Nablopomo 2023 - Day 23

Dec 04, 2023 21:07

Day 23 - Go back in the old LJ days and find an old meme to do--if you're newer, just do any random meme.

Here's a one-word meme from 2017

Your hair - grey
Your mother - amazing
Your favourite thing - my bunbuns (and,of course, Jensen)
Your dream last night - I never remember  my dreams
Your favorite drink - wine
Your dream/goal - happiness
The room you are in - living room
Your fear - loss
Muffins - lemon
One of your wish list items - the return of the Winchester brothers
Where you grew up - London
The last thing you did - make Christmas crackers
What are you wearing - Jeans and a black and white striped shirt
Your TV - Christmas music
Your pets - the bunnies, Nutmeg and Juniper, and the goldfish in our little pond
Your computer - overworked
Your life - settling down after some crazy times
Your mood - fairly calm
Missing someone/something - JJ
Your car - Renault
Favourite store - Amazon
Your summer - a long time ago
Your favourite colour - turquoise
When is the last time you laughed - today
Last time you cried - The weekend when I learned about the death of a lovely convention buddy
Three people who email me - Very few people email me now, I do nearly all my communicating on Whatsapp or Fb Messenger
Three of my favourite foods - Cheese, chocolate, fish and chips
Three places I would rather be right now - convention, restaurant, running an art stall
Three people I think will respond - no idea!

And here's the original meme so you can compare the answers!


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