Pretty Fracking Good.

Feb 21, 2012 22:39

So, a week late here, but my Valentine's Day was pretty damn good. I managed to make it to the store to buy some little gifts for The Sister, The BFF and ceitfianna - who was coming down for an awesome Gilmore Girls marathon - as well as picking up some little cards for the kids in the family. There seem to be more and more children every year. I got Scooby-Doo cards for all the kids and I mailed them out, which I am sure was exciting for them because what kid doesn't love to get mail? I also got chocolate from both The Sister and The BFF and it was timed quite well, as I started my Awesome Time of Month on Valentine's Day and my body was sorely craving the chocolate.

I also was just overwhelmed by all the lovely V-Gifts you guys sent me. It wasn't just my womanly hormones that had me all teary-eyed over all the love. Thanks to anyothergirl415, jojothecr, denig37, fragrantwoods, vikingprincess, sephirothflame, rhymephile, denyce, lizibabes and flawed_x_design for the beautiful glass hearts. You guys are AMAZING. And thanks to ranua for the headless teddy bear. I know, a headless teddy bear seems creepy and stalker-ish, but that's just how we roll - right, babe?

I finally managed to get my Valentine's Day fic posted and I have gotten some lovely comments on it - (which I plan on responding to tomorrow). I got a wonderful rec on that story I posted at the very beginning of the year, "If Dreams There Be". I am so blown away by the response that fic got.

And finally, there is this website called Stageit where performers put on exclusive live shows that stream out. The service is free, you just have to buy tickets to whichever shows you want to see. This seems to be especially nice if you are following a smaller performer who maybe doesn't drag his sorry-ass to Michigan. Um, anyways, ranua got me a ticket to see Steve Carlson and Christian Kane side-by-side playing their acoustic guitars! Some of you may know the, well let's say...happy times I have watching Steve play the guitar. This acoustic set is most exciting! Also, it's thus far the closest ranua and I have come to seeing a concert together - though someday we will do the real thing.

I can't tell if this post is full of love or just braggy, so to make it more interesting, have a therapy story...

Today the aide tried to put me in the booth with the high table - most of them have high tables which I can't get up on to.

Me: Okay, but I'm going to go in the booth with the adjustable table because PT can't lift me up on the table.
Aide: Oh, I forgot Kevin used to do that. I could lift you though. Look at my arms. (she is not wrong, the girl's arms look damn good).
Me: You know, first day PT realized she couldn't get me on the table and I told her to look around, that I was sure someone here could. I bet you could. Cute Guy was here that day and I told her to go get him but I think she thought I was just being pervy.

One of the aides started laughing and the other just raised her eyebrows at me.
Me: Okay, so I was being pervy but also practical. I mean, he could lift me. Whatever.

They just kept laughing.

stalking is a valid career, gilmore girls has adhd, christian kane is a demi-rock-god, biology can bite my ass, real life, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend, sister oh sister, cartoons are for everyone!, music blahblahblahing, writing blahblahblahing, valentine's day has candy, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, fandom is made of awesome, dirty old lady, do you like waffles, christian+steve - rockstar bfs!

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