And the wild winds of Fortune shall carry me onward... (Private RP, Don Quixote and Setsuna)

May 22, 2008 03:04

mood: resolute

((Backdated to shortly after Quixote met the Feegle))

Still slightly soggy from his encounter with the grim leviathan Monstro, Don Quixote was in dire need of a new lance and a whetstone and oil with which to tend his rusting sword*. Weaponsmiths being in shockingly short supply in the Land of Disney, he searched for some time, eventually wandering off the beaten path and finding himself at an unobtrusive door tucked back between two shops somewhere in the bowels of Fantasyland.

'Unobtrusive' to his somewhat addled mind equalling 'secret,' he immediately concluded that he had at last discovered the entrance to the Enchanter's hidden lair. He accordingly drew his weapon and addressed the door with an air of solemn ceremony.

"Foul Enchanter," he intoned, "thy unholy dwelling hath been uncovered! The Lord of La Mancha doth call upon thee to lay down thy arms and step forth into the light of day! Surrender now honorably and thou shalt have mercy. Refuse and thy fate shall be swift and most terrible. Come forth!"

He waited long moments for a reply. Receiving none, he shouted again, "Come forth, I say! Thou shalt have no further warning!"

Greeted again with resounding silence, he bellowed, "Thou cowardly knave! So be it! Remember that Don Quixote didst offer thee honorable quarter, and prepare to be vanquished!"

With that, he charged the door shoulder-first, intending to break it in by main force...and went tumbling on through as it opened without resistance, into what lay beyond.


*Not that the rust really detracted much from its already-sad condition.

cayce, setsuna, rp, quixote, adam

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