IDW Thoughts II

Jul 23, 2016 08:11

I woke up at 3am with a sudden realization regarding a character in MTMTE and it kept me up for an hour as I thought about it. XD

As always, take me with a grain of salt. :P

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musings, transformers, transformers: mtmte

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dracoqueen22 August 21 2016, 15:06:19 UTC
Yeah. Exactly. I mean yeah, Getaway probably didn't think anyone was else was going to get hurt in the process, but he couldn't be certain. He had to trust in the word of someone he doesn't know all that well, and trust that they would keep their end of the bargain. That's an awful lot of trust to put on other people when "innocent" lives are in the balance. It's also interesting because by doing so, if something does happen to those people, Getaway can go "Well, I never meant for them to be hurt." Good for you. What you never meant to happen still did. Hope you feel pretty good about yourself up on that high horse.

Oh yes. I'm looking forward to Getaway's reaction when he finds out that a) Skids died, b) the GC isn't as "altruistic" as he hoped, and c) other people (like Censerre) died too though I doubt he cares about Ravage. I wonder if he'll be at all remorseful, or if he'll hide behind a veil of "it had to be done" so he doesn't get swallowed by guilt.

Well, I don't necessarily agree that Megatron deserved worse as much as I understand why Getaway thinks that way. Because then you have to consider, what counts as worse, should we "do unto him" then and perpetuate this cycle of hate? Will it make everyone who died, everyone who survived, feel better if they subject Megatron to years of torture or execution? Will it heal any hurts? Not really. I'm sure it'll feel good at first, but then, it won't be enough. Megatron will never suffer enough. And by the time you're done punishing him for what he's done, you've BECOME him. But you can't do that. You have to be better. You have to learn to heal, which is what Rodimus' team, those basically exiled with Megatron, did. They learned to heal, to gradually accept, which for me makes it feel like they are the ones (as weird, and outlier, and messed up as they are) who are actually moving on/embracing the peace. They've learned what that actually means. (and I also think there's a tiny part of Rodimus who's thinking, if I can forgive Megatron, or learn to accept him, maybe someday I can forgive and learn to accept myself for the awful things I've done)

I have lots of Megatron feels. XD. I could write an essay on Megatron's growth from the pacifistic miner who desperately wanted change, to the maniacal warlord who wanted that change by any means possible, to the tired old man with cat who realized he's lost his way so terribly, and is still lost, and can't figure out if there's any way to save himself from drowning.


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