This Could Get Messy (Chapter 8)

Sep 30, 2010 12:58

Chapter 1 (Luke's POV):
Chapter 1 (Reid's POV):
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 3.5:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

And now, Chapter EIGHT:

It turns out that Reid Oliver was a cuddler.  Who would have freaking guessed?

After two more rounds of vigorous sex, one in which Luke fucked Reid on the couch, and then the desk, and then the floor, and the other in which Reid fucked a very slippery Luke from behind in the shower, the two men lay sated and wrapped up in each other under the hotel sheets for the third time that night.  Reid had his eyes closed, and his fingers were making lazy circles on Luke's shoulder..Luke pulled back enough to get a good look at him.  The grumpy doctor actually had a faint smile on his lips.  He looked serene.  Content even.

Luke pulled back more and untangled his limbs from Reid's, putting some space between them in the bed.

Missing the warmth of Luke's body, Reid reluctantly opened his eyes.  "What are you doing way over there?  Where are you going?  C'mere..."

"You're freaking me out, Dr. Oliver."

Reid shook the sleepiness out of his head and drew the pillow further into his neck with his forearm as he forced his eyes to focus in the dimly lit room, the only light coming from the bathroom.  "Dr. Oliver?  I just used my tongue on your body in ways that are probably illegal in some states, and you're going to call me by my surname?"

"Sorry," Luke laughed.  "Habit."

"It's okay, Mr. Snyder..." he sighed, tugging at Luke's arm.  "Seriously though, get back over here.  I'm cold."

Luke allowed Reid to pull Luke back against himself, until he was spooned around him, dropping a kiss to Luke's shoulder.  Reid exhaled.  "Mmmm....better...So, how am I freaking you out?"

"This, for one.  Snuggling?  Really?  YOU!?  Like this?"

"Okay, first of all, this is not is close personal contact...and yes, I like it.  Second of all, if you tell anyone about this, I will deny it vehemently.  Dr. Reid Oliver does NOT cuddle."

"My lips are sealed," Luke said stroking Reid's fingers.

"And?"  Reid inquired further.

"And what?"

"And how else am I freaking you out?"

"You're a very giving lover."

"Yes, I am," Reid said matter of factly.  "And?"

"And I can't believe you let me fuck you twice in the past few hours.  Noah only let me fuck him twice ever in three years."

"Then my patient is an idiot because, you, Mr. Snyder, are amazing in that capacity.  Well, you're pretty damn amazing on the receiving end too, but you know what I mean."  Reid dropped his hand to Luke's hip and squeezed gently.   "But for future reference, can we leave my patient out of this?  It's a little weird..."

"So, what now?" Luke asked.

"Well, I'm thinking room service, followed by more of what we're doing right now,  and then a few hours of sleep before check out..."

Luke laughed.  "I was sort of thinking what now, as in when we leave this hotel room in the morning, but're right...let's just concentrate on the very immediate future.  What do you want to order from room service?"


45 minutes later, they were sitting at a table with enough food on it to feed a small country.  Reid was wearing one of the hotel's white fluffy robes and both his and Luke's socks because he was freezing and had already complained dramatically about it and turned the thermostat up.  Luke wore only his boxers and Reid's shirt, unbuttoned.

"You're going to eat all of that at 2:30 in the morning?"  Luke asked, as he picked at his club sandwich, sitting across from Reid.

"Hey, I have all of the food groups here," Reid said, as he set into devouring the midnight feast in front of him.  "Plus...uh...I worked up an appetite."  He waggled his eyebrows at Luke, smiling through a mouthful of food.

"Sexy."  Luke teased, unable to hide his amusement at Dr. Oliver's ravenous approach to food.  As he watched Reid chew happily and lick his fingers, Luke concluded that his new lover was clearly orally driven.  Earlier, he had set about Luke's terrain in much the same voracious manner.  With Noah, kisses to the body were a prefunctory foreplay task.  With Reid, it was a  part of the main event, and Luke was surprised at the uninhibited nature of Reid's mouth.  Luke was certain that there were very few parts of his body that Reid's tongue had not explored in the past few hours, and he had the hickeys and light bite marks in odd places to prove it.  Luke watched Reid take a long suck out of his Coke straw and felt his dick twitch.  He couldn't believe he was getting turned on by watching someone eat.

"So, Reid..." Luke said.

"Mmmmm?" Reid answered as he picked up a jalapeno popper and bit off half of it.

"Tell me something about you that I don't know."

Reid groaned.

"Oh, c'mon, Reid...I hardly know anything about you."

"You know the important parts."  Luke was silent.  "Okay, okay...let's play the guitar."


"Yeah, I'm pretty good at it actually.  But my guitar is in Dallas because SOMEONE dragged me here on extremely short notice."  Reid winked.

"Electric or acoustic?"

"I have an acoustic."

"You don't strike me as an artsy sort of guy," Luke laughed.

"Well, my father wanted me to get into music in middle school because there is a correlation between music and academic success.  You know, it was all about being the best with him."

"And you ARE the best at what you do, so father knows best, right?"

"Um.  No."

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Time to change the subject.  Tell me something I don't know about you."

Luke ignored Reid's request.  "Do you like playing?"

"Yeah, I do.  It's relaxing.  It's kind of a private thing for me."

"What type of music?"

"All kinds.  I can pretty much play by ear."

"Will you play for me sometime?" Luke asked, unsure if he was being too forward.

"Yes." Reid answered simply.  Luke didn't know why, but that one word answer made butterflies rise up  in his stomach.

"So, okay...again," Reid complained, "Your turn."

"Something you don't know about, I only have one kidney."

"I already knew that.  Something else, c'mon..."

"What do you  mean, you already knew?"

Reid laughed.  "Luke, I just spent the better part of tonight working my way around your zip code.  I saw, touched, and tasted the scar.  I'm a doctor.  I put two and two together."

"Oh," Luke said, lowering his eyes.

"Hey, Snyder...don't be embarrassed.  Not a big deal, okay?  You're young, and if you take care of yourself, you'll live a long life, but you have to take your meds and not ignore the warning signs.  This won't be your last kidney, but you know that...and, bonehead, it's all the more reason for you not to drink.  If you even think about sitting down again with a bottle like you did tonight, I'll kick your ass personally.  Your sponsor is unavailable?  I'll give you my pager number.  Call me.  I'll distract you from your addiction with my hot body and kick ass sex moves." Reid joked.  "Okay, c'mon...tell me something I don't know about you."

Luke sat there watching Reid finish the mozarella sticks.  Did Reid just indicate that this was going to continue after they leave the hotel room in the morning?  Was he voicing a certain level of availability?  Or was this just a friendly way of saying that Luke needed to stay on the wagon?  Was he being subtle?  Reid Oliver did not seem like the subtle type.

"Hello?  Luke?"


"Where did you go?"

"Nowhere.  I'm here.  Um...what were we talking about?"

"Something I don't know about you?"

"Oh, used to want to be a writer."

"Used to?  You don't want to be anymore?"  Reid asked, stuffing a fork full of cheesecake into his mouth.

"I don't know.  I'm not good at it, so..."

"How do you know?" Reid asked, offering a fork full of cheesecake to Luke, who opened his mouth and let Reid feed it to him.

Luke smiled.

"Do you enjoy it?" Reid asked

"Mmm, yeah.  It's good."

"Not the cheesecake.  Writing..."

"Oh, um...yeah, I do enjoy it.  Well, I did when I was doing it, but I don't's sort of fallen by the wayside."

"So if you enjoy it," Reid said, munching on a breadstick, "Get good at it.  You're probably already better than you think...I mean, were fucking me so good my eyes were rolling back in my head and you asked if you were doing it right...what the hell?  I think you underestimate youself, Snyder.  In lots of ways.  You have anything of yours I can read sometime?"

"I have some short stories, but I've never shown them to anyone."

"Okay, well...I'll make you a deal.  I'll figure out a way to get my guitar here, and I'll play for you, if you'll let me read some of your stories.  Deal?"

"Yeah,"  Luke smiled, shaking his head in disbelief at what a surprise the entire evening had been.

fin (for now because I have too many fics unfinished...)

author:artist dpracket

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