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Comments 11

fannishliss December 5 2012, 15:25:05 UTC
I've hardly met Lucie, so I can't say ( ... )


viomisehunt December 5 2012, 17:28:13 UTC
I don't recall Tegan and Five. But we've seen tension and downright nastiness between the Doctor and River. He doesn't like the unknown, and River was an unknown but very real element in his life. I love River and I enjoyed sime of the drama.

I do recall things being playfully competitive between Four and both Romana, but not nasty.

Things were were ridiculous between Six and Peri, as he was a flat out bully.

I don't mind tension--I do mind lack of respect or appreciation.


donna_c_punk December 6 2012, 00:02:38 UTC
The audio version of Six is so much better. He gets along so well with all of his companions, esp. ones who were intro'd on the show, like Peri and Mel. He's still brash but it's nowhere near as bad as the series. And I say that as one who rather liked the series version.


viomisehunt December 6 2012, 02:24:12 UTC
On Six, I will never like how he was writeen and how he treated Peri, however in recent years I have developed deeper appreciation of Colin Baker's acting chops. Subtle but credible, especially considering the plots he was dealt.


gehayi December 5 2012, 23:20:54 UTC
I do remember the Fifth Doctor and Tegan, and I never got a "combative dynamic" vibe from them. Tegan and the Fifth Doctor squabbled at times, but I never lost sight of the fact that they were the best of friends. (If you want to talk about "combative," talk about Tegan's fellow companion Turlough, who came on board specifically to kill the Doctor ( ... )


donna_c_punk December 6 2012, 00:00:59 UTC
This. So much, all of this!


betawho December 6 2012, 04:58:34 UTC
"I'm tired of romance and intensity being the default settings in Doctor Who. I wish that the Doctor could just have friends--ordinary, squabbling, imperfect friends who disagreed with him, called him on his mistakes and made mistakes themselves ( ... )


Part 2 betawho December 6 2012, 04:58:53 UTC
I did get annoyed at Tegan. I agree that having such a shrewish Companion was annoying. Basically, while I don't like Companions to fawn on the Doctor, I also don't like ones who pick on him, or belittle him. Tegan at least had loyalty, but there was too much picking on the Doctor and treating him without respect, belittling him whenever she could. Amy bothered me the same way, always with the "my boys" schtick, as if they were just her puppies there for her convenience. (I equally hated the way she treated Rory as if he was her lapdog. And it didn't help that the writers wrote him that way, letting her get away with murder when it probably would have been better for her if he'd stood up to her and told her to cut it out. You can be a non-aggressive guy without letting them wipe their feet on you.) Mickey got much the same treatment ( ... )


viomisehunt December 6 2012, 18:07:13 UTC
I also don't like the recent trend of Companions bringing along companions. Rose and Mickey, Amy and Rory.

Well, look at the first show: the only reason Barbara and Ian were along was because they were Susan's teachers, who were concerned about her living conditions. The Formula in the Classic Doctor was often two or more travelers.

And I don't know if it is fair to say the only reason that Rory and Mickey were along was because of their girlfriends, especially as neither woman seemed to want their boyfriends on the TARDIS. And sorry bit I'm cringing at the suggestion that the Doctor is unfairly victimized by having more than one person on the TRADIS.

Rose didn't invite Mickey, in fact from she reacted pretty negatively when Mickey asked the Doctor if he could come, and the Doctor, encouraged by Sarah Jane--not Rose at all, said yes. Mickey only asked Rose because she looked extremely unhappy when the Doctor said yes. And it shouldn't have been a surprise that the Doctor wanted Mickey along, because as Nine the Doctor invited ( ... )


ghost2 December 8 2012, 06:08:45 UTC
I don't care for the combative dynamic. It's one reason that Tegan and Lucie don't rank high on my list of favorite companions.When I watch many of their episodes/listen to some of their audios, I don't enjoy hearing them snap at and bicker with the Doctor, often about things he had no or little control over. Luckily, in the Big Finish audios, Tegan comes across well. Certainly far better than she does in most of her earlier serials! Also, Lucie improves as she goes along. But much of their early material turns me off.

Not that the Doctor has to be BFFs with his companions. They can/should call him on stuff if it's warranted. Romana, Sarah Jane, and Donna are generally good at doing that without crossing the line into being shrill and annoying.


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