Left and Right: Chapter Twenty-Three

Aug 09, 2010 00:20

Title: Left and Right (multi-chapter)

Author: dolce_amore

Summary: Reid injures himself in an accident six months after starting a relationship with Luke. This is the story of how Reid and Luke handle it.

Genre/Type: Romance/Drama/Future-Fic

Rating: R

Disclaimer: I do not own As the World Turns, it’s characters, or it’s settings. Though if you know where I can buy a Reid, please let me know. ☺

Disclaimer #2: Chapter titles are all lyrics taken from songs. I take no credit for them. They are being used for entertainment purposes only. All rights go to the artists that first penned them. ☺

Characters/Pairings in this chapter: Reid/Luke, Katie, Bob, Jacob, Ali mention, Casey mention

Author's Notes: This is my Big Bang fic for LROnline. It's 23 chapters, though, so I figured I'd break it up instead of posting all the chapters at once. Enjoy! Comments = love.

Author's Notes 2: This is the final chapter! Again, thank you all so much for your wonderful feedback as I've been posting this story. I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)


Twenty-Three: Learning to Breathe

The next morning Luke awoke to a Reid Oliver that was, in fact, nervous. He stood in the doorframe as he watched Reid shave, towel around his waist and chest still glistening with beads of water.

“It takes you twice as long as me to get ready. Move it,” Reid said out of the corner of his mouth as he continued to streak the razor down his jaw line.

Luke knew it to be true and laughed. He walked past Reid and stepped into the shower, feeling the water pounding his head and back. He looked at Reid through the blurred shower door. Something felt so new about him. Luke concluded that he would have to re-learn what made Reid tick just as Reid was learning it himself. The first thing Luke ever knew about Reid was that he was a neurosurgeon. It quickly became a mere detail to the actual man that he was, but still - it was an enormous part of who he was. It was an enormous part of their first encounter, their first argument… their first kiss. Letting that go and being with Reid as he started fresh and went into uncharted territories with his career was both frightening and exhilarating. If he felt that way about it, he couldn’t even imagine how it felt to Reid. He wanted to be there every single step of the way to find out, though. He wanted Reid to know that no matter what happened, he was never alone.

By the time Luke came out of the shower Reid was already dressed and ready to go.
Reid poked his head into bathroom. “I ironed your clothes. They’re on the bed,” Reid sputtered quickly.

“You ironed?” Luke asked, giggling at the image. “You’re so domesticated,” he teased.

“I’m not domesticated, I just want you to move your butt.”

“Whatever you say, Doc,” Luke replied.

Luke slipped on his clothes as quickly as possible and headed back into the bathroom.

“Oh Christ Luke, your hair looks fine, c’mon,” Reid snapped.

“Somebody’s in an awfully good mood today,” Luke shot back.

“Somebody just wants to be on time,” Reid replied, his eyes wide.

“You’re going to do fine today, you know,” Luke said as he ran some gel through his hair, ignoring Reid’s rush to leave.

Reid shrugged. “Yeah, I know.”

Luke went to Reid, rubbing his neck lightly. “You’re going to do better than fine. You’re going to do great.” He pecked him on the lips. “Are you ready to go?”

“As ready as I’m going to be, yes,” he replied.


After cutting the ribbon of Snyder Pavilion, there were questions, so many questions - all of them regarding how the great Dr. Oliver would cope with losing his career in neurosurgery. They were all so intrusive, so true to Oakhell form.

Reid rubbed his temple, his hands shaking. “Are you alright?” Luke asked gently.

Reid pulled Luke away from the lobby from which they were standing with Bob. “I don’t know what to say,” he said in a hushed tone, looking embarrassed.

“That’s a first,” Luke teased before giving Reid a comforting smile. “Just tell them what you told me. That you’re going to continue to be a kick-ass doctor.”

Reid nodded. “Hey,” Luke said, raising Reid’s chin to meet his glance. “Just be yourself.”

“Oh God, could you be any more corny, Snyder?” Reid shot back, and Luke laughed.

“I knew a cliché would bring the Reid I know back.”
Reid and Luke re-entered the lobby, Reid grasping onto Luke’s hand as though his life depended on it. “Won’t holding my hand kill your reputation?” Luke joked.

“Oh, fuck my reputation,” Reid said with a laugh. Luke grinned.


After addressing the crowd of journalists, co-workers, and anonymous spectators alike, Reid joined Luke and Bob from where they had been watching off to the side. Reid looked at Bob, who gave him nothing but a smug smile and nod.

“Don’t look so satisfied with yourself, Dr. Hughes. I came up with that speech all on my own.”

“Particularly the line about a life being a life, and it not mattering in what way one saved it?”

“Oh yes, especially that part,” Reid replied sarcastically. Bob laughed.

Katie came running over, smiling wider than she ever had since Chris left. “Reid! You did great!” she yelped, hugging him tightly before he could object. She slapped his arm. “You’re in trouble, sir. Why did I just have to hear through Bob that you were succeeding him as Chief of Staff?”

“You know too much as it is I have to maintain some level of mystery from time to time,” Reid replied with a smirk. “Where the little devil at?”

Katie let out a laugh. “Over there,” she said, pointing to the table of snacks that Jacob was eyeing up as Kim held him high enough to see. “He picked the lovely trait of always being at the nearest tray of food at parties from his Uncle Reid.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know that table was over there.” He peered around to see the crowd breaking up. “Looks like I’m no longer needed for my outstanding public people skills. See you,” he said. He kissed Katie and rushed off, leaving Luke, Katie, and Bob in the dust.

The three laughed. Katie looked solemnly at Luke. “He seems to be dealing with this really well. Surprisingly well.”

Luke nodded. “Yeah, he is. He’s been preparing himself for the worst all along, which I guess helped. Still, I’m not used to seeing him so…”

“Okay with just letting things be as they are?” Katie finished.


She beamed. “That’s because he has you.”

Luke blushed. “Maybe that’s part of it.”

“No maybes. You’re a big part of it,” she assured him, and he smiled. She looked back over to the food table and giggled as she watched Jacob feed Reid mini-hotdogs as he sat perched on his arm, holding tightly with one hand to his neck.

“I’m going to go over there. Come with?” Luke asked politely.

Katie shook her head. “No, I’m going to go catch up with Alison. See you in a bit.”

Luke came up from behind Reid and Jacob, resting his hands on Reid’s shoulders. Reid jumped. “Squirt, you’re supposed to tell me when I’m being attacked from behind!” he mock-scolded Jacob. Jacob laughed.

“You’ve never seemed to have a problem with being attacked from behind in the past, Dr. Oliver,” Luke said, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Reid laughed. “I don’t know what ever led me to believe you’re so sweet and innocent, Mr. Snyder. You talk that way in front of your first cousin eight times removed?”

“We’re second cousins,” Luke corrected.

“Oh, and that makes it better?” Reid teased.

Jacob squealed happily as he saw Casey a few feet away. Reid put him back down on the floor and let him run off.

“The kid will learn someday that Dude Hughes is a moron.”

“You’re so charming.”

“Aren’t I? No wonder you can’t stay away from me,” Reid murmured, moving in closer, kissing him softly.

Luke looked in his eyes and couldn’t help but feel the stress of the day release from the body. They breathed into each other, their foreheads brushing against one another. Luke wasn’t exactly sure what the future held, but he knew for sure that Reid was okay. And if Reid seemed okay, that meant everything would be.


... stick around for the epilogue!

big bang fic: left and right, rating: r, fanfiction, !author/artist: dolce_amore93

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