Pretty Fracking Good.

Feb 21, 2012 22:39

So, a week late here, but my Valentine's Day was pretty damn good. I managed to make it to the store to buy some little gifts for The Sister, The BFF and ceitfianna - who was coming down for an awesome Gilmore Girls marathon - as well as picking up some little cards for the kids in the family. There seem to be more and more children every year. I got ( Read more... )

stalking is a valid career, gilmore girls has adhd, christian kane is a demi-rock-god, biology can bite my ass, real life, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend, sister oh sister, cartoons are for everyone!, music blahblahblahing, writing blahblahblahing, valentine's day has candy, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, fandom is made of awesome, dirty old lady, do you like waffles, christian+steve - rockstar bfs!

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Comments 30

matchboximpala March 8 2012, 04:58:47 UTC
I have heard of stageit, but hadn't heard of anyone I wanted to see on it. Too bad I missed Steve and Christian! I saw them play acoustic at a casino (was that last year?) and they were great -- would love to see that again.

Sorry I missed you on Valentine's Day. February was a blur. March looks to be shaping up much the same.


dodger_sister March 9 2012, 03:13:50 UTC
Stageit is a great little site and fairly easy to use (I was nervous I wouldn't be able to figure it out or that my crappy computer wouldn't support it, but it all went great). The service is free, you just pay for the concerts you want to watch and they look to run from $5 to $10 a ticket. The cool thing is they actually streamed right from Will's (the bass guitarist) living room, so it was really just the four guys sitting around jamming together.

I saw them play acoustic at a casino

Oh man, I am SO jealous. Actually, I think I told you that when you went last year. lol

February was a blur. March looks to be shaping up much the same

Oh no, that's no good, darling. I noticed I haven't seen you around much and I was wondering how it was going but I know you posted at least once that you were swamped and stressed. I hope March doesn't go like that for the whole run of things and you get to come up for air at some point. /hugs/


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