IDW Thoughts II

Jul 23, 2016 08:11

I woke up at 3am with a sudden realization regarding a character in MTMTE and it kept me up for an hour as I thought about it. XD

As always, take me with a grain of salt. :P

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the only person on The Lost Light who has no choice in being there is Megatron, right? All of the rest of the crew had the choice, after Overlord and Dark Cybertron, to not go with Rodimus again. Command is kind of shaky right now, but I'm pretty sure that the quest for the Knights of Cybertron under Rodimus' command has always been a voluntary quest.

Which brings me to my point: Getaway is the equivalent of a Tumblr SJW. Why? Lemme 'splain.

After Dark Cybertron, he could have had a choice to not go on the LL. He and everyone else who hated the idea of serving under Megatron. But instead, he chose to get back on the ship. Now. Maybe it was all some plan of Prowl's. I don't see why Getaway still makes himself follow Prowl, but it is what it is, if that's the case. If it's not, however, then what we have here is a classic case of people putting themselves in a situation they don't like and deciding that they are going to change it to the way they want it to be, even though they could have simply removed themselves from it.

Starscream is JUST as guilty as Megatron yet, you don't see Getaway and his cronies staying behind on Cybertron to work against Starscream, do you? You don't see them going with Optimus Prime to defend the world from Galvatron? Nope. They decided the LL was where they wanted to be, and because of that, they would just change what they wanted about it, harming people who were perfectly innocent and didn't deserve it in the process.

There were dozens of ships leftover on Cybertron. They could have found their way to any one of those and started off on their own quest. But they didn't. Probably because the LL is the best suited for this kind of adventure. It's much easier to mutiny and point fingers and place blame then it is to go and do your own thing and protect yourself, right?


So now I realize why the whole issue with Getaway got me pissed. Like yeah. I get it. Megatron is awful, he did a lot of things and it buuuuurns that he's basically getting off scott-free. Obviously, he should suffer a much worser fate (though then you get into the whole, does his suffering really fix anything? Does his death fix anything? Does it help? argument). But taking over a ship that was never yours to command in the first place when you could have just as easily (and more healthily) walked away is kind of what makes Getaway the SJW for me.

He's not really helping anyone but himself, no matter what it is he claims he's protecting.

And then I had a realization about Megatron. Like why is he happy as he is, on a ship surrounded by Autobots, still wracked with guilt, but moving forward.

And I'll bet it's because this, right here, is what he imagined his Decepticon revolution would be. The rose-tinted shades he gave it in the dark and quiet of his quarters when he still wrote things when no one was looking because a writer doesn't stop writing just because it didn't work the first time. They stop sharing, but they don't stop writing.

I imagined he thought his revolution would be him and his loyal friends and allies against the world, righting wrongs, proving that they mattered, that they belonged. Which is kind of what the Lost Light is doing on it's journey. So I'll bet that has something to do with his happiness. Just a thought. :)
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

musings, transformers, transformers: mtmte

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