I Am Not Lost!

Jul 08, 2015 22:14

I totally spaced on making a post yesterday. Oops. Cuz yes I am still trying to post every Tuesday, so I post at least once a week and Tuesday is good, cuz I don't have therapy that day. But I got distracted on Tumblr. I know what you're thinking, "Oh no, she's fallen into the abyss, we are losing her!" But fear not, I am not lost ( Read more... )

weather or not, sick n tired, my girls, friends 4evah, tumblr - why, the x-files - trust everyone, that's why they call it a workout, the hobbit - unexpected adventures, star trek space cowboys, real life, comics were always for cool people, lj stuffs, michigan proud

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Comments 13

lindahoyland July 9 2015, 02:23:22 UTC
That's great. I like the X Files, Star Trek and kittens too, but sadly live far away!


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 03:33:54 UTC
That's great. I like the X Files, Star Trek and kittens too, but sadly live far away!

I was so jazzed to learn that my new friend lives so close, but if I had a teleporter, I'd zap you here too!


vikingprincess July 9 2015, 04:02:16 UTC
I'm just super tired. Unreasonably so, in fact.


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 03:35:18 UTC
I'm just super tired. Unreasonably so, in fact

I know this was from awhile ago, but I feel like,you could still be in need of a blanket, so grab one and curl up, babe! Get some rest!


vikingprincess September 8 2015, 11:21:29 UTC
Irony: Reading your reply after the worst night of sleep so far this school year. Heh.


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 20:51:09 UTC
See, I knew you needed a good blankie and a rest. Now get better sleep tonight! Don't make me come there and lay on top of you! (Idk, my sister always threatens to lay on top of me and smother when I'm sick. She seems to think it'll make me feel better. I don't buy it, but I will fly there and lay on you if you don't get some rest!)


bugeyedmonster July 9 2015, 05:11:57 UTC
Now I'm wanting to look up your tumbler blog... I have a few fb friends, and a co-worker with fibromyalgia.

Glad to hear you made some new geek friends. Geek friends are the best.


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 03:48:25 UTC
Now I'm wanting to look up your tumbler blog... I have a few fb friends, and a co-worker with fibromyalgia.

These last few weeks, as my RL has gone to hell in a handbasket, I have mostly been doing reblogs of things, but...

Here is my Disableism blog, which you can scroll through and have a look, and also forward to your chronically ill friends. (If you repost anything outside of Tumblr - like on Facebook - add a link to the original post, so the credit can be givemto the original poster!)

Also, if you just want to read my personal posts on that blog, here is the link to those.

And if you want my fannish Tumblr, which is like 95% reblogs, but I think you would enjoy scrolling through it, as you and I share so many fandoms in common, Here is that. Enjoy!

Glad to hear you made some new geek friends. Geek friends are the best.

I started the blog to make some new disabled friends, but of course, as it goes, the ones I was attracted to and befriended all turned out to be fannish geeks too, because we know our own kind anywhere! lol


lindahoyland July 9 2015, 21:58:08 UTC
Glad you are still here on LJ.

I had Harry escape through the window and be outside in traffic for 2 hours and then a nasty delivery man with my groceries so quite a week!


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 03:51:48 UTC
Glad you are still here on LJ.

I can't imagine I will ever leave LJ, not until it gets shut down. It is just such a great place for conversations and journaling, much better than any other platform I have tried.

I had Harry escape through the window and be outside in traffic for 2 hours and then a nasty delivery man with my groceries so quite a week!

Oh, this comment is a bit old, but I still remember when these things happened, as I was worried about Harry! And I know the regular delivery guy was upset to heat what bad service you had when he wasn't there. Hopefully he'll always be there from now on!


ranua July 13 2015, 20:18:10 UTC
That's really cool that you've got a blog that has that kind of reach. Go you :D
My weekend was pretty good. Went to a BritFest con. All things British; t.v., books, movies. It was a lot of fun. Got a sweet vintage James Bond movie poster.


dodger_sister September 8 2015, 03:59:27 UTC
That's really cool that you've got a blog that has that kind of reach. Go you :D

The spoonie blogging is still going really well. I posted this in July saying I had 600 followers and now I have over 800 and figure I'll have over 1k by Christmas. How unreal, I can't even wrap my head around getting my voice out to a thousand people. Like 70% of it is still reblogs, but still I have reach. Sometimes I don't even do anything with it for like three days and I still keep getting new followers...like I'm not even posting any content, where are you all coming from?! Lol. It is nice though, I am loving it.

My weekend was pretty good. Went to a BritFest con. All things British; t.v., books, movies. It was a lot of fun. Got a sweet vintage James Bond movie poster.

Is BritFest like merchandise, activities, displays, forums, etc or are some actors there as well? Sometimes I think a con would be better for me if there weren't any actors there bc I know I can get lost in the starry-eyed-starstruck thing and I should try a low key thing


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