmte

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Comments 2

anonymous August 21 2016, 13:36:28 UTC
Well, if that is indeed the case, Getaway is finding out that he has no control over said situation. I mean, making deals with a group that normally hates your people's guts? How do you know they're going to keep to the deal? Even if he wanted no harm to come to those he left behind, it doesn't matter if the person you've made the deal with decides they're not going to do it, for whatever reason.

And yes, I think the reason was a half-ass one, since Megatron had had no idea it was an organic planet they were helping. But even I admit the Galactic Council wouldn't have cared if they'd known that anyway. I do admit taking a grim sort of pleasure in imagining Getaway's face when he was told that the GC ship commander said he didn't remember promising Getaway anything, and why he didn't remember ( ... )


dracoqueen22 August 21 2016, 15:06:19 UTC
Yeah. Exactly. I mean yeah, Getaway probably didn't think anyone was else was going to get hurt in the process, but he couldn't be certain. He had to trust in the word of someone he doesn't know all that well, and trust that they would keep their end of the bargain. That's an awful lot of trust to put on other people when "innocent" lives are in the balance. It's also interesting because by doing so, if something does happen to those people, Getaway can go "Well, I never meant for them to be hurt." Good for you. What you never meant to happen still did. Hope you feel pretty good about yourself up on that high horse ( ... )


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