OMG FURRIES!!! (Big Giant FC 2009 Con Report)

Jan 29, 2009 23:51

this was my 6th year at Further Confusion and once again, I had a fantastic time!

my bunny hat is off to the organizers and staff. the con just keeps getting better (and bigger)! it's really amazing to realize this event is 100% volunteer run. I'm always especially proud to tell friends about the big donations to animal related charities the ( Read more... )

yay, fc, disco, costumes, jovino, furcon, furry, party, bunnywarez, omg furries, bunny, yum, wtf, awesome, work, dj, frenz

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Comments 29

porsupah January 30 2009, 10:45:10 UTC
Hm. You know, I could even be tempted to make it along to another con someday, at this rate. ^_^ Perhaps FC next year, given I'd want to be back in the Bay by that time, although with the state of the economy, I'm not exactly staking my existence on that happening. *sigh* (Not to say I'm not doing what I can, while there's time)

Rather a poor show on that Klingon's part, definitely. I suppose they were wanting to keep traffic down (sponsors only, presumably?), but there's always got to be someone unable to go beyond the literal instructions. =:P Might be worth a gentle suggestion - not so much a complaint, as just nudging things towards more discretion, if indeed not full and open access for all.

You do look so cute in that pic. ^_^ Though, I admit, it's the one of jovino in that wonderful suit that really leapt out at me. Oh, my. Is that a catalogue item, something he just made for himself, or indeed, from somewhere else entirely ( ... )


djmermaid January 30 2009, 17:40:49 UTC
aww, it'd be great to have you at the con next time!

re klingons, it was an open party, I was already in their room when I got my drink spilled on me. they just wouldn't let me wash my hands in their sink. which is their perogative - I fault consuite more since it is supposed to be the con hospitality suite and handwashing is kinda important, to avoid con crud!

the latex bunny is by Zebra Mike aka Strange Animals. I should add that to the post. it's so awesome! while he was DJing he was bobbing his head up and down and the inflatable ears bounced adorably.


porsupah January 30 2009, 20:19:43 UTC
Aw. ^_^ By then, of course, I'd hope to have a bunny suit made up, too. ^_^ Not that you need a costume at a furcon, but it's definitely an aspect of a con I'm especially fond of, both being in the fur, and seeing everyone else's creations.. just so much fun! (Not sure what style(s) to go with, though - if I make the head myself, I'm quite comfortable with foam carving, but for the ease of getting out and about at a con, I'm more inclined to see what patch_bunny and I can come up with sometime, making a mask along the lines of his two buns, using vacuuformed plastic - means it's quite close-fitting, so it'd be great for a more realistic style bunny, and with very good vision ( ... )


no webpage currently, tho I should shouldnt i? dolphin42 January 30 2009, 22:16:30 UTC
thx for the nice words :)


nightcat22 January 30 2009, 13:18:35 UTC
was so great seeing you guys at the con your set was awesome I was slightly horrified at the macarena. My friend leaned over and told me. "Its like watching Second Life" that made it better for me in a comical way.


djmermaid January 30 2009, 17:56:00 UTC
LOL! the whole thing is actually kinda like SL really. I love the surreal yet happy environment.

the funny thing, to me, about the macarena is that all the Cats kids are pretty young and it is probably the only line/group dance they even know. everyone thinks you're supposed to dance in a group to disco (thanks to Saturday Night Fever - the reality is of course much wilder and more random than that) so they were busting out the only choreo they had in common. I thought it was adorable!

thanks for the kind words. :-)


nightcat22 January 31 2009, 01:00:30 UTC
Well when you put it like that I guess it is really cute :)


nightcat22 January 31 2009, 01:02:11 UTC
Oh btw my friend Foxcar remebered you from last year he was like "Wow this girl really does like ELO she played them last year" we both had fun


(The comment has been removed)

djmermaid January 30 2009, 17:57:45 UTC
glad you enjoyed my looong tale. would love to meet your friend, maybe next time!

hugs to you.


carol_kitty January 30 2009, 15:07:10 UTC
Love my sleeper...warm is good. It was so nice to see you both even if it was only for a few minutes here and there.


djmermaid January 30 2009, 17:59:12 UTC
it's always great to see you! glad the jammies are keeping you warm. wish FC was more than once a year!


carol_kitty January 30 2009, 18:43:06 UTC
I know. I might have to come out one weekend to check on Mom and give my sister a break. I will let you know and maybe we can meet somewhere in the Bay!!!


djmermaid January 30 2009, 19:41:35 UTC
that would be great, keep me in mind when you make it out this way.


the_angelus January 30 2009, 17:14:22 UTC
Yay for recaps! Glad y'all had a great time.


djmermaid January 30 2009, 18:03:14 UTC
OMG it was DONKERS. it's ALWAYS donkers! a bit like burning man, for geeky people, in a hotel. and, get this: if you want ice, you just go down to the end of the hall and take it! %-)

I <3 FC. it's not the biggest furry convention but it is the best one on the west coast, and has by far the most (and best) costuming.


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