Malfoy's Muggle Misadventures #11

May 28, 2012 21:40

Title: War and Pieces
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Warning: Mentions of violence 
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Author's Notes: Written for dracoharry100's prompt #254: Modern. Part of the  Malfoy's Muggle Misadventures series. 
Summary: Draco's lust for killing cannot be satisfied.
Disclaimer:  I do not own the Harry Potter universe, or the characters in it. This was written purely for fun, not profit

Draco smirked at his vanquished enemy. The man lay in a puddle of blood, his broken limbs bent awkwardly. The blond felt a primal surge of power. He had done this with one flick of his wrist. This rush…it was like being a God.

Next to him, the dark haired wizard grimaced. “You enjoy this too much” he said finally.

“It’s War, Harry” Draco smirked, looking entirely unrepentant. “I do what I have to do”

Harry gave up, leaving his maniacal boyfriend to his laptop. He was going to kill Dean for introducing Draco to that stupid Modern Warfare game.

drabble, draco, dracoharry100, malfoy's muggle misadventures, harry, established, humour

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