A Short Moment

Oct 21, 2013 21:28

Prompt: Judy D./Silas - can't forget the present
A woman walked into the MECH base office, apparently another new applicant who had wandered off from the orientation.

“Who the hell are you?” Silas asked, looking the normal looking woman over quickly with his eyes.

“I’m Judy, Judy D.” she simply responded happily.

With an annoyed grunt, Silas simply pulled his gun out and shot the woman on the spot. “She would have been useless anyway” was all he said out loud after she was dead. And “We must remember what is in the present to move forward for our future” was all he told his aghast staff who had to clean up the remains.


Urm, now on a serious note, I am guessing the requester meant JUNE D./Silas...in which case, here is a serious fic below...I was just having a laugh in my head at the ludicrous situation above so decided to share ;)

Title: A Short Moment
Characters: June D./Silas
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Rating: K
Prompt: June D./Silas - “can't forget the present”
Words: 311

The black haired woman glanced around desperately, fear in her eyes as she looked around the masked men surrounding her. She was aware of the guns trained on her, only heightening her fear.

It was at that moment that an unmasked man entered. His scarred face contorting into a look of surprise as he overlooked the lowly nurse before him.

“This is Mrs Darby?” he asked of his goons, to which the query was confirmed.

The middle-aged woman found her voice quickly, but it still sounded weak and frightened. “Who are you?”

The man merely smirked, “You can call me Silas, June”

She gulped silently. He knew her name...he knew about her...this was terrifying! She wasn’t sure what to be more frightened of, him knowing everything about her, or the fact he kept looking at her with greedy eyes.

Beckoning his men away, June was more upset to find him move closer and inspect her closer. “I don’t think my soldiers have ever brought a prisoner so beautiful before” he spoke quietly to her, though his tone of voice was still controlling and almost demanding.

She couldn’t find words to say, all of this was wrong. Closing her eyes to avoid tears, she quickly spoke the first words that came to mind. “Why have you taken me?”

“You are a key part in our plan to capture your son and his robotic companion”

The statement hung in the air for a long while as June attempted to absorb it. “This...isn’t a roleplay at that club of his...is it?”

He merely laughed, pulling his radio out and calling upon someone. As he replaced it in his belt, he spoke again. “If you aren’t killed tonight, I can think of other uses for you my dear”

Eyes widening in unadulterated fear, she watched as he opened a garage door to the right, a giant spider like creature present.

All she remembered after that was webbing...and a certain pair of rough hands, a man’s hands, stroking her face before applying a needle to her neck, drugging her so she passed out for a set amount of time.

transformers fanfic, silas, tf rare pairing, transformers, june darby, tf

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