This journal is only used to stalk and lurk around... Sorry to the many I've friended, I /do/ read your entires, especially fics. Why are all the good fics only on LJ?!
>.< I may appear to be dead but ya... stalker = me... T__T
Are they stupid or what? Hello?! Even if you want to rebel from the norms of our society publicly, I do not appreciate being used as one of those that you are pointing your figurative third fingers at
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Haha, it was a good morning. I watched 111 while downloading 112. Was able to finish the download before I went to school. Lucky! Did not have to leave my laptop on
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Haha, that was fast. Oh well, I downloaded it almost 12 hours ago.And it took me only one hour plus. Compared to 110, which was a bitch, six hours
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