Mail Thievery.

Jul 03, 2015 01:01

So, this happened last week and ranua - (theyareallsoopretty on tumblr) - put up a post about it over on Tumblr. I just reblogged it with some added commentary and thought I'd share here as well. Basically, some people are lovely, thoughtful friends and some people are asshole thieves. My added commentary here:

So this was me. theyareallsoopretty is one of my best friends in the world and has gotten into a habit of picking me up a little something whenever she can make it to a convention. She knows I love geeky things and I love conventions, but because of the decline of my health, haven’t been able to go to one in a few years. And she always thinks of me. She lives several states away and has to mail these trinkets - (which have included cool things like a bracelet from a Steve Carlson concert and hobbit cartoon cards and a zombie Barbie head that I have tied to my bedroom light string). She stuck this one - a little impala - into an envelope with a sweet little note and sent it on its way to me. The thief in question tore open a tiny hole in the middle of the envelope, wriggled their fingers around inside and somehow pulled the impala out of its plastic sleeve. They left holes in the envelope which they taped up, left holes in the note she wrote me, left the cardboard tab ripped and the little plastic sleeve empty. This is how it arrived at my house.

I was beaming just getting a letter from her and when I realized what had happened, I was joyed that she thought of me when she saw the impala and saddened that in a world where one friend could reach out to another friend like that, that someone else would take it upon themselves to steal and wriggle their way into the middle of such love and kindness. I do thank you, friend, for thinking of me. You always do and it makes me smile every time! But I hope the thief pokes themselves hard enough to draw blood with my little impala!

So, yeah, that happened. I'm less upset now than I was when it first happened but still, a dick move, man.

grumpy-face, burn the world, sick n tired, my girls, friends 4evah, convention crack, hobbit boys are made of love, brainzzzz, spn love, tumblr - why, real life, asshats, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend

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