Title: Crimson Bloom
Author: A Mystic Lady
Theme: Bloom
Genre: Dark
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Author Note: Continuation of Witness Protected? beginning is
Summary: AU Could a flower herald her death?
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I make a profit from this little bit of writing.
Setting the vials down on the bed, he stepped to the other room. “Ah, perfect timing.” He returned carrying a plant pod of some kind, a vine trailing behind him.
“Now watch carefully,” he said with an evil smirk. Removing the top of one of the vials he poured it over the top of the pod. They watched as the blood was absorbed and the pod began to pulse. Then a beautiful crimson flower bloomed from the top.
“The time has come for your death. Are you ready?” Her eyes snapped to him and terror gripped her body and soul.