
Sep 26, 2010 02:05

Who: Ravemon, all of Tetha, Various DATS and other members
What: Ravemon's Darkness - Finale
When: Monday, September 27th
Where: Tetha

The fallen army. The fallen soldier. Citizens who want to take back their home. The end of a legacy. )

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Comments 792

Hinata Inn 1/? not_an_old_dog September 26 2010, 15:05:02 UTC
The battle had started. With Black WarGreymon busy driving away those foolish enough to get near him, it gave the other Tamers inside time to make their way outside.

"Alright, everyone. This is it. It's all boiled down to this." Cruger said, the S.P.D. Commander flanked by a few others as he walked outside. "Fight to the best of your ability and don't let these beasts get near this place!"


2/? heart_of_jurai September 26 2010, 15:07:55 UTC
To his right was Sasami, brandishing the Heart of Jurai. She knew Hitomi and Terra were still around and ready. All she had to do was give the word. By her own side was Karin, looking a bit scared, though steeling her face to face the challenges ahead.

"Right. Ready to suit up?" Sasami said, turning her head to face one of the others.


3/3 everyonearookie September 26 2010, 15:13:29 UTC

Jason looked back to Sasami and nodded. This was going to be bigger than anything he's face before. And as a Ranger, he was ready.

"Let's do this." he said, looking at some of the army advancing. "Rangers. Shinkengers. New Guardians. Digimon. Everyone."

His hand flew back and went for his morpher.


A massive burst of light erupted from the three as they were replaced by their transformed states, their Digimon evolving and joining their Tamers in their charge.


Re: 3/3 tooklevelbadass September 27 2010, 01:36:45 UTC
Hitomi stared down towards the Ravemon's forces around them, now in her guardian form.

Silphymon was by her side, and soon enough they were charging towards the enemy, ready to defend their home and end this tyranny for good.


[Air Field] dive_npc September 27 2010, 05:14:47 UTC
Across the island from much of the fighting, Tetha's aerial forces were taking off and landing from a fortified airfield. Anti-air guns dotted the field at strategic points, and on the runways were dozens of muchomon carrying water and food for the exhausted returning digimon. Tetha had very few aircraft at its disposal, as its aerial forces were comprised of adult and perfect level digimon.

For every digimon that came back to the field, another one took to the sky to take its place. It was a system that would ensure a prolonged battle, so long as the field stood and provided the returning forces with a safe place to rest and resupply.


Re: [Air Field] chainswordftw September 27 2010, 05:48:31 UTC
There was a thundering clap as something raced through Tetha's city, between buildings, heading straight towards the air field. Troops would level fire against them, but they'd be hard pressed to hit human-sized beings traveling at sub sonic speeds.

At the front of them, there was Signum. An aura of magical energy whipped aroudn her as she flew, already fused into her powered up form with Agito. In her arms, she carried Goblimon, while Kotemon clung to her back, arms holding onto her shoulders.

"The Anti Aircraft Guns won't hit us with the city shielding us!" Signum shouted back to those with her. "That won't be the case once we're out of cover! Hit those first, hard and fast, so we don't have to deal with them!"

As she said this, she exploded out of said cover. Kotemon and Goblimon both leaped from her, evolving into their Adult Forms. They fell towards the first AA battery, unleashing attacks before it could respond.


"KNUCKLE FIRE!"As their attacks impacted and the battle was joined, Signum shot ahead, her ( ... )


Re: [Air Field] uberlikehermama September 27 2010, 05:59:46 UTC
Well, Vivio and Angewomon were certainly not going to let Signum and Agitio do this alone. That'd be completely wrong and inconsiderate of them.

So Vivio and Angewomon were following after Signum, the digimon sending blasts of light energy towards nearby enemies as Vivio began concentrating, six orbs or rainbow colored magic coming to life around her body. Her eyes narrowed, and she thrust her arm towards forward. "Sonic Shooter!" she shouted, all six of the balls of magic shooting forward, speeding towards another one of the AA batteries.


Re: [Air Field] guardianofearth September 27 2010, 06:23:19 UTC
Miria followed up the rear of the formation in her transformed state with her partner fastened onto her back.

"Fanbeemon, lets split up and take out separate batteries," Miria suggested to her partner. With little more then a nod, SWS-Waspmon released himself from his tamer's back and evolved to HS-Cannonbeemon. After that, the two split off and rocketed toward two different anti-aircraft cannons. Miria opened fire on her target with several volleys of missiles and her heavy plasma cannon. HS-Cannonbeemon opened fire on his with a Nitro-Stinger blast and Skyrocket Mugen.


Madaraki Clinic bucket_hat_ftw September 27 2010, 07:27:30 UTC
The cruel screech of steel was the last sound some Digimon heard that day as Veronica and her partner fought bravely outside the Madaraki Clinic.

"Oh my this is so exciting!" The bubbly Sunflowmon remarking as she fired a beam of energy from her collar.

"This isn't fun!" Argued Veronica as she brought up her Scythe to meet blade for blade with an Igamon, "This is war."

But truth be told she was enjoying the challenge. Row after row of Digimon opponents came to take out one of Tetha's most cherished medical research facilities but Veronica would not let them pass.

A sharp pain in her arm brought Veronica's attention away from the Igamon. Ninja stars stuck out of her arm as shapes appeared from seemingly no where.

The Igamon had brought friends. An entire squad of Ninja Digimon of different shapes and sizes and levels had arrived.

"It's time to destroy this abomination of a so called Clinic before any other horrible experiments can take place." Hissed a Tailmon with a katana.


Re: Madaraki Clinic dive_npc September 28 2010, 20:31:41 UTC
Suddenly, a beam of light shot in from outside, attempting to freeze multiple enemy digimon in stone.

"Is everyone alright?" came a voice from outside... a voice from Dr. Cocks, once one of Tetha's most notorious physicians. For whatever reason, the chicken had seen fit to return.


Re: Madaraki Clinic bucket_hat_ftw September 28 2010, 23:19:51 UTC
Veronica plucked the stars from her arm and sent them flying with a flick of the wrist. The speed and strength behind the throw sent them cleaving clean through two of the petrified mon much to the horror of their comrades who were still able to move.

"Been better." She growled in response before rushing the party of invaders with every intention of giving them a quick dispatch.

"You'll have to excuse my partner. Sunflowmon chirpped fluttering over to Dr. Cocks, "She's not really a social person. Hello by the way!"


Re: Madaraki Clinic dive_npc September 29 2010, 05:15:34 UTC
"It's quite alright," said Dr. Cocks. "I'm Dr. Cocks by the way... it's a pleasure to meet you...!"

This was moments before he fired a blast of energy from his beak at their enemies.


The Hinata Inn fedorafan September 27 2010, 18:44:12 UTC
Having opted to let his Warthog take control of it's own destiny in this battle and attack people on her own, Noir and Lady Devimon were on the roof slinging shadow magic and other ranged attacks as fast as they could at the invading armies.

"Do you even know for sure that we're attacking the right Digimon?" Lady Devimon asked unsure.

"If they make a rush for the Inns or someone we know we blast em." Noir decided without another thought.


Re: The Hinata Inn stomponnahead September 28 2010, 20:29:26 UTC
The sound of multiple feet hitting the roof behind him would likely grab Noir's attention. Because a number of oddly colored Kamemon and Mushmon with White Wings had just landed on it.

"Alright!" said the leader, not yet noticing Noir. "Now we'll finally get some glory! While Silphymon attacks those losers head on, we'll take this place from the inside!"


Re: The Hinata Inn fedorafan September 28 2010, 23:23:49 UTC
Noir and Lady Devimon turned to face this new threat with equally unimpressed looks on their faces. They'd heard penty about Bowser's forces and weren't intimidated so much as annoyed.

To get their attention Noir followed the leader with his eyes for a moment waiting till he was standing over the right area and teleported right in front of him putting on his scariest shadow form demon monster face.



Re: The Hinata Inn stomponnahead September 29 2010, 04:58:38 UTC
The Troopa stared at this for several long moments, before blinking.

And then he turned around, running and screaming.

The others? It took them a minute, but seconds later they were lobbing Pointer Arrows and Fungus Crushers at Noir and his partner.


Funbari Onsen hctiwknip September 27 2010, 18:54:13 UTC
Things were looking particularly bad at the Funbari Onsen.

They were besieged by a slow but inevitably advancing army of Digimon who seemed dead set on tearing the Inn apart board by board. This particular squad seemed entirely of bug types.

Which was of great horror to one particular resident of the Inn.

"Don'tscreamdon'tscreamdon'tscream." Tiffany kept babbling as she tried to conjure up a fireball to launch at the advancing horde, but she was trembling so badly she couldn't focus and the fireball bounced out of her hands and fell into the hotspring uselessly.


Re: Funbari Onsen justoutrunyou September 27 2010, 18:59:15 UTC
"USELESS!" Roared Sandy from the roof. She vanished as she and Gottsumon took a few steps back and then dashed for the edge of the roof launching themselves off and crashing down right into the middle of the fray, Sandy in Stoneform and Gottsumon evolving mid fall into Insekimon.

The two of them had been practicing for a big battle for weeks and were eager and excited to finally work out their aggression and energy. It was like a game to them as they punched and kicked and threw the bug type Digimon about.

But for every Digimon they took down it seemed like two more would appear. They'd be overwhelmed in no time with just the two of them.


Re: Funbari Onsen asakura_flower September 27 2010, 19:30:51 UTC
A hand suddenly grabbed the back of Sandys collar roughly. "Dummy!" Hana yelled in her ear before yanking at her and jumping out of the chaotic center of the masses, pulling the rock girl with him.

Once his feet had touched the floor once again he brought his large oversoul slicing though several of the closest enemies as a Dobermon burst out from behind him and rammed the insect creatures.


Re: Funbari Onsen pompadourpower September 27 2010, 20:06:42 UTC
Sandy looked hurt and annoyed at his remark, "I thought I was doing good." She pouted.

Hana's epic Oversoul attack wasn't alone either. A massive monster of snake heads and tires raced through the horde running over bugs and blasting them with the various mouths as Ryu cut loose for one of the first times in the digital world.

Even Mantabokomon had transformed into Dinohumon and was slicing as fast as his blades could move.


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