Title: Babysitting Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam and siblings Prompt: 28. Children Word Count: 117 Rating: PG Summary: It’s summer vacation, and Sam’s stuck babysitting. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: First Try Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam/Bobby Prompt: 1. Beginnings Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Summary: Their first date didn’t go so well. Author's Notes: I own nothing. Written for crazedwolf. Happy (very, very belated) birthday!
Title: Lost Minds Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam/Wanda, Bobby Prompt: 11. Red Word Count: 109 Rating: PG Summary: So this is madness. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Invasion Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: The Guthries, Charles and Magneto Prompt: 92. Christmas Word Count: 178 Rating: G Summary: It’s an invasion. Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Man of the House Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam, Kitty Prompt: 89. Work Word Count: 123 Rating: G Summary: “Shouldn’t we be in the same grade?” Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: A Question Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam/Rogue Prompt: 82. If Word Count: 161 Rating: G Summary: “So if I asked you…” Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Nothing Like a Home Cooked Meal Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam, Kitty Prompt: 36. Smell Word Count: 129 Rating: G Summary: There’s nothing like a home cooked meal… and THIS is nothing like a home cooked meal! Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Babies Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam Guthrie, Jubilee Prompt: 29. Birth Word Count: 125 Rating: PG Summary: “Have you ever seen what a newborn baby looks like?” Author's Notes: I own nothing.
Title: Dragon Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam Guthrie, Kitty Pryde Prompt: 16. Purple Word Count: 106 Rating: G Summary: “Why is she allowed to have a pet?”
Title: Can't Imagine Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Characters: Sam Guthrie, Rogue Prompt: 38. Touch Word Count: 164 Rating: G Summary: He can't imagine what it's like to be Rogue.