That Time Everyone Went As Power Rangers

Dec 15, 2008 11:19

Title: That Time Everyone Went As Power Rangers
Author: fullmetal_cute
Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/17. Play
Character/Pairing: Teddy Altman, Sarah Altman, Billy Kaplan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 286
Summary: Power Rangers was THE Halloween Costume, after all.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Set some time after Play Date and Suburban Pet Rescue but before A Little Talk.

Teddy pushed the red plastic mask up so it was resting on top of his head and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Why can’t you come trick or treating with me?”

Sarah sighed and closed her eyes, gripping the steering wheel tightly for a moment. “There are a few things I need to get done, sweetheart. Besides, I thought you wanted to go with Wanda and her boys. They’re already waiting for you, see?” She jerked her chin at the collection of colorfully costumed people on the little suburban house’s front porch.

Teddy fidgeted, pulling his Red Ranger mask back down. “Yeah, but…”

“I’ll see you in a few hours, Teddy, I promise. Have fun and be good.”

Teddy opened the car door and got out, swinging his bucket back and forth. “Bye.”

“Love you, Teddy,” Sarah said, wiggling her fingers at him before driving away.

“Oh cool! Now all we need is a Yellow and a Black Ranger!” Billy pounced on Teddy before he was even halfway up the driveway, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him close enough to see that Tommy was dressed in green and Cassie Lang was (clearly very reluctantly) dressed as the Pink Ranger. Billy paused to scoop up his own blue mask from where it had fallen. “This is gonna be awesome!”

Teddy allowed himself to be pulled, smiling behind his mask. “Uh-huh.”

hulkling, marvel, sarah altman, scarlet witch, wiccan, stature, young avengers

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