Pretty Fracking Good.

Feb 21, 2012 22:39

So, a week late here, but my Valentine's Day was pretty damn good. I managed to make it to the store to buy some little gifts for The Sister, The BFF and ceitfianna - who was coming down for an awesome Gilmore Girls marathon - as well as picking up some little cards for the kids in the family. There seem to be more and more children every year. I got ( Read more... )

stalking is a valid career, gilmore girls has adhd, christian kane is a demi-rock-god, biology can bite my ass, real life, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend, sister oh sister, cartoons are for everyone!, music blahblahblahing, writing blahblahblahing, valentine's day has candy, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, fandom is made of awesome, dirty old lady, do you like waffles, christian+steve - rockstar bfs!

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Comments 30

vikingprincess February 22 2012, 06:22:10 UTC
Happy Happy Valentine's Day Yay! I'm glad you had such a good day.

Also, hooray for continued PT stories even with Kevin lackage.


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 22:56:34 UTC

Maybe I'll start doing double-stories - therapy stories and Kevin stories. Then you guys will just be spoiled. ;)


vikingprincess February 23 2012, 23:48:44 UTC
But we DESERVE double stories. Yesyesyes we doooooo!


denig37 February 22 2012, 10:22:00 UTC

RL story from me:
One time my dad fell out of a train...He wanted to find out if you can open the door of the train while riding in it...You can *hangs head*

The railway police (google says they are called that in english) said that a normal person wouldn't survive it, yet my dad managed to get out of it with only a few scratched and bruises *shakes head*


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 22:58:13 UTC
I like this new tradition where I tell you guys a RL story and then you share one back with me!

Your dad fell out of a train? Holy crap. That's nuts! Glad he wasn't hurt too bad though. Did he get in trouble?


denig37 February 24 2012, 15:25:25 UTC
Heh, he didn't (thank Chuck for that) :-D


lizibabes February 22 2012, 20:31:55 UTC
Nothing wrog with asking for the cute guy to lift you up, I'm sure he was strong.
But then I flirted with the anastisiologist(Spelt wrong I'm sure) just before he put me out for surgery, he helped lift me from the trolly to the bed as well, which was fun, for me. So maybe I'm not the best judge of what's pervy and whats not lol


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:01:21 UTC
Cute Guy looks pretty strong (and I am tiny). He is very tall too. And cute. Mostly, I think the girls were all laughing at me pretending that I wasn't being pervy. Everyone knows, I am always being pervy. ;)

So was the anstehliogist (sp?) the last thing you saw before you went under? heehee I swear, you would think I would be maried to a doctor by now, with all the flirting I have done with medical professionals in my life.


lizibabes February 23 2012, 23:17:13 UTC
I'm 5:4(Which isn't the shotest, but in a family were most the girls are 6ft it is ) people seem to think that means piking me up and putting me on things is funny, but being lifted by cute tall guys is just pratical :D People never believe I'm not being a perv either lol

spelling fail, I meant anaesthesiologist, he was cute, sweet and flirty and so strong that he almost flung me across the room when he was getting me on the bed for the op (Not that manhandling is hot or anything, nope lol) He was the last thing, a nice sight to go to sleep to.

Hmmm your own cute medical type at home, would be awesome wouldn't it?


dodger_sister February 23 2012, 23:39:50 UTC
I'm 5ft tall and about 110 pounds. When you are that short and have bad knees, being lifted is defintely a practical thing. I may have, over time, developed a bit of a kink for guys who can carry me around though. I blame Adam Baldwin. Now everyone knows that I have a thing for guys who can lift me so if I am being practical, they are all like, "Okay sure, but you are also being pervy, right?"

he was cute, sweet and flirty and so strong

See, that is not a bad thing to go under with - not at all. ;) (yeah, I can't spell anthestioligoist either).

The more I think about it, the more I think having my own doctor-husband would be a problem - all my family members would constantly be asking my husband to diagnose all their paranoid hypochrondic fears for them.

Maybe Cute Guy just wants to come home with me and be my 'pool boy'? ;)


ranua February 24 2012, 12:05:58 UTC
Your welcome bb! But, wait, are you saying I'm creepy and stalkerish, or we're creepy and stalkerish? Either way it's cool. :D

Some of you may know the, well let's say...happy times I have watching Steve play the guitar. Damn good thing this show is in the privacy of your own home then! lol Yes, someday we will attend a show together! It don't matter who, we have so many artists in common and I like to travel. We'll get together someday I'm sure.

Pervy and practical sounds like a good combination. Like you'd get what you'd get off on more readily. Oh gods, my brain! Quick! with the bleach!!

Okay, so reading down through the comments, you're a pocket-sized evil thing? That's what I picture, a little bit of an evil smirking, good with kids, bouncing off the walls, blonde.


dodger_sister February 26 2012, 20:41:52 UTC
But, wait, are you saying I'm creepy and stalkerish, or we're creepy and stalkerish?

Ha! You sent me a headless teddy bear - that's a little creepy and stalkerish. But it's cool, apparently I'm into that kind of thing. (let's face it, I'm a little creepy and stalkerish myself).

good thing this show is in the privacy of your own home then

My sister was home and she was in the basement during the show, where you can hear everything from my room. I had some pretty orgasmic noises I wanted to make when Steve was rocking out at the end of "American Made" and I had to bite my lip from letting the noises out. Not even kidding. It was awesome.

In my fantasy world, we get to go see Steve and Kane play together in a show that is opened by Jason Manns. It's the ultimate fangirl concert right there. Or, you know, any of the 478 other artists we have discussed in the past. Whatever. ;)

Pervy and practical sounds like a good combination. Like you'd get what you'd get off on more readily. Oh gods, my brain! Quick! with the bleach!! ( ... )


ranua February 29 2012, 03:15:49 UTC
it's cool, apparently I'm into that kind of thing lol, nice to have that confirmed!

I had the living room to myself, but I'm always self-conscious about singing along or making noise or something when I've got headphones on. You gottta follow Steve on StageIt so you'll know when he does another show. He's always good to watch since he's one of the few that does a full body view on the screen.

In my fantasy world, we get to go see Steve and Kane play together in a show that is opened by Jason Manns. hell yeah bb :D I'd settle for Jason and Steve touring together even.

I've got this vague memory of some kind of cartoon character that you make me think of, but I can't place my finger on it. Some little pixie character or something.


dodger_sister February 29 2012, 03:51:34 UTC
I've got this vague memory of some kind of cartoon character that you make me think of, but I can't place my finger on it. Some little pixie character or something.

Tinkerbell? She was pretty evil after all - I mean she did try to kill Wendy. Plus, she had totally cute clothes.


wolfrider89 February 24 2012, 23:25:24 UTC
I want to see Chris and Steve perform SO BAD! They've been in London twice since I discovered them, but since I'm not made of money I haven't been able to go. One day! Hell, I might even make a trip out of it and go to the US just 'cause I like going to the US. Mostly. Except for when I have to go through customs. That shit is scary.

Um. I don't know what the point was of that little ramble, except to say CHRIS! And Steve! And concert!

Love how you perv on Cute Guy. Keep it up. :D


dodger_sister February 26 2012, 20:53:08 UTC
I saw Steve perform at a convention once. I actually didn't know who he was at the time but it sounded like fun to go, so we went. I stared at his fingers on that guitar the whole time and that was how I became a Carlson fan. <3

I doubt I'll ever get to see Christian play live. But, dude, to see them live together - I would like, whore myself for the money to go one of their concerts. Whore myself. Because I, like you, am poor.

Hell, I might even make a trip out of it and go to the US just 'cause I like going to the US

Detroit, in my homestate, has an international airport. Just sayin'. ;)

The internet concert was awesome! Christian had never done one before so his boyfriend Steve had to show him where the camera was and how to see what everyone was saying on their feed. Christian was so marveled by the technology, it was adorable.

Love how you perv on Cute Guy. Keep it up. :DI try not to perv on Cute Guy in front of him, because he gets all embarrassed (which just makes him even cuter, all blushy and shit). But I ( ... )


wolfrider89 February 27 2012, 20:12:22 UTC
One of my life goals it to watch a Kane concert. No lie. Life goal. Does that make me one of them Kaniacs? :P

Detroit, in my homestate, has an international airport. Just sayin'. ;)
*writes down* :D

Lol at Christian being a technology noob. That's so cute! I wish I had seen that.

Aaw, you make Cute Guy blush! His name is very fitting, he's adorable. I like. :)


dodger_sister February 27 2012, 22:41:41 UTC
One of my life goals it to watch a Kane concert. No lie. Life goal. Does that make me one of them Kaniacs? :P

Yes. Yes, it does. <3


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