Excuses, Excuses by Riku Ryuu [Oneshot #82]

Oct 29, 2011 14:02

Kagome looked through the fence, scanning the courtyard on the other side. It looked empty enough but one could never be sure enough when the late bell had already rung.

Hoping that she was in the clear, Kagome quickly climbed the tree nearest the fence, a big tree that had plenty of leaves to shield her from sight, and took one more glance at the deserted courtyard before jumping over the fence. Her long hair fluttered like a cape of midnight behind her. It was not a long drop but it was enough to cause her too short skirt to flip up and show that she was wearing really short shorts underneath, another rule broken.  Kagome landing in a crouch and quickly got to her feet, heading for the school at a fast walk as she used her hands to fix her hair.

“Where do you think you are going?”

Kagome turned in a fury of raven hair. She ended up running into a chest that she knew a little too well.

“Sesshomaru! I was just-“

“Just breaking some more rules like always, right?” Strong arms went around Kagome and steadied her and just as quickly released her. Kagome looked up, up, up to the beautiful face of the class president.

“I wasn’t trying to break any rules, I just was a little late today…”

“By a little late you mean twenty minutes late?”

Kagome gave him an innocent smile.

“I’m sorry, my alarm clock didn’t go off,” she said, an obvious lie but not one that anyone could check. Kagome knew that Sesshomaru was well aware of the truth.

“And your excuse for your clothing?”

Kagome looked down at her skirt that was well above fingertip length.

“It shrank in the wash?”

Sesshomaru shook his head.

“Running out of excuses? It only took half the year.” Sesshomaru moved to the side so that Kagome could enter the school building. “I trust you know your way to the Principal’s office. Just in case I will go with you to make sure you don't get… lost.”

Kagome’s smile turned into a pout.

“Come on Sesshomaru, can’t you go easy on me just this once?” Kagome’s arms went around Sesshomaru’s shoulders and she went on her tiptoes to get closer to his face.

“No,” Sesshomaru said before his arms went around Kagome and pulled her lips to his. It was not a gentle kiss in anyway; it was a hard and wet meeting of lips that caused Kagome’s eyes to close in ecstasy. Kagome was pressed to Sesshomaru’s hard chest and she couldn’t help but rub against him, loving the feel of his strong muscles against her and his demanding arms that held her so close.

Sesshomaru let go of Kagome without warning and looked at her with a small smile.

“Sesshomaru,” she said in a sweet voice, “wasn’t that a violation of the rules?”

“I’ll turn myself in later,” he said and took Kagome’s hand. “That won’t get you out of trouble.”

Kagome sighed.

“You would think dating the class Pres would get me out of all kinds of trouble,” she said, though she showed no signs of being upset. They walked hand in hand to the Principal’s office as if they were taking a simple walk in the park. “Are we still on for after school?”

“The movies? We’ll have to see how much detention you get.” Sesshomaru stopped at the door and brushed his lips against Kagome's forehead in a light kiss. “Good luck.”

Kagome rolled her eyes and went into the office to get her punishment. If she wasn’t head over heels for Sesshomaru she would probably really hate the guy.

2011 4q, -alternate universe, =oneshot, =oneshot #082 violation, -romance, rikuryuu, -fluff

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