Not So Forbidden Fruit

May 17, 2013 10:06

Title: Not So Forbidden Fruit
Continuity: Transformers: Prime
Characters: Breakdown/Knock Out
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Though they are such a sexy couple, I don't in fact own them.
Prompt: The 'slut' is a virgin
Warnings: Obviously slash, and gets a little sticky ;)


It was a normal nocturnal cycle around the streets of Kaon, well, as normal as it could be for Breakdown. His optics scanned around frantically, convinced someone was going to jump him at any moment. His paranoia had been worse, and recently he had been working on keeping it under control, but it still didn’t stop him from seeming convinced the whole of Cybertron was out to get him.

Recently, rumors were spreading of the disputes of a gladiator over the caste system currently in place. This didn’t help Breakdown’s nerves, he was sure he was going to lose his job because of it, and he doubted he could trust anyone but himself to keep alive.

He was currently wandering home from work, having a long shift at the factory. His job was neither glorified nor interesting, but it kept him with credits and that was all he cared about. Having megacycles of processor numbing stocking was nothing special, but it was all he could do.

He did catch himself wondering at times whether it would be good if he left his job and became a soldier, but those thoughts were quickly left behind.

Turning a corner, Breakdown found himself face-to-face with another mech, both of them stopping instantly and avoiding a collision by mere inches.

The red mech before him was the most beautiful mech Breakdown had ever seen in his life...he was so sleek and glossy, the mech the fairest of what Breakdown had seen before, curvy and exotic.

Shuttering his optics quickly, Breakdown spoke. “I’m sorry” he managed to say, trying to edge around the beautiful mech. But as Breakdown tried to move, the mech jumped back in his way.

Once again inspecting the mech, he began to ponder: What was a mech this pretty doing in a slum like this?

The other mech was staring at him, soft clicks escaping their vocalizer as they contemplated something, a smirk beginning to form the longer they stared.

Paranoia struck.

Breakdown vented harshly as he realized the mech was considering something. Were they going to steal his credits? Attack him? Maybe they were a special agent of the council and he interrupted their mission and now they were going to offline him...

“I didn’t realize I’d see such a nice mech in this place”

His voice...Breakdown was already drawn in by his voice. It was as smooth as his plating.

“” Breakdown struggled, his processor feebly attempting a line to respond with...the make or break of this encounter if you will.


His processor froze up and he found himself stuttering out something about liking the mech before him’s hips.

That was it. The red mech would probably be weirded out by his odd observation. They’d run off to whence they came and never return.

Breakdown hated his paranoia, but it was honestly the only thing that kept him going.

Chancing a glance, he saw a playful glimmer in the shorter mech’s optics. “Why thank you...I just had them polished” he wiggled them tantalizingly in a very suggestive movement and continued speaking. “It’s not everyday I see a well-kept mech around these here on business big guy?”

“It’s Breakdown...if your gonna call me anything, call me Breakdown” he grouched, unhappy to be dubbed ‘big guy’...he hated to be given nicknames, it only fueled his processor to make him believe everyone was against him.

To Breakdown’s amazement, the beautiful mech didn’t leave. Nor did he seem discouraged. He merely kept on inspecting him with what seemed to be genuine interest.

“Breakdown, it truly is a pleasure” the red mech bowed lightly, soon smirking in return. “You can call me Knock Out”

Breakdown caught himself. He was staring at this Knock Out’s form intently...he shouldn’t. Looking away, he continued thinking. He knew nothing about this mech...

Wait! He did...nothing good though. He’d heard off hand mentions of a mech who always got around with a lot of other bots, one who was sleek and a knock out. That last part was probably a bit edited due to the spread of the news.

But then again, chancing a glance back at the hopeful mech, he could see a form of naivety that made him want to ignore all the rumors.

“Want to get some energon?” Knock Out asked politely, a warm smile gracing his faceplates.

Breakdown looked around, checking no one was going to jump them, or even were watching them...he hated this. Paranoia was both a gift and a curse.

Knock Out tilted his head in confusion. “Is something wrong?”

“” Breakdown lied, looking the mech in the optics, seeing the glimmer of interest still there. “I...I’d love! I meant to...I’d love to”

Knock Out giggled, a lovely melodic noise to the larger blue mech. “We could head back to my lodging...I’ve got plenty there”

Breakdown nodded, still feeling highly embarrassed. He’d prefer to be out of the public eye. Primus knows what rumors would spread if he was seen with this mech. He’d never get through a simple walk without being convinced everyone was staring at him, well, more so than normal.

Knock Out began to lead the larger mech the way he had been heading. “You still seem a tad nervous Breakdown” he sounded a little teasing, much to the blue mechs chagrin. “You sure there’s nothing wrong?”

Breakdown gritted his denta, again looking around the two of them. “Can...can I tell you when we’re not...out here”

“No worries, we’re almost there” Knock Out almost sang back.

Breakdown was totally smitten with this mech. He seemed so perfect, and if it wasn’t for the rumors, he would have thought himself special to find a mech as lovely as this.

They reached the place Knock Out was currently living, quite a nice looking place actually. Breakdown saw him begin to put in the code and turned away, checking no one was watching once more. He heard a light chuckle, so he turned back and saw a clear smirk on the red mech’s faceplates. He huffed but was soon lead in by the gorgeous mech.

As Breakdown entered, he tried not to gawp. No way was this temporary. It looked like quite a classy place on the inside. Almost like a Towers mech lodgings, yet in Kaon.

“So...” Knock Out went over to a cabinet and pulled out a couple of cubes of high grade. “Do tell”

Breakdown sat down on the seating area and sighed. Knock Out passed him his cube and sat next to him, looking at him intently.

“You see...” Breakdown gulped, inspecting the energon intently, also checking for signs of contamination as he spoke. “I...well...” he offlined his optics for a moment and quickly spoke. “I have a problem with paranoia”

Knock Out hummed lightly, taking a sip of his high grade. “If that’s the case, I’m surprised you made it this far” he smiled at the blue mech lightly, “You must really like me”

Breakdown bit his lip, “Yeah...” he admitted, feeling his system heat up slightly. “I’ve been working on it...but I can’t help it”

After watching Knock Out drink some of the energon, he finally gave in and took a sip, carefully tasting it. It seemed clean. Grudgingly, he allowed himself to drink more.

“I’ve never seen you around before you live here?” he eventually asked.

Breakdown glanced away, having to remind himself that this mech seemed friendly and probably wouldn’t hurt him. “Yes...I live a couple of kliks away” he answered warily.

Knock Out laughed lightly, “That makes it more surprising”

Breakdown vented a sigh, again finding his optics tracing back to Knock Out. He stiffened as he felt Knock Out cuddle into his side, but soon felt a warmth running through his spark at the affection in the gesture, relaxing a little and feeling Knock Out nuzzle his chest.

He allowed one of his servos to gently stroke Knock Out’s back struts, causing the red mech’s engine to purr.

Relaxing a bit more than usual, Breakdown felt calmness overtaking him. This was unusual. Normally, he couldn’t go without thinking of something to worry about, but right now, all he could think about was the mech embracing him. How nice the feeling was.

Knock Out shifted, leaning up and beginning to explore around Breakdown’s neck cabling.

This however did cause Breakdown to flinch, again uncertain of what the red mechs true intentions were.

He slowly tried to grin and bear it, up until he heard Knock Out whisper to him.

“Oh Primus, Breakdown~ I really want you to frag me”

Without a chance for his processor to take in the information to react, he found the other mech moving up to his mouth, attempting to kiss him. Out of shock, he pushed the other mech lightly away, hearing a small whine of displeasure followed by an indignant huff.

He looked round and saw the look in Knock Out’s optics. He was confused as to why he had pulled away.

“ I said...paranoid” Breakdown lamely stated, fiddling with his digits nervously. “I...I...I’m also not really know...”

Knock Out didn’t know what he was now trying to say, giving him a truly confused glance. “Huh?”

“...well...I’ve heard...things...about you” he admitted slowly. “How you get around...I, well, don’t really like that”


Breakdown felt bad. The defeated look on the beautiful mech’s faceplates was truly spark-splitting. “I’m sorry Knock Out” he stated, getting up and heading for the door. “I don’t think badly of you, don’t get me wrong...I just don’t want a relationship like that”

Knock Out didn’t make optical contact after that. He merely looked at his own pedes, still looking sad.

Breakdown apologized once more and left, heading home.

It wasn’t until about an orn later when he was working in the factory that he heard about the mysterious Knock Out again. During his break, he found a small group of others talking amongst themselves about the latest gossip.

“You see, there was that Megatron’s followers protest the other sol, right? And there were quite a lot of mechs and femmes attacked.” the speaker, a navy and orange femme whom Breakdown barely knew, stated, a smirk on her faceplates.

Another mech answered her. A red and white bulkier mech named Swerve that Breakdown knew. “Yeah, did you see who was caught in that?”

“Who?” Breakdown asked, stepping in, now curious.

“That pretty mech that everyone thought was a slut” Swerve responded, “And ‘cause it was a public dispute, they had to post the medical results on the grid...where everyone in the area could see” he grinned, a cheeky look entering his optics. “Turns out, he’s still got a virgin seal”

Breakdown gawped. “Wait...what?”

“I know! It’s so terrible!” the femme cut in; Flamewar was what Breakdown thought she was called. “And I remember Dead End tried to get with him about a stellar cycle ago, but that Knock Out got away from him” she folded her arms, satisfied with the information. “He was upset he didn’t get him, but I guess he won’t feel as bad now”

Swerve laughed, “Something similar happened to me, it was annoying, but now I can’t believe it...barely any Cybertronians are port virgins nowadays”

Breakdown could feel guilt seeping into his frame, as well as several other emotions he didn’t recall feeling in this intensity. He’d openly told Knock Out he wasn’t interested in that kind of thing, but Knock Out didn’t correct him. It was worse though...he’d asked him. He wanted Breakdown. He’d denied all others, but had decided Breakdown should be his first.


He also felt protective. If that was true, and what Swerve said was true, then he should have been there. If he had interfaced with him the other night, this may not have happened.

“Breakdown? You okay buddy?” Swerve asked, snapping him out of his pondering for a moment.

Breakdown vented harshly for a moment, soon holding his helm. “Uh...I dunno...I think I may need to go” he began to move away, quickly clocking out and saying the reason was he felt ill. Due to how he looked, it was believable, even if the true cause was guilt and fear.

He rushed the route he’d taken the previous week and stopped at the point he’d met Knock Out. Turning, he slowly retraced their steps, careful not to lose the path to Knock Out’s lodging.

Buzzing on the door, he bit his lip. He really hoped he was home. If not...

The door opened and there stood Knock Out. At first he looked confused, but then he attempted to smile, still looking upset.


“Knock Out...I need to talk to you” Breakdown stated, not even noticing his paranoia had almost gone from the focus.

The red mech nodded and invited him in, quickly noticing the difference in the blue mech since their last meeting. Closing the door, he slowly headed to where Breakdown was stood.

“I just heard about the attack...are you okay?”

Knock Out froze, turning away and hugging himself. “I...I...” he felt clicks begin to escape his vocalizer, soon followed by his optics beginning to lubricate. “I...was scared” he slowly admitted after a few sobs, surprised when he found Breakdown’s strong arms wrap around his form.

Breakdown shushed him gently, soon guiding him over to the seating area, sitting down and cradling the distraught red mech carefully.

Knock Out gripped into his chest, hiding his faceplates. “I’m guessing you also heard...about” he gasped out.

Venting slowly, Breakdown leant down and nuzzled the mech’s helm fins gently. “Yes, but I was worried before I heard that part” He gently got Knock Out to look at him, tilting his helm up so their optics met. “I was...well, paranoid and stupid the other night...I shouldn’t have believed those stupid rumors without hearing you out”

Knock Out wiped at the tears on his face, trying to calm himself. “I could have told you” he vented a sigh, “I was embarrassed though”

Breakdown smiled lightly, gently stroking the mechs back struts again. “You shouldn’t be”

“The....the offer” Knock Out heated up a little from embarrassment, “It still stands” his vocals wavered slightly, feeling a warmth from the servo on his back struts.

With a small chuckle, Breakdown leant down and captured the gorgeous mechs lips with his own. Knock Out leant up more, somewhat deepening the kiss.


Breakdown had never felt such a feeling as this right now.

He felt Knock Out’s glossa gently rub at his own between their oral cavities, causing Breakdown’s engine to purr at the feeling.

As they broke away, Knock Out snuggled more into Breakdown’s chassis, offlining his optics for a moment.

“You never have to worry again” Breakdown spoke, “I’m not going to leave you again”

Knock Out onlined his optics and smiled up at him, “I know” He sat up and inspected Breakdown’s faceplates, then stared into his optics. He could see he’d changed. It was like something had snapped and now the paranoid mess was gone. “What happened to you Breakdown?” he whispered, nuzzling his cheek plating with his own. “Your acting much sexier than the other nocturnal cycle”

Breakdown paused, processing what had been said. It was true. He could feel he was more relaxed, much more stable than before. He smirked and nipped at Knock Out’s neck. “I guess you could say” he spoke lowly and sensually, “You fixed me”


“I felt so many emotions when I found out about the attack” Breakdown leant back and locked optics with the red mech. “All I wanted to do was protect much so that I guess I finally broke out of the paranoid hysteria I was still dealing with”

Knock Out smirked. “I like this new you” he brought a servo up and traced around Breakdown’s lips.

Breakdown smiled smugly back. “I just like you”

“Oh Breakdown~” Knock Out purred lowly, hugging him suddenly.

Breakdown embraced him back, feeling the thrum of their sparks communicating with each other.

He was free.

Thanks to Knock Out, he wasn’t fearful of the world around him. Nothing worried him except making this good for Knock Out. He didn’t want to disappoint him.

Knock Out shuddered slightly, burying his face plates in Breakdown’s neck cables. Primus was he nervous right now. If it wasn’t for Breakdown being slow and supportive, he would be more of a mess.

“Can I ask” Breakdown spoke quietly, “What did they do in the attack?”

Knock Out whined lowly, still a little worried by it. “They...tried to beat me because I hadn’t joined Megatron’s “great cause”. Then when they caught me, they realized I was the “slut” everyone talked about...” he gripped Breakdown tighter, “They planned to...but before they could do anything, and luckily for me, the enforcers showed up” He leant back to face Breakdown again, “And that’s why they put the thing about me in the report. The medics they brought in were informed what had happened and insisted on checking”

Breakdown frowned deeply, “If I ever see the scum who tried that...I’ll-”

Knock Out cut him off. “I know you will” he smiled lightly, “The moment we met, I felt truly safe around you”

The blue mech felt a swell of protectiveness in his spark and cupped Knock Out’s face gently. “I’ll always be here”

Knock Out giggled, once more finding Breakdown lean in and kiss him, this time letting his blunt digits explore the red mech’s body. Knock Out moaned lowly as Breakdown felt his thighs lightly, teasing at some of the seams.

Knock Out squirmed, his cod piece grinding against Breakdown’s, causing the blue mech to growl possessively.

“Should we take this to berth?” Breakdown managed to hum lightly to Knock Out’s audios.

“PRIMUS YES!” Knock Out licked at Breakdown’s finish, pleased to find his chest pretty smooth and with the slight taste of a polish. It could be better, but it could be much MUCH worse.

Breakdown stood, scooping up Knock Out and holding him to his chest. “Which way?” he teased lightly.

Knock Out was a little flustered. “Oh...right” he pointed towards a walkway. “Far door”

Breakdown headed the way Knock Out instructed and soon found himself in quite a nice looking berthroom. It had a nice double sized berth, and the rest of the room was decorated very nicely in red.

Breakdown placed Knock Out on the berth and quickly straddled him, noticing the slight nervousness in the red mech’s posture and optics.

“Don’t worry” Breakdown cooed gently.

Knock Out bit his lip “I want this” he stated definitely. “I’m just...I don’t know...”

Breakdown leant down and captured his mouth again, quickly calming him. “You don’t need to be scared by me” he whispered as he broke away, “I’m gonna protect you”

Knock Out once more felt the blunt fingers seeking out seams around his legs, soon moving past his interface panel and up to his hips.

“Here’s something that hasn’t changed” he smirked gleefully at the medic, “I still like your hips”.

Knock Out couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know how, but Breakdown was really making him calm down. He’d never felt as safe as he did with the blue mech. It was one of the reasons he was still a virgin...he was scared about the pain of the interface.

Breakdown felt some of the tension leave Knock Out’s frame, proud to know he was making the mech before him feel relaxed.

He gently massaged down from Knock Out’s hips to the interface panel, soon tapping the clasps on it lightly. “You ready?” he asked calmly.

Knock Out froze for a moment, but responded by reaching down and undoing the clasps on Breakdown’s own unit. There was a hiss as Breakdown’s spike began to pressurize and Knock Out smirked up at him.

“You bet”

Breakdown slowly undid Knock Out’s clasps, leaving the spike in it’s housing and instead sliding back the lower panel to reveal his port. It was already a little lubricated, but Breakdown still needed to prep it.

He gently pushed lightly at it with one of his blunt digits, finding it clench as he touched it.

“Ah~” Knock Out gasped, feeling an unfamiliar twinge run through his port.

Breakdown pushed his digit in slightly further, beginning to stretch him. Knock Out bucked his hips, gasping some more and shuddering. He was clearly inexperienced, but Breakdown didn’t mind. In fact, if it wasn’t for a certain green wrecker who had had a brief fling with him, he would have also been a virgin. And just looking at Knock Out, he could tell this was already a much more successful relationship than that had ever been.

As Breakdown went to insert a second digit, Knock Out came. His valve spasmed and he shuddered deeply, screaming out in ecstasy as he overloaded. The blue mech quickly inserted a second digit into the now super sensitive valve, gently scissoring the two digits to stretch him a bit more.

Knock Out moaned in the afterglow, glancing up at Breakdown. “You’re not even in and it’s amazing” he groaned lightly.

Breakdown leant down and kissed him gently, now happy as he managed to insert a third digit. “Looks like you don’t have to wait long”

Knock Out watched as Breakdown pulled his digits away and licked at the lubricant, smirking and licking his digits clean. “Tastes as exotic as you look” he stated, soon straddling Knock Out fully again and positioning himself carefully.

Knock Out reached up and pulled Breakdown’s faceplates towards him, kissing him desperately. Into the kiss he mumbled “Please Breakdown...take me”

Breakdown kissed him more passionately, slowly sliding his spike into the valve. He stopped as he reached the virgin seal, stopping the kiss and looking seriously at Knock Out.


Knock Out kissed him desperately, whining lowly. “I need you Breakdown...just spike me already!”

Breakdown smiled warmly and continued kissing him, breaking the seal and managing to sheath his entire length.

Knock Out shuddered, he’d felt a small pain when his seal broke, but the feel of the spike within him was so glorious that it made him forget there was even any pain in the first place. His valve rippled around the intruding member and he moaned loudly, shuddering again. It felt so right.

Breakdown vented harshly as he felt Knock Out adjust to him. Primus was he tight! It was so invigorating, he let out a deep moan.

Knock Out pulled him back for a kiss, more needy than ever. “Frag me Breakdown...Frag me” he hissed, soon attacking Breakdown’s mouth with his own, glossa probing around desperately.

Breakdown shivered as Knock Out’s glossa stroked his again, soon wrapping around it and teasing it forward. With another moan, he pulled out slightly and gave a shallow thrust, causing Knock Out to keen in pleasure. He smirked into the kiss and did so again, trying to get Knock Out used to it.

Knock Out gasped as overload once again crashed through him, his valve tightening around Breakdown’s member. It was very tough for Breakdown not to overload yet, but he waited, wanting to overload with Knock Out when he started the proper frag.

Again sensitive and in the after glow, Knock Out murmured lightly. “Not fair on you”

Breakdown chuckled, shaking his helm. “Don’t worry about me...this is about you” he gave Knock Out a bit of time, and when the red mech began kissing at him again, he pulled further out and thrust back in.

Soon, the thrusts were more constant and the pair were making sweet love. Breakdown could feel himself nearly at the edge, and he knew Knock Out wouldn’t last much longer.

“Ready?” he kissed at Knock Out’s neck cables.

Knock Out moaned again, his valve rippling more. “I...can’t...” he could feel himself going again.

Knock Out screamed out his name this time, making Breakdown grin as he too overloaded. He roared out Knock Out’s in return, making it much more sensual, emptying himself into Knock Out’s valve as it tightened around his spike.

Flopping down after, he cuddled Knock Out from the side as they let the afterglow clear. He pulled out and closed Knock Out’s panel, soon closing his own.

Knock Out embraced him lovingly, nuzzling him gently. “Oh Breakdown” he murmured. “That was...amazing”

Breakdown smirked, kissing him one last time for the day. “You’re amazing” he told the red mech honestly, “It’s what I thought from the first moment I saw you...even in that paranoid state”

Knock Out smiled shyly, his faceplates heating up. “I definitely like this new you”

“I think I do too” he teased, the pair beginning to power down.

“Thank you” Knock Out whispered as he offlined his optics.

Breakdown hugged him closer, “No, thank you”


Breakdown onlined slowly, a little groggy. At first, he nearly panicked, finding himself not where he expected. His old routines shocking him, gradually clearing as he became more aware. But upon seeing the recharging Knock Out, he quickly calmed.

He smirked to himself, this mech had helped him more than any other...even himself. If Knock Out hadn’t met him, he would have remained paranoid. He kept convincing himself he was working through it himself, but now he could was a delusion. He had needed help, like a push. And it had come to him in the form of a gorgeous red mech.

Knock Out onlined slowly, onlining his optics to see Breakdown smirking to himself. “What?” he asked, a little laggy.

“Oh, you know, just admiring the view” the blue mech winked.

Knock Out laughed, cuddling into Breakdown’s side more, and leaning up to kiss him.

In the past, Breakdown would have worried about his job, but right now, he didn’t care. He had Knock Out. The most perfect mech he’d ever seen. Why would he leave him when he promised to protect him?

breakdown, slash, koxbd, tf, transformers fanfic, kink meme, knock out, transformers, fanfic

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