Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

May 13, 2017 21:16

It's my LJ anniversary! Number 7, to be exact! Can't believe it's been seven years. I was just telling a friend from these parts - who I met on here back in my freshman LJ year, lizibabes, whom I have stayed friends with all these years - (how many of you have been chatting with me for seven or six or even five years now?!) - that, as it happened, the day I made my first LJ post was The Nephew's 4th birthday. He turned 11 today!

I meant to get my Dreamwidth up today, so that my LJ and my DW anniversary would be the same. As events unfolded this week - besides Lucky's death, Mom has been in the hospital all week, came home today, is doing better - I just didn't have time. I've been baby-sitting all day, with help from The BFF, as Sis has bronchitis and my brother needed the kids watched so he could do funeral stuff.

As I type this, The Niece and I are side by side in my bed on our tablets. She is playing a puzzle game for kids and I am making this post. Once she settles a bit, I'll turn on Moana. She saw it in theaters, but I've never seen it! Anyways, I still wanted to get something put up for my LJ anniversary!

Maybe you all could leave me some comments? Anything you can think of that reminds you of me - something you see somewhere that makes you think 'Dodger', or maybe a fic of mine you remember fondly, or how long you've been following me. Anything at all to make me 'awww' over my wonderful friends and wonderful time here!

I love all you guys! I always say, "internet friends are real friends too!"

anniversaries - celebrate!, the nephew, my girls, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, happy-face, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, need your opinion/help - oh great flist, the niece, lj stuffs, sister oh sister

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