Mar 11, 2008 16:01
I've been averaging 150 miles per week lately. And a ton of elevation gain.
Feb 14, 2008 10:11
Here's hoping everyone out there shares their love with someone else today.
Feb 01, 2008 14:33
What is it with professionals who are there and accept appointments and then flake? It drives me to distraction!
Jan 11, 2008 08:24
At the Farmer's Market yesterday, I bought a blood orange. First of the season, yet sweet. I love them.
Dec 19, 2007 14:05
It's been cold at my office until today. Now it's hot. I'm wearing a sweater, and sweating. Last week, I was wearing a coat, and my fingers were ice cold. I guess I should bring a couple changes of clothes in for the fluctuating temperatures.
Dec 18, 2007 07:25
Every time I go to a cool new website, my browser says I need to install the most current version of Flash. However, I do not have administrator priviliges on my work computer. So every time I go to a site that says that, I feel like I'm missing out. But after careful consideration, it's not really worth worrying about, is it?