A Rhythm Like You (3/?)

Jul 06, 2011 17:24

notes:  I'm making this up as I go along.  Reid did the surgery on Noah already.  It was a success.  And he and Luke didn't break up until now.  I guess Reid stayed in town for the new wing.  Not sure Luke funded it or not.  Lol.  And we continue...

"I can only imagine what you think of me right now," Luke said, sitting down on the couch with a sigh.  "I must seem like some ridiculous kid.  You can leave.  I don't blame you for wanting to leave."

Reid sat down next to him.  "What I think is that you're a guy who just broke up with his boyfriend...and maybe you're looking for a..."

"You know when the last time I had sex was?" Luke interrupted Reid.

"No, but something tells me you're going to over share."

"Nine months ago," Luke said slapping his thighs and then running a hand over his face.  "Nine months!" he repeated, more to the room than to Reid.  "And in case you can't do the math..."  Reid audibly scoffed at the notion of him having trouble with any kind of math.  "In case you can't do the math," Luke continued, "that was BEFORE Noah's accident.  A good two and a half months before.  And do you know why?"  Luke asked.

"Oh, goody.  More oversharing."

Luke continued as if Reid hadn't said anything at all.  "Because he caught me looking at porn."

Reid raised his eyebrows, suddenly very interested in the conversation.  "What kind of porn?" He asked.

"He got really mad and said it wasn't appropriate, and then after that, he said that he just couldn't look at me the same, now that he knew what kind of deviant stuff I was into.  His word.  Not mine."

Reid felt his pants get tighter.  "Again, what kind of porn?  What exactly are you into, Mr. Snyder?" he asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

Luke sucked in a sharp breath, suddenly realizing that maybe he was crossing some boundaries here.  "I'm sorry...This is weird isn't it?"

Luke tried to stand up, but Reid pulled him back down by his hand.  "What were you looking at?"


"Listen, Mr. Snyder, don't start telling a fantastically intriguing story and then not finish it."

"You're being sarcastic, aren't you?"  Luke asked.  "Or maybe you aren't.  You're hard to read."

"What kind of porn?" Reid asked a final time.

Luke sighed.  "Nothing earth shattering.  Just gay stuff."

"Well, of course.  I wouldn't assume that you were looking at straight porn.  C'mon...what was it?"  Reid was smiling now, a bit amused at Luke's awkwardness and secretly hoping that he'd been looking at some freaky ass shit.  "Bondage?  S&M?  Golden showers?  Asphixiation?   C'mon, what was it?"

Luke looked down.  "No...it was....just....uh...rimming.  And oral.  And some anal.  But mostly rimming."  He raised his head and looked at Reid.  "Rimming.  Do you know what that is?"

Reid was surprised by the laugh that escaped his throat.  "Do I know what that is?  Luke, I'm a gay man.  Of course, I know what that is.  But...okay...wait.  Back up.  Noah; he thinks rimming is deviant behavior?"

"Have you done it?" Luke asked.

Reid sighed, realizing Luke wasn't going to answer his question.  "Yes," Reid answered.

Luke swallowed.  "Have you had it done to you?"

Reid nodded.

"Does it feel good?" Luke asked, leaning closer to Reid.

Reid rolled his eyes.  "Hell, yes, it feels good.  Can I ask you a really personal question?"

"Why not," Luke said, chuckling.  "I haven't exactly been holding back in the last five minutes..."

"Have you ever been with anyone but Noah?"

Luke looked down.  "No...he was my first."

"Hey," Reid said, lifting Luke's chin.  "It's nothing to be embarrassed about.  I'd even call it sort of sweet, if I was inclined to use such words."

"Yeah, it would be sweet if it wasn't so pathetic," Luke said softly.

"Luke, don't..."  Reid reached over and put his hand over Luke's wrist, stroking the soft skin on the underside.

Luke watched Reid's fingers move over his skin.  "You're gentle," Luke said softly.

Reid sighed and shook his head.

"You are," Luke whispered.  "Don't worry.  I won't tell anyone."  Luke kissed the side of Reid's downturned head and then leaned against him.  "And I don't just mean physically.  You've been great tonight.  Kind.  Patient.  I might even say sweet if you were inclined to hear such words."  Luke chuckled softly.  "Why do you hide the fact that you're actually nice?"

"People see what they want to see."

Luke ran his hand through Reid's hair on the side of his head.   "I see you."

Reid looked up at Luke but didn't say anything.

"I dont' even remember what I hated about you," Luke said .

Reid put his arm around Luke's shoulder and played with the hair at the nape of his neck while looking at him.  "You know you're not weird for wanting that, right?"

"Wanting what?............Oh..."  Luke looked away.

"And Noah shouldn't have made you feel like there was something wrong with you for wanting it.  It's a good thing I've already performed his surgery.  I might be tempted to go in there and cross some wires," Reid joked and bumped Luke's knee to make sure that Luke knew he was joking.

Luke laughed.  "He said it was unsanitary."

Reid laughed.  "Well, yeah.  It  is unsanitary.  But what about sex isn't unsanitary?  It's wet and sticky.  Saliva, cum, sweat.  The messier, the better."  Reid heard the click in Luke's throat as he swallowed hard.  "What else?"

"What?" Luke answered, confused.

"What else did you need that he wouldn't give you?"

Luke shook his head.

"Tell me," Reid urged gently.

"You gotta understand some things about Noah.  His father..."

"I don't want to understand Noah." Reid interrupted, running the back of his knuckles over Luke's cheek.  "I want to understand you.  Tell me what you want, Luke."

Luke took a deep breath, realizing that the conversation had just moved into the present tense.   Reid's hand was on the back of his neck again, squeezing gently.  Luke cleared his throat.  "I want..."


"I want it...kind of...uh...you know....rough?"

"Rough." Reid repeated, a smile in his voice and in his eyes, but not on his lips.

"Yeah...see? I'm sorry.  It's weird, right?  I'm a freak."

"How rough?"


"How rough?  Because I won't beat you up.  I won't do something that will injure you."

Luke stiffened and ran his hand through his own hair.  The conversation was definitely in the present tense.  They weren't talking about Noah anymore.  "No, nothing like that.  But I kind of like...um...pain...a little.  Like maybe...uh....getting...um...smacked on the ass really hard.  Or something like that."

"Spanked," Reid clarified.

"Yes," Luke slurred.

"Bitten hard enough to leave marks on your skin?"

"Fuck," Luke groaned.  "Yeah.  That.  Exactly."

"Pinched so hard that your nipples bruise..."

"God..." Luke said, shifting against Reid.

Reid smiled and nodded, stroking the side of Luke's face.

"You get it," Luke said softly.

Reid pulled Luke close and spoke against the side of his head.  "Everybody has their kinks."

"Oh, yeah?  What are yours?"

Reid shook his head.

Luke laughed.  "Oh, c'mon...I just let you in on my dark pervy secrets."

Reid smiled and made like he was turning a key to lock his mouth.

"Really?  You're not going to tell me?"  Luke squeezed Reid's side, making him flinch.  "Oh, you're ticklish."  He squeezed Reid's side again and Reid laughed, grabbing Luke and pushing him back so that he was leaning over him.

"I'm not ticklish."  He tugged down on the neck  of Luke's tee shirt and exposed his collar bone.  He then waggled his eyebrows before attaking the tender spot with his mouth.

"Ouch, Reid.  That..." Luke began, but then Reid stopped biting and he was sucking and using his tongue, and Luke's words died in his throat as his hand found its way into Reid's hair and held him there.

After a couple of minutes, Reid sat back and ran a finger lightly over the wet bruise on Luke's skin.   He smiled and shrugged his head.  "Teeth marks, hickeys, scratches...I like to leave my mark."

"That's very alpha male of you," Luke teased.

"Naturally," Reid said with a smile and kissed the hickey before fixing Luke's shirt.

"You're a freak too."

"Yup.  And I think our kinks will compliment each other nicely in the sack."

Luke turned his head and kissed Reid softly on the lips.  "Why'd we waste so much time fighting?" he asked.

"It was foreplay.  Months of foreplay."

author:artist dpracket

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