
Jun 28, 2009 01:09

Who: Haku, Miku, Greg, Sabine, Horatio, Len, Rin... anyone part of the Vocaloid/Sanders/Alshire/Sanders/Mika apartment.
What: Family reunion after tough times.
When: June 27th, afternoonish.
Where: Neon City, Hyperion.

Really, all she wanted was her family. )

character: whoshotsherlock, character: vocaloid02_5, character: dramaticalchemy, character: drunkkareoke, character: bondingalchemy, character: engrvedonkokoro, character: canhasleekplz, location: neon city

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whoshotsherlock June 28 2009, 06:01:24 UTC
As happy as they were to be home, both Greg and Haku were far more weary than they're bouncing sister. Greg had unfortunately succumbed to stress over the last couple of days and had been dealing with a near-constant stomach ache that sometimes got the better of him, and Haku had simply been trying to be good big sister through all of it and keep everyone together. If Onizuka hadn't been there, the poor girl would have likely broken under her own insecurities about what kind of job she was doing ( ... )


onisensei June 29 2009, 00:23:19 UTC
Onizuka cracked open a beer and held it aloft, "Kampai!" He cheered before taking a few gulps and gasping out a sigh. "Nothing like a cold beer on a hot afternoon with a hot girl." He proclaimed wrapping Haku in a one armed hug ( ... )


bondingalchemy June 29 2009, 00:30:44 UTC
"H-Hey! I ate, okay?! ...Well... okay, maybe one bite of the sandwich I made myself on break and three to four sips of coffee... but that's besides the point!" Sabine protested childishly, but she grabbed herself a hamburger, fries, one of the various sodas and walked back over to Greg.

She ate some of them on the way and stopped when she reached him, placing her cup down and gave him a light squeeze around his waist, and she leaned against him, nuzzling his side with her cheek. "I kept my promise, sweetie, and I love you~."

Standing on her tippy toes, she gave him a kiss on his cheek, smiling wide, before returning to her previous position.


canhasleekplz June 29 2009, 00:55:56 UTC
Miku giggled and nodded to Greg. "Okay, I won't worry!"

plopping down on the floor and taking a few things to eat, unwrapping a burger and proceeding to eat it.

The Miku you are trying to reach is busy omnomming. Please try again later.


whoshotsherlock June 29 2009, 03:37:50 UTC
Greg smiled a little more and returned Sabine's embrace. His big concern had long since been put away, but it didn't make him any less grateful to finally be holding her again.

He kissed her forehead and muttered a returned 'I love you, too' before detatching himself to get something to drink. He doubted he'd be indulging in the junk food, but he figured he should get something in to his stomach regardless.

Meanwhile Haku was prodding Onizuka lightly with her finger in to his arm.

"You'd better not drink all the beer again, Eikichi! I want some too!"


doesntneedarmor June 29 2009, 08:16:00 UTC
Onizuka grinned sheepishly, "I didn't know that was the last beer last time, here." He pulled an ice cold can out and even cracked the tab for her offering it with a loving smile, "All yours." He purred though it was clear he meant more then the beer.

Kudamon and Goblimon seemed to have started squabbling about accessories now, Kudamon making snide comments about Goblimon's toga, and Goblimon snipping right back with shots about her painted nails and the bow she wore in her fur.

"Fluffed up little tart."

"Greasy little caveslime."

Sarasim ignored the fight and instead took a moment to bask in the loving gazes shared between the couples. "We are blessed that you four have found one another." She commented with a look of peace on her soft tan features.


bondingalchemy June 29 2009, 08:29:51 UTC
Sabine's smile seemed to have grown wider when Greg kissed her forehead and she worked on eating what was the first meal she ate since last Tuesday morning. When she was done, she went and got some more, this time doubling her portions. Despite how small she was, she did have a fairly big appetite, and from not eating properly, her stomach was definitely craving some nourishment ( ... )


canhasleekplz June 30 2009, 04:21:23 UTC
Miku blinked, looking up when Horatio stood. She watched him for a moment, mostly-eaten burger in her hand, before she finished her burger and stood, moving to help him pick up the trash around the room.


drunkkareoke June 30 2009, 04:45:18 UTC
Haku smiled lightly and took the beer, standing on her tippy-toes to kiss Onizuka's cheek in thanks.

Watching Horatio and Miku start picking up things, though, it reminded her that things besides their TV and game system had likely gotten damaged in the attack.

"Hm.." she mumbled thoughtfully with a sip of the cool beer. She didn't really want to talk about work after all that had happened, since she knew everyone in the family just wanted to relax, but her mind was already back on needing to do a check of the inn and bar's appliances to make sure everything was in working order.

Phascomon, (who was finally feeling better after the Tetha incident)was just trying to get everyone some peace from the bickering partners.

"Oi! You two, knock it off! The tamers are trying to have a nice day and we'll have none of this bickering nonsense! I'll put you two in a closet if it keeps up!"

Greg snickered softly, first at Phascomon then at Sabine.

"You need it! Go on, eat up!" he urged her, of course taking none of his own advice.


onisensei June 30 2009, 04:54:33 UTC
Onizuka blushed and grinned like the big goofy dork he was when Haku kissed him feeling lucky as could be.

Goblimon and Kudamon both snapped at Phascomon.

"You and what army?"

"Yes keep your sizeable nose out of our business."

This earned them both a rap on the head from Sarasim who sighed exasperatedly.


bondingalchemy June 30 2009, 05:00:03 UTC
A slight sigh escaped Sabine's lips and she walked into the bedroom, gathering two books. She wound her arm back and ended up booking the two of them in the head.


"Oi, you two. Cease your fighting or I'll start tossing dictionaries and then move on to medical journals. This is no time to start arguing, alright, or else mommy's going to get a little pissed and we don't want to see mommy pissed, especially when she's still tired from saving people." To finish this off, she gave a threatening smile to the two of them before walking over to get some more food.

She walked over to Greg and put a hamburger in his hands. "Eat. You'll feel better with something in your stomach. If not, it won't hurt as much to throw it up."

Horatio looked at Miku and he smiled. "Thank you very much for the help, Miku," he said as he got out the broom and dustpan and began to sweep up the dirt and debris.


whoshotsherlock June 30 2009, 06:03:27 UTC
"That army," Phascomon just grinned at the two of them.

Meanwhile, Greg was looking at the burger in his hand as if it were the most disgusting thing on the planet. After a minute, he shook his head and handed it back to Sabine.

"I can't..." he admitted softly, "I really don't think I could stomach it right now..."


doesntneedarmor June 30 2009, 06:15:06 UTC
Kuda and Goblimon glared mutinously and Onizuka laughed, "He's just a little irritable he'll be too tired to argue with anyone after tomorrow."

Goblimon looked as though he remembered something and promptly and quietly returned to eating looking pensive.

"Why is that?" Sarasim inquired nibbling on a ketchup covered french fry.

"Oh, well Lorne got us in touch with a construction crew. We start tomorrow. Seems like there was a sudden explosion of jobs in construction around here." Onizuka chirped cheerfully.

Sarasim smiled and congratulated Onizuka, flicking Kudamon on the back of the head to do so as well.


bondingalchemy June 30 2009, 06:23:43 UTC
Seeing Greg reject the food, Sabine walked over and nodded, putting the hamburger down. Despite her shoulders and back, she looked up at him, frowning. "Got yourself sick, due to stress, huh...?"

Sighing again, she simply shook her head and a smile crossed her lips as she guided him to the bed, letting him lean on her for support. She did need bed rest, that was for certain, but for now, Greg was of utmost importance. Her shoulders and back could rest later.

She tucked him in and walked to the bathroom, her leg creaking on the way to it and grabbed the trash can, putting it next to the bed side and she searched for some tissues, grabbing those and put them on the nightstand.

Taking another look around, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, also placing it on the nightstand. She turned around back to everyone and gave them all a worried glance. "I'm going to take care of Greg, okay? Feel free to continue on without us," she flashed them an uneasy smile while searching for a stool or a chair to drag up to the


whoshotsherlock June 30 2009, 06:42:33 UTC
Had the energy, Greg would have thrown a fit about her being so worried over him when she was the one in pain. But as soon as he was standing and leaning against her, he felt what little was remaining drain out of him, and he could barely muster an answer let alone a valid argument. He didn't know what had gotten him so worked up to cause him to be that sick, but he didn't like it at all.

Mustering a slurred 'g'night' and a wave, he crawled in to bed and under the covers, curling up tight to try and will the churning in his stomach away.

"You need to rest, too..." he mumbled to her when she returned to the bedroom.

Meanwhile, back in the other room, Haku watched the two of them with a worried frown, letting out a faint sigh after they were gone.

"I was wondering when he'd stop..."


onisensei June 30 2009, 06:52:53 UTC
Sarasim nodded, "We all should rest. This has been a very rying ordeal for us all." She remarked making sure that all the trash was already cleaned up, After a moment she held up a bag of burgers. "Would you mind?"

Onizuka waved a hand, "Take em, I can get more." He grinned cheerfully and snuggled up to Haku, "Don't you worry, Nurse Sabine is gonna give Greg the "Hands on" care and "TLC" he so dearly needs." He wiggled his eyebrows at his girlfriend.


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