
Jun 28, 2009 01:09

Who: Haku, Miku, Greg, Sabine, Horatio, Len, Rin... anyone part of the Vocaloid/Sanders/Alshire/Sanders/Mika apartment.
What: Family reunion after tough times.
When: June 27th, afternoonish.
Where: Neon City, Hyperion.

Really, all she wanted was her family. )

character: whoshotsherlock, character: vocaloid02_5, character: dramaticalchemy, character: drunkkareoke, character: bondingalchemy, character: engrvedonkokoro, character: canhasleekplz, location: neon city

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whoshotsherlock June 28 2009, 06:01:24 UTC
As happy as they were to be home, both Greg and Haku were far more weary than they're bouncing sister. Greg had unfortunately succumbed to stress over the last couple of days and had been dealing with a near-constant stomach ache that sometimes got the better of him, and Haku had simply been trying to be good big sister through all of it and keep everyone together. If Onizuka hadn't been there, the poor girl would have likely broken under her own insecurities about what kind of job she was doing.

But Greg's current status meant he was being partially dragged up the stairs by Haku. He could still walk, but it hurt like hell to do so. Unfortunately it made him feel horrible that Sabine was likely in far worse shape and yet he had been grumbling in thinly veiled complaint for quite a while.

Once they were upstairs, though, he slipped his arm away from Haku's shoulders and forced himself to stand up straight.

"... big brother, are you sure you're okay to do that?" Haku asked uncertainly. Greg nodded slowly and manged one of his usual smiles, strained though it was.

"Yeah. I'll be okay. Sabine! Are you home?"


bondingalchemy June 28 2009, 06:07:50 UTC
Sabine was trying to clean up the apartment from the wreckage it sustained the best she could, but she was wincing and grumbled to herself. She wasn't a quitter, but her arms really could have used a break. When Miku opened the door, she turned her head and stood back up, her leg giving a louder creak than normal.

"Miku!" She said excitedly and ran over to the door. When Greg and Haku arrived, she smiled wide and suddenly embraced all of them. "I missed all of you!"

She tightened her embrace, despite the bruises she had.


canhasleekplz June 28 2009, 06:40:24 UTC
Miku hugged her family as best as she could, happy to be among everyone again, Especially after that data freeze she'd gone through. She pulled back a little bit to look at Sabine, a wide smile crossing her face.

"Sabine-san, how have you been holding up this entire time?" She looked her over, fretting over the safety of her family. The usual.

"Where are you hurting?"


whoshotsherlock June 28 2009, 06:54:10 UTC
The hug felt nice, warm after spending so many nights in unfamiliar place without his girl. Even after the others detached, he continued to hold on to her, trying desperately to ignore just how sore he was, knowing just from the way she moved and the way her automail creaked that she was likely just as achey.

"You should be resting," he said softly to her.


bondingalchemy June 28 2009, 07:00:13 UTC
"I know I should, but I'm just so happy to have you guys home again. I really missed you all," she replied to the both of them while wincing a little at her shoulders.

"Um, well..." She parted her ponytail from her back and showed the black and blue shoulders and the light cuts on her back. She had another bruise on her arm, but she still felt as if she just lifted three tons.

"I need to get my automail looked at, too. My leg's creaking more than normal, my hand feels weak and my arm's still fairly new... I'm sure my arm's better than the rest of me." She chuckled a little, but coughed lightly from not getting much water or food in her system.


canhasleekplz June 28 2009, 07:31:52 UTC
Miku gasped as she saw.

"Sabine-san should be repaired as soon as possible! Why isn't Sabine-san going in for repairs?" And no. Miku didn't mean the arm. Or, not just the arm.

Yes, the girl was still thinking of other people in terms of androids and technology.

No, she didn't quite remember that humans were different.

... whoops.


whoshotsherlock June 28 2009, 07:39:34 UTC
Greg smiled softly to Miku and put a hand on her shoulder, quickly hugging her with one arm before returning his attention more towards Sabine. The bruises looked bad, and would take a while to recover from, as would some of the deeper scratches, but she wasn't broken, and she wasn't dead, and that was what everyone had hoped for.

"We'll get her taken care of, Miku," he assured his sister, tenderly slipping an arm around Sabine's shoulders, taking extra care not to lay too much weight on. "We all need some proper rest after all that, I think."


bondingalchemy June 28 2009, 07:47:48 UTC
The warm and gentle touches were what Sabine missed as well. She missed her family and the warmth and happiness they provided. She missed how good a warm bed felt and above all, she missed Greg.

She embraced them all in a light hug and tears fell free down her eyes and onto his chest. "I-I... S-Sorry, I'm getting all emotional now..." She muttered into the fabric of his shirt, but still cried.


canhasleekplz June 28 2009, 07:56:14 UTC
Of course, despite reassurance from her older brother, Miku was worried about Sabine. Even more so when she saw tears falling from her eyes.

Now, Miku knew what crying was. She'd done that quite a few times during her time in the digital world. but considering Sabine 'needed repairs,' and she had a bit of a one-track mind, Miku couldn't help but ... overreact a little to the situation.

"See? See?" She squeaked, leaning in a bit closer to inspect. "She's leaking! She needs to be repaired!"

Oh, Miku.


doesntneedarmor June 28 2009, 23:11:47 UTC
As a nice distraction from the touching family moment there was a knock on the door.

Polite as she could be Sarasim waited to be let in holding a bag with a series of prepackaged cupcakes and snacks. Onizuka had once told her such things were a customary way to incite joy among friends.


drunkkareoke June 28 2009, 23:35:53 UTC
Haku and Greg both just laughed at Miku, but it was Greg that gave his little sister a tighter hug. The knock had distracted Haku, and she moved away from the gathered group to answer it.

Seeing it was Sarasim, though, Haku grinned widely.

"Sarasim! I'm so glad you're okay, too!" she cheered, eyes finally landing on the bag. "Ohh, what's that?"


doesntneedarmor June 28 2009, 23:42:23 UTC
Sarasim smiled softly and raised her bag, "Unhealthy but delicious foods from a local convenience store...I thought perhaps it would be pleasant to share."

Another voice called from down the hall, "And share and share alike I say!"

Onizuka was grinning widely as he lumbered twords them with cases of soda, beer, and a sack of burgers and fries from a local fast food dive.

Just don't ask if he paid for the drinks.


dramaticalchemy June 28 2009, 23:46:36 UTC
Behind Sarasim was Horatio who was holding up his books that he took as well as a little something for everyone that he bought with his own money.

"The maiden returns from slaying the beast, surrounded by her family who greet her affectionately. This closes the chapter on the monster!"

He walked over and gave his cousin a light hug, careful of her back and shoulders.

"This knight missed his strong maiden, and has returned from parts unknown to the castle."


bondingalchemy June 28 2009, 23:49:52 UTC
Sabine giggled at Horatio, also missing his random spiels, as much as they annoyed her. She returned the hug and looked at him. "Did anything stupid while I was away 'slaying the beast'?"

"Milady, of course not." Horatio answered with a smile.

"Good, I won't chuck a book at your head, then." She smiled all the same and looked at Sarasim and Onizuka.

At the mere mention of food? Her stomach gave off a loud growl in response, in which made Sabine blush in embarrassment and she scratched her head. "Um... yay for not taking care of my eating habits?"


canhasleekplz June 29 2009, 00:06:53 UTC
"Sabine-san, you need to take better care of yourself!" Miku squeaked from the tight hug Greg had her in at hearing the growl. Once again, her thoughts were more in-tune to that of an android anatomy.

Worried little Miku was worried. She squeezed Greg a little once more, then pulled away from him, then went to Sabine's side again, smiling.

"I think Horatio-san was with us the entire time, Sabine-san," She commented, "I .. I think? I don't know, I don't remember anything from the time I was frozed." Grammar, Miku. Grammar.

"I hope that doesn't mean something's wrong with my programming ..." She mused aloud.


whoshotsherlock June 29 2009, 00:11:12 UTC
"Trust me, Miku, I've been trying to get Sabine to take care of herself," Greg said. Though he did so with a teasing smile, the statement was very true.

Still, he ruffled Miku's hair affectionately.

"Don't worry about the data freeze. It happens to everyone here from time to time. Nothing to do with your programming."

From there he moved to take some of the food that Sarasim and Onizuka had brought in, giving a smile to Haku as well. He was exhausted. His joints hurt and his stomach wasn't happy with him, but for the moment it was something he could pretend wasn't there.

He was just happy to have everyone home again.

"Let's eat!"


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