A Dance of Death

Oct 21, 2013 22:06

Title: A Dance of Death
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Dreadwing/Bumblebee
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Trick or Treat, writings neat, Transformers aren't mine, repeat.
Prompt: Treat: “Dance like no one is watching”


It had been very tense at the base.

Bumblebee wasn’t entirely sure why, but he found all it had led to was a very angry Arcee and Bulkhead, Optimus clearly upset but masking it, and Ratchet grouching about the noise.

He had chosen to flee through the groundbridge while he could.

The place he’d chosen? A place which held sorrow for him.

This is where he’d accidentally killed a certain seeker. One of which he visited in respect every so often.

It was surprising when he arrived and found another there, but more so when he noticed just WHO it was.

“Dreadwing?” he asked suddenly, but regretted it as the red optics turned on him.

The blue seeker glared at him for a moment, but soon dropped his gaze back to the grave before him. “I wish not to dishonor my twin by fighting upon his burial grounds”

Bumblebee nodded slowly, heading over cautiously before standing next to the seeker. “I’m sorry...”

“I’m sure you are Autobot. I am aware of the circumstances of Skyquake’s demise” Dreadwing grumbled, offlining his optics for a moment to try and contain his obvious emotions.

“I didn’t mean to...I was just trying to ground him” Bumblebee almost squeaked out, soon sighing to himself before adding “Is there anything I can do?”

The seeker looked to him surprised, optics wide as he considered the other’s proposal. “What do you mean?”

“Is there anything I can do to honor him for you?”

A small smile formed on the Decepticon’s facial plates as he considered the offer. “Though I will never understand why, my twin was quite into the activity of moving rhythmically to music...”

“Oh! You mean dancing!” Bumblebee added happily.

“Yes...perhaps you could do a...dance for him?” the seeker’s wings twitched slightly, indicated amusement.

Bumblebee wasn’t sure whether the Decepticon was being serious or not. He was one of the serious ‘cons, but he could easily have a side none of the Autobot’s had observed on the battlefield. “Out here? Now?”

All he received was a nod before Dreadwing added lightly, “Just pretend I am not present if you desire”

Cycling a couple of cooling vents, Bumblebee moved away from the seeker and began to ready himself. Offlining his optics quickly, he began a slow dance, going with the flow of energy he could feel off of Dreadwing. As he went on, he sped it up, carefully adding more actions to it for the now amused seeker. He went to speed up again when Dreadwing cut in.

“That will suffice”

He looked up, blue optics meeting the red ones in a gentle clash. “Was that okay?”

Dreadwing moved closer, resting a servo gently on Bumblebee’s shoulder plates, almost surprised the Autobot didn’t flinch at his touch. “That was appropriate” he stated calmly. “It was very much the sort of performance my twin would have enjoyed”

Happiness ran through Bumblebee, his optics full of glee, making Dreadwing smile softly.

“Perhaps we shall meet again” the blue mech stated as he finally retracted his servo and moved away from Bumblebee and the grave.

“I’d like that” the yellow mech responded joyfully, “I’ll even dance for you again!”

With a final smile, and a slightly longing look in the red optics, Dreadwing ran and quickly transformed, flying away swiftly.

Bumblebee watched him go, tracking him with his optics as he headed for the horizon. He only stopped watching once he could no longer see him.

Moving over to the grave and sitting down carefully, he spoke out loud. “Skyquake, I hope you did like that...though, I do believe your brother got much more out of it than you”

transformers fanfic, bumblebee, bbxdw, tf rare pairing, dreadwing, transformers, tf

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