Finished! Not Finished-Finished, But Still Finished!

May 17, 2017 22:44

You guys! OMG! The Book is finished! My book, of a collection of short stories about the various pets we have owned over the years, that my grandmother very much demanded I write just a few months before she passed away. I am finished, finally finished. Well, not finished-finished, but I finished the writing process of it all. The book is 55,603 words. It has taken me a year and a half to write. The last three or four months, I haven't even written any fanfiction really. Omg, I can't believe it's done.

It's in my editor's hands right now. I get a two week free break, before I even have to think about it again. Then there will be editing, promoting/marketing/social media and formatting it and getting it ready for self publish on Amazon. I'm hoping to do it through a place that has options through Amazon where you can get it as an e-book or you can get it as a printed copy paperback, because it would be cool to have a printed copy, but most people will probably want the e-book. I finished it yesterday, but I was so tired last night after getting the last chapter done and putting it all together, that I just went to sleep.

But I wanted to tell you guys because I can't believe it is done! I wrote the first chapter the week before Christmas 2015 - it's been a long road. I am so grateful Grandma got to read that chapter before she passed. I'm hoping to have it out by the middle of June, but it might be more like the end of June. Then I get a week to do nothing, but sleep, and then I have to get back to work on the book that The Nephew and I are writing together. But right now I get to go to Motor City Comic Con this weekend and not think about the book. And I get to have my birthday next week and not think about the book. I don't have to think about it at all until Memorial Day weekend, when I will start marketing.

I'm so happy and I know my grandma would be very proud of me. I wanted to share with you guys, because you've always been so encouraging of my writing that I felt like I had to tell you! The writing process is finished and now I'm going to catch up on some TV, at last. And maybe some things around these parts, like comments and stuff. /insert 573 happy-face emojis here/

the nephew, writing blahblahblahing, friends 4evah, happy-face, sleep now, convention crack, furry family, my grandparents - my heroes, real life, lj stuffs, word count total

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