Title: Just Another Day
fullmetal_cuteFandom: X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/5. Day
Character/Pairing: Wolverine, X-23
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: To Laura, it’s just another day.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Written for
Logan followed Laura out into the snow, past the students having a slowball fight and out into the woods. Laura didn’t stop until the sounds of celebration had faded away. She had climbed a tree by the time he caught up with her, and she was looking up at the grey sky, even though she knew that he was there, huddled in the overly large, heavy coat that had been her only Christmas present so far.
Getting it had been the elf’s idea.
Logan lit up a cigar, leaning against the tree. Laura continued to watch the sky. “All of them together is just too much,” she finally said. “They’re… I will never understand them.”
“You think that’s bad?” Logan snorted. “Wait till baseball season comes around. Then things get really insane.” He laughed. “I think it’s less chaotic when the Juggernaut comes stomping through on his yearly rampage.”