Nablopomo 2023 - Day 22

Nov 28, 2023 19:24

Day 22 - Write a list of the "treasures" in your life. How is your life "rich" because of these things?

The treasures in my life are very simple things.

I'm not rich, I don't live in a big house or drive a flashy car, but I have a decent job and earn enough to live comfortably.  Together with Mr D's salary we can not only pay the essentials but have enough left for the fun things in life.

I have a great (and long suffering) husband who is happy to allow me to be me.  Our marriage is a mix of being together and doing our own things and that just works perfectly for both of us.  Mr D has never once expressed any resentment or disapproval of my fandom life, and that means so much to me.

With the exception of my parents and my husband, my friends are the most important people in my life.  I have no siblings, my friends are my chosen siblings and my life is so much richer for having them in it.  That extends to the friends who live in my laptop, not just the ones that I have met in real life,

Of course, I have the occasional little health blip; it kind of goes with the territory whe you're going through the menopause, but on the whole I enjoy great health.  I can see and walk and talk, and everything works more or less the way it should.  There is a beautiful lady that I met through Jus in Bello who is currently dying of cancer, and she's younger than me.  It's heartbreaking, and only reinforces how fortunate I consider myself to have made it to 55 with no major health issues.

Creativity is the foundation of my soul.  Whether it be art or writing, or even something that I only do occasionally such as cross-stitch or jigsaw puzzles, having a creative outlet is something that brings more joy to me than I can ever describe.  I've said before that I need a creative outlet the same way I need food and water.  If I couldn't be creative, I wouldn't physically die as I would if I didn't have food and water, but I would die spiritually.

I'm always grateful to my parents who have loved me and supported me and who gave me the tools to grow up into the person I am today.  And on the whole, I like the person that I am, so I'm very thankful to them for that.  Now they are in a postion where they sometimes need support from me, I will never hesitate to be there when I'm needed.

And, of course, I couldn't sign off without  mentioning these two little herberts who cost us shedloads of money, and destroy everything in sight, and we couldn't love them more for it!


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