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fannishliss December 5 2012, 15:25:05 UTC
I've hardly met Lucie, so I can't say.

I found Tegan shrill, which bothered me. I need to watch more of her now that I am older. :)

I think the middle ground is Sarah Jane. I like someone who can tell the Doctor off when he is being a jerk. Sarah was never afraid to tell him off. And he is very capable of being a jerk.

Things would've gone much better with Martha if she'd told him off sooner and more often. :)

I think that as far as BFFs go, the Doctor has had several:
Sarah Jane
Amy Pond
I love that dynamic where he starts to relate to his companion as an equal, someone he can rely on to reel him in. Of all the BFFs my personal favorite is Romana -- the only other Time Lord he's ever truly respected, and whose good opinion he really cares about. It makes me just ache to think of him in a universe where Romana is forever lost to him.

It's also fascinating to me when he takes a companion that he holds himself apart from -- Jack. Leela. Peri. Martha to a certain extent. Or to put a fine point on it -- Lady De Souza. Or, say, his old bff from the Academy days, if you take my drift. Why does he do that? I'd love to see a (watsonian, not doylist) discussion about why the Doctor doesn't get on with some people he takes up with. Or maybe, why he takes up with certain people even though he's not going to get on well with them.

Anyone who knows anything about me at all knows I ship the Doctor wholeheartedly with Rose. But that's a whole different story. I have a BFF and then I have my other half.... so I'm not going to talk about Rose here. :)


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