Title: Nothing Like a Home Cooked Meal
Fandom: X-Men: Evolution
Characters: Sam, Kitty
Prompt: 36. Smell
Word Count: 129
Rating: G
Summary: There’s nothing like a home cooked meal… and THIS is nothing like a home cooked meal!
Author's Notes: I own nothing.
The smell of it reached Sam long before he even got near the kitchen. It was the kind of stink that made a man’s hair stand on end, and could cause a nose to shut down out of self-defense. It was, in short, a God-Awful Reek.
“Kitty’s been cooking again.” Sam muttered to himself, taking a detour that would keep him well clear of the kitchen. The absolute last thing he wanted was to end up as one of Kitty’s taste testers. He didn’t think he could survive the experience a second time.