Finished! Not Finished-Finished, But Still Finished!

May 17, 2017 22:44

You guys! OMG! The Book is finished! My book, of a collection of short stories about the various pets we have owned over the years, that my grandmother very much demanded I write just a few months before she passed away. I am finished, finally finished. Well, not finished-finished, but I finished the writing process of it all. The book is 55, ( Read more... )

the nephew, writing blahblahblahing, friends 4evah, happy-face, sleep now, convention crack, furry family, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, lj stuffs, word count total

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Comments 12

lindahoyland May 18 2017, 02:55:26 UTC


dodger_sister January 5 2018, 23:16:06 UTC
Thank you! I still can't believe I actually wrote a whole book! Now if I can just get the legal side of it worked out, so I can publish.


shirebound May 18 2017, 14:48:41 UTC
Oh, how absolutely wonderful!!!! I'm so happy for you.


dodger_sister January 5 2018, 23:18:50 UTC
Thank you so much. For all your support during the process of this book, in fact! I talk to the lawyer next week, I hope, and there may be, possibly, a financial plan in place. I hope? Something easier than starting a non-profit for the proceeds, lol.


crucis01 May 18 2017, 17:34:41 UTC
OUTSTANDING!!! Congratulations! 🎆🎈💜


dodger_sister January 5 2018, 23:21:05 UTC
Thank you so much! I still do a double take when I realize I write an actual book. Though I overshot my estimate on when it would be published (still not out yet) because the legal side of things is more complicated than I thought. At least in my case, as all the proceeds go to charity.


vikingprincess May 23 2017, 02:11:42 UTC
Congratulations, you!

Also, Happy Birthday!


dodger_sister January 5 2018, 23:23:36 UTC
Thank you!! It still baffles me, like, I wrote a book?! Apparently giving all the money to charity without it having to go through my bank account is harder than I thought though, which is why I'm being held up on actually publishing, but 2018 is the year, right? I got this! (or my lawyer does, lol).


bugeyedmonster June 9 2017, 22:33:43 UTC


dodger_sister January 5 2018, 23:25:51 UTC
Thank you!! It was a huge accomplishment for me to finish this book. Still not published yet though. Hopefully the lawyer will have an answer soon for me on how to do this as a charity thing, which is what I want. This book's proceeds for my local Humane Society. The next book for a different charity. And so on. <3


bugeyedmonster January 12 2018, 04:56:20 UTC
Darn, I am behind in checking my LJ.

Please do let us know when it's published!


dodger_sister January 13 2018, 22:19:56 UTC
Darn, I am behind in checking my LJ.

No, it is just that you got a mass influx of comments from me as I did a mass catch up here on LJ!

Please do let us know when it's published!

Of course, I absolutely will!


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