I Am Not Lost!

Jul 08, 2015 22:14

I totally spaced on making a post yesterday. Oops. Cuz yes I am still trying to post every Tuesday, so I post at least once a week and Tuesday is good, cuz I don't have therapy that day. But I got distracted on Tumblr. I know what you're thinking, "Oh no, she's fallen into the abyss, we are losing her!" But fear not, I am not lost.

I actually just had a bunch of asks from the holiday weekend that I had been too tired to get to and I didn't want to leave them waiting any longer, especially as a few of them were from some upset people. Well wait, let me clarify, this is my Disableism blog, my spoonie blog, my blog for disabled and chronically ill people. Not like people upset with my fannish posts of Leverage and shit, lol. And yeah, like people are sending me asks for advice and to vent when they have a high pain day or whatever and that is pretty awesome.

Actually the spoonie blogging is going very well. I have nearing 600 followers on that blog - (almost 6 times as many as I do on my fannish blog) - and I get about 3 or 4 asks a week now, which isn't hardly any by Tumblr standards, but is the perfect amount for me to answer all in one night. Like, people send me things to pimp that they think might be useful to other spoonies, because they know I have a bit of followers. Or asking advice on how to deal with doctors or lifestyle changes. Or asking me to post a question to my followers, like "Who has taken this medicine and did it help you?" kind of things. I usually do one new post a night and the rest reblogs and I have had two posts get over 1k notes so far, which is mind-blowing.

And I made a few friends and have had a few nights of just messaging back and forth with some cool geek spoonies, which is rad! And I made like a friend last week of someone I had been following since I started the blog and she mentioned the Michigan weather kicking her ass - (so much fucking rain,you guys!) - and I was like, "Yo, Michigan fistbump!" and then we chatted and I realized like she likes The X-Files and The Hobbit and Star Trek and The Flash and tattoos and fostering kittens and oh yeah, lives less than an hour from me! And her husband is a total comic nerd. So, yay, new friends!

So, yeah, all of that. How are my LJ friends doing? How were your weekends?

weather or not, sick n tired, my girls, friends 4evah, tumblr - why, the x-files - trust everyone, that's why they call it a workout, the hobbit - unexpected adventures, star trek space cowboys, real life, comics were always for cool people, lj stuffs, michigan proud

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