Complimentary Colors

Oct 12, 2013 01:02

Title: Complimentary Colors
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Knock Out/Arcee
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Trick or Treat, writings neat, Transformers aren't mine, repeat.
Prompt: Trick - “I’ve got better things to do tonight than die”


It had been an ordinary energon scouting mission. A completely normal occurrence. An ordinary day.

That’s all Arcee kept telling herself as she charged at the pretty boy ’con himself.

“Isn’t this sweet?” he jeered, “Fighting with a complimentary color”

Ignoring his remark, she dove over his head and landed flawlessly behind him, trying to swipe his back with her blades.

Unfortunately, he easily moved.

She attempted to hit him, only to find he would move with almost practiced fluidity. Frowning, she hated to admit there was something...almost attractive about his form.

Burying those wavering thoughts as deep as she could, she rushed him again, this time finding him use his energon prod to defend. One little slip of her pede, and the next thing she knew, she was struck by the sparking end of the prod.

Falling to the ground immobile, she merely glared at him as he approached, quickly pinning her down and smirking at her.

For some odd reason, she felt his spark wasn’t really in on this mission. She’d fought him before, and he never seemed this...lax.

“What’s the matter Autobot? Speechless at my beauty?”

She shook her helm quickly. “Like I’d ever consider you!”

But there it was again...that odd feeling in her frame that made her want to be with him. She glowered more and tried to move, only able to wiggle minutely.

Knock Out’s smirk never waned. “Don’t kid’ve got it bad” He sighed as he languidly traced a digit up and along her helm, brushing her cheek with such delicate servos she realized he did indeed know what she was hiding. “So what do you say Arcee...would you like a little round, seeing as our paint jobs do work together?”

Fury overtook her at how casual he made that sound. Even if she did want a round with someone, she certainly wouldn’t do it with her enemy on a slagging battlefield.

“I’ve got better things to do tonight than die” she hissed, finally managing to push the red mech off and attacking him once again.

The look on his faceplates made her want to stop, but she continued on. She couldn’t allow herself to feel guilty for crushing him so.

He was a Decepticon, and like all Decepticons, she would defeat way or another.

tf rare pairing, arcee, tf, transformers fanfic, koxa, botxcon, knock out, transformers

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