A Rhythm Like You (7/?)

Jul 28, 2011 19:36

Chapter 1:  http://dpracket.livejournal.com/32142.html
Chapter 2:  http://dpracket.livejournal.com/32417.html
Chapter 3:  dpracket.livejournal.com/33801.html
Chapter 4:  dpracket.livejournal.com/34221.html
Chapter 5:  dpracket.livejournal.com/34761.html
Chapter 6:  http://dpracket.livejournal.com/34958.html

"The beating of my heart is a drum, and it's lost, and it's looking for a rhythm like you."



"Hey, you," Katie said from the couch, where she sat with Jacob on her lap.

"Hey," Reid said, "What are you doing up so late?" He emptied his pockets onto the table by the door...phone, keys, wallet.

Jacob held his arms out to Reid and squealed.

"This little guy has decided he's a nightowl the past couple of nights.  He wakes up, and he's not upset or anything...he's just ready to party."   Katie yawned.

Reid laughed.  "Uh...hold on, J-dog...I just have to wash my hands."

He went to the sink and sighed, looking down at the hand that had been stroking Luke 45 minutes earlier.  He let the water run over it before grabbing some soap and washing the invisible remnants away.

As he walked back into the living room, he took off his suit coat and threw it over the back of a dining room chair.  He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up.  He put his hands out for Jacob, who excitedly lifted his arms up to Reid.

He picked the baby up and held him over his head.  "Are you being a bad boy, not letting mommy sleep?"  Jacob made that giggly baby sound that Reid would never admit he loved and a bit of drool fell from his lips.  Reid moved his head to the side to avoid the spit shower and laughed.  "Hey!  Say it don't spray it, man..."  He sat down on the couch next to Katie, Jacob immediately nuzzling into Reid's chest and sucking on his already wet fist.  Reid kissed the top of his head and then smoothed his soft hair.  "This kid is gross...who knew one little person could produce so much saliva..." He then started humming some random song he heard on the radio on the way home from Luke's.  He looked over to find Katie smiling goofily at him. "What?"

"I love you."

Reid rolled his eyes.  "Katie..."

"Relax.  You don't have to say it back."

"Good."  Reid rubbed circles on Jacob's back as the baby calmed and closed his eyes.

"I've been trying to get him to sleep for 45 minutes, and look...he's already drifting in your embrace.  It's like he was waiting for you to come home."

Reid put his head back against the couch and closed his eyes because he felt too warm and too content, and honestly it scared the hell out of him.

"I'm glad you're here...that Jacob has you.  You're his daddy figure.  You know that, right?"

Reid kept his eyes closed.  "Katie..."

"It's like we're this unconventional little family," Katie sighed and leaned her head on Reid's shoulder.

Reid shook his head.  He hadn't had a family in a very long time.  And now here was Katie claiming him as part of hers.  He was a gay man with a pseudo wife and kid and a hot boyfriend (boyfriend?) who he couldn't get enough of...a *young* millionaire boyfriend with an overbearing mother and a flirty, filthy-rich grandmother and an adorable (adorable?)  little brother who looked just like him and other assorted siblings and half siblings and step siblings...not to mention a Maltese crime lord of a father who looked like he walked off the pages of GQ magazine.  Jesus.   Reid sighed at the absurdity of it all, the greatness of it all.  He opened his eyes and looked down at Jacob already asleep in his arms.  He tried to remember his solitary existence in Dallas just five months before...His life that consisted of work and coming home to a silent, empty apartment.  He hadn't needed anything more.  But now he had more.  A lot more. He turned his head toward Katie and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too, Goldilocks."

author:artist dpracket

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