Life with Snappers #6

Jun 14, 2012 00:10

Title: Home
Summary: Draco comes. Home. Draco comes home. That's what I meant. *looks shifty*
Rating: R
Genre: Humour, Romance
Warning(s): Slash
Pairing: Harry/Draco 
Word Count: 600 (approx.)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter universe, or the characters in it. This was written purely for fun, not profit.
A follow up to With Friends Like These
Authors Notes: Apologies for the delay, lovely readers. Moving is never fun. Not to mention the rotten case of writer's block I had to deal with. I seem to have had an involuntary smut-ectomy too. *Winces* So again, my apologies if the whole thing blows. :(

Draco apparated into his living room with a week’s worth of groceries.

“Harry?” the blond called cautiously. There was no answer, which made sense. Harry must be at work. Probably a good thing, because Draco would need a lot of time to rustle up a decent dinner. Harry always loved it when he cooked for him, even if he was pants at it. Draco felt his throat clench painfully. He hated fighting with Harry. He’d been living on Granger’s couch for about a week now and he missed the warmth of his boyfriend’s body at night.

And they’d fought over the stupidest thing. He hadn’t even been planning to flush that stupid lobster! And Harry had refused to hear him out and then he said things and then Draco said things…well, it didn’t matter anymore. He was going to fix this. He missed Harry way too much to…

Draco stopped his musing and frowned. Something was wrong. What…what was that noise? It was coming from the kitchen…

The noise suddenly became louder and Draco’s eyes widened as he realised what it was. He had heard it before- when he’d been trying to flush Snappers down the toilet.

A short, sharp chirping noise. The distress call of a Maine lobster.


Dropping his bags, he rushed into the kitchen. The sight in front of him wrenched a strangled cry from his throat.

That ginger beast of Hermione’s was in their kitchen, teeth bared in a predatory snarl and tail flicking menacingly, and the feline had Snappers cornered. The lobster was still shrieking- a sentiment Draco fully endorsed at the moment- and had its claws raised defensively, ready to go down fighting. Despite himself, Draco felt a twinge of respect for the gutsy crustacean.

Crookshanks had had enough of waiting. The kneazle snarled and pounced, and Draco acted on pure instinct. Without wasting a second more, he raised his wand.

“Aguamenti” he shouted, jets of water hurtling from his wand and soaking the cat. Crookshanks responded with an almighty yowl and leapt onto the kitchen counter, hissing and spitting for all he was worth.  Draco ignored him, reaching for Snappers. The lobster snapped aggressively at him, still wary after nearly being eaten.

“It’s okay” the blond muttered, cradling the creature carefully. “You’re safe, you stupid appetizer” The lobster trilled at him, and Draco wondered if he was still distressed. Without thinking, he rubbed a finger over a shiny red claw- the way he’d seen Harry do it before. Snappers clicked sullenly, but stopped vocalising his complaints and Draco sighed in relief, sagging against the counter.

Just then, the door burst open and two men staggered in.

“Oh, thank Merlin” Blaise gasped as he caught sight of Draco and a very intact Snappers- not to mention a soggy, sulky looking Crookshanks. Behind him, Harry practically deflated- his relief was so apparent.

“What happened?” he demanded, his green eyes roving Draco frantically for and trace of injuries. Draco’s gaze softened at Harry’s apparent panic but before he could explain, Blaise cut in cheerfully.

“Isn’t it obvious, Potter? Draco saved your pet crab from that foul beast over there. He’s a hero” He walked over and snagged Crookshanks who mewed despondently “I’ll just take this evil doer and get out of your way. By the way, you lads wouldn’t happen to have any maple syrup lying around, would you?”

Spotting a bottle he swiped it triumphantly and sauntered off, whistling all the way.


The door slammed shut leaving Draco and Harry shuffling awkwardly in the kitchen. Uncomfortable silence filled the space, broken only by a couple of coughs from the awkward boys and a few enquiring clicks from Snappers. Draco flushed with embarrassment as he realised he was still cuddling the lobster.

“You really need a tank for him…it” he managed, handing Snappers over to his boyfriend. Harry took the lobster, just as awkwardly and put him on the counter.

“You saved him” he said softly, turning back to his blond lover.

Draco scuffed his trainers uncomfortably. “Yeah, so?” he mumbled.

“I thought you hated Snappers” Harry murmured.

“Well, yeah. I mean, no! I mean…well, you obviously like him and he’s… not so bad. I suppose we could learn to get along if…I mean if you…”


The blond looked up staring into the vivid green eyes he’d missed so much. Harry took a step towards him and smiled tentatively.

“Will you come home now?”

In hindsight Draco could have chosen a more restrained, dignified response. However, Harry didn’t seem to mind being grabbed by the shoulders and tackled to the floor. The shorter boy melted into his arms, wrapping himself around Draco as if he planned to never let go and capturing his blond lover in a fierce almost desperate kiss.

“I missed you” he gasped as Draco finally broke away.

“Well then, next time don’t kick me out” Draco muttered, running his hands urgently down Harry’s hips, eager to reacquaint himself with every inch of the brunet.

“I didn’t think you’d stay away that long” Harry grumbled “One week, Draco! Would it have killed you to apologise?”

“You could have apologised” Draco retorted, even as he fumbled with Harry’s shirt. Finally he lost patience and yanked it off.

“I don’t see why I… should!” the brunet replied, his retort ending in a squeak as Draco chose that moment to tweak his nipple. “Draco!” he scolded, eyes flashing accusingly.

“Are you going to shut up so I can shag you in peace?” the blond demanded. Harry shivered below him and Draco grinned. His hands roved urgently now, yanking off Harry’s jeans in one swift movement. The shorter boy gasped and bucked his hips and Draco groaned as his heated skin brushed against Harry’s swollen cock. His hand moved of its own accord, wrapping itself around the familiar swell of Harry’s warm cock. The brunet rewarded him with a throaty moan. “Get on with it” Harry panted.

Who was Draco to deny the Boy Who Lived? He fisted Harry with rapid, jerky motions but his boyfriend didn’t seem to mind. In fact, if Harry’s throaty groans were anything to go by, he was very pro handjob at the moment. Every delicious sound went straight to Draco’s swelling cock and finally the blond couldn’t control himself any longer. He withdrew his hand from Harry’s cock, barely managing enough coherence to summon his wand.

Harry’s complaining hiss turned to a squeak of surprise as the Lubrication charm slicked him up. A tremor racked his slim frame as Draco’s hands gripped his hips and hoisted him up roughly. The blond moaned as he took in the sight of dusky puckered flesh, winking invitingly at him.

“Can’t wait” he managed, positioning himself.

Harry nodded almost frantically, bucking his hips forward and brushing against Draco’s dick. The blond needed no further invitation. With a swift movement he slid inside his beautiful lover. Twin growls tore from their throats as Draco battered Harry, frantic and urgent and almost delirious with need. Harry responded like a wanton animal, bucking and frotting and keening for all he was worth. Draco’s length inside him was so thick and warm and familiar…and then Draco thrust just so and Harry howled. Draco bared his teeth and rammed against the brunet, apparently intent on destroying Harry. The brunet howled with abandon as Draco battered his prostate and in seconds, Harry came undone. His screams racked the air, edging Draco on with a selfish abandon now that his lover has been sated. He hammered into Harry’s slick heat, seeking his pleasure almost selfishly. He groaned at the familiar build up of pleasure and in seconds, Draco was coming inside his lover.

He collapsed on top of Harry, panting and exhausted. He was messy and sticky and uncomfortable, draped across a hard kitchen floor and he was pretty sure there was a spatula digging into his left leg, but when Harry smiled and carded his hand in Draco’s hair, he really didn’t care any more. The blond sighed softly and placed an uncharacteristically tender kiss on Harry’s smiling lips. “I love you” the brunet whispered.  Draco’s felt a catch in his throat, and briefly he wondered what he had done to deserve this wonderful, beautiful, amazing…


Damn it.

Despite himself, Draco turned his head towards the noise. He was greeted by a familiar set of beady eyes watching him intently. The blond groaned and buried his face in Harry’s neck again. This was so wrong.

“Bloody voyeur” he muttered as Snappers clicked at them from the counter. Draco fervently hoped it was not the lobster version of applause.

“Says the bloke who watches the Animal Planet six hours a day. Double standards much?” Harry muttered, curling against him.

Draco smiled. Any other time, he would have argued or made a snarky remark, but right now he was content to just lie on the kitchen floor draped in sweaty Gryffindor, with a lobster audience watching over him.

This was home.

Follow up: Fathers and Farewells

mature, fluff, top!draco, snappers arc, harry, slash, humour, blaise, completed, draco, established, pets, romance, bottom!harry, drarry

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