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Team B Battle Thread indarkestknight December 22 2008, 02:38:35 UTC
Some distance away from the main crew, Meta Knight was waiting with several other members of the Halberd's crew. Their job was to rush in if the search team called in for back up.

"Stay sharp, all of you," muttered Meta Knight. "Just because we're not rushing into anything right away doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to be caught unawares."


istillhaveamin December 24 2008, 02:43:59 UTC
In her rush to bring up the Protect shield on her D-Reader, Nami didn't notice Plotmon had fallen from her arms.

And was staring at the sky.

Suddenly, there was a high pitched shriek from Plotmon. Not of fear, but a Puppy Howling. It wasn't quite enough to stop the blades completely, although it did slow them down enough that Nami could get up the shield in time.



1/? dive_npc December 24 2008, 03:58:21 UTC
As the Halberd crew blew away a majority of the attacks falling towards them, Matadormon motioned for the Devimon and IceDevimon to swoop in for a direct attack. They did as commanded, all going into a sharp dive to attack the crew directly.

Giving an amused chuckle, the Perfect Digimon dove off the cliff...


2/? honoono_gunsoul December 24 2008, 04:00:56 UTC
Bakuenetsumaru and Kendomaru had been the first ones to notice the barrage. As such, as soon as it let up, Kendomaru was already evolved into Mushamon.

Then, came the devils.

"KENDOMARU!" Baku yelled, and... jumped onto his Digimon's back. "GO!"

Without even being told HOW to go, Mushamon jumped up... avoided a claw swipe... and... bounced off an IceDevimon's head.

He sprung upwards, sword held back, heading right for the falling Matadormon. Baku leapt off his partner's back, and both brought their swords to bear on the Perfect at once.


3/3 dive_npc December 24 2008, 04:03:42 UTC

Matadormon caught their swords between his bladed fingers, scoffing.

"I thought better of you all than such a foolhardy move."

He then kicked both in their guts with great force, sending them plummeting HARD into the ground, a cloud of dirt and snow rising where they struck.

Matadormon finally landed on the ground, as the Devimon and IceDevimon converged on the crew. Flashes of darkness appeared to either side of the Perfect, and two Sangloupmon emerged from the shadows beside him.

He gave a low chuckle. "Now, to see what you are REALLY made of."


Re: 3/3 mazin_power December 24 2008, 04:23:08 UTC
"You think that your little group can even FRIGHTEN us?!" Kouji said. "MECHANORIMON!"

"READY!" Mechanorimon shouted, opening up his cockpit. Tossing aside what jackets he was wearing, Kouji leaped to the air, Realized his flight helmet and placed it on his head as he landed and took control of his partner.

"Alright, you bladed freak of nature, let's see how you deal with THIS!" Kouji shouted. With that, Mechanorimon reared back and thrusted forward, launching his fist forward. "ROCKETTO PAAAAAAAAUNCHI!"

"GYRO BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" Mechanorimon shouted at the same time.


spiral_molepig December 24 2008, 05:10:21 UTC
As the rain of projectiles ended, Patamon hovered, panting at the exertion he'd made to dodge.

"Buiiida!" Boota sat up on Patamon's head and pointed toward the sky.

Looking up, Patamon gasped as he saw the demon digimon diving toward the group.

"Buihii bii biiida bii!"

Patamon didn't even have time to agree with Boota before familiar power rushed through him. He folded his wings and dove into the snowdrifts as he started to glow...

Drimogemon burst up out of the snow and frozen ground with a shout.


Drimogemon reared up and chucked a huge bone into the air at the descending devils. The bone spun through the air like a boomerang, headed for the closest group of flying demon digimon. A second massive bone was in Drimogemon's other front paw.


indarkestknight December 24 2008, 20:53:54 UTC
Rather than engage the devils, Meta Knight threw his cloak around himself and vanished, appearing next to Halberd. He eyed the direction Matadormon and Bakunetsumaru had gone in, and his eyed turned red.

"You handle things here," said the knight, vanishing before Halberd could reply. The PawnChessmon could only sigh and take on his Perfect form, unleashing Rook Gattling at the enemy army...

... While Meta Knight appeared near Matadormon, and tried to slash at him from behind.


gogglechu December 25 2008, 02:04:38 UTC
Pikachu glared at the demonic Digimon, as flames began to dance in his eyes. "PI! KA! CHUUUUU!" HE shouted as he leaped, the Volt Tackle he was charging up turning that leap into a flying attack.


spacekingkittan December 25 2008, 12:34:33 UTC
"Meteor Squall!!" Now able to see his targets, Starmon wasted no time in attacking, focusing the meteors on Matadormon while Kittan charged towards the nearest demon Digimon, green digi-soul covering his fist in a vaguely pointed shape.


1/2 dive_npc December 26 2008, 01:43:58 UTC
The crew's attacks were fairly effective. The Gyro Break, Crusher Bone, and the Rook Gatling especially served to thin the number of Devimon and IceDevimon significantly. While Pikachu's Volt Tackle didn't destroy the target it was aimed at, it did serve to knock it off course and into RookChessmon's crossfire; Kittan's target was affected similarly.

Matadormon, though, wasn't expecting much of these demons. Not really.

As Meta Knight appeared behind him, he barely detected him in time. But... did so, catching his blade with one sharp finger.

Then, the Meteor Squall began to fall.

"You may wish to move," Matadormon stated simply to Meta Knight, dashing out of the way, while the Sangloupmon charged forward towards Baku and Mushamon.


2/2 honoono_gunsoul December 26 2008, 01:45:28 UTC
Barely back on their feet, Bakunetsumaru and Mushamon's eyes widened as the two canine beasts rushed towards them. Both samurai jumped back and out of the way, deflecting a rain of blades as they were fired towards them with their own swords.

"A LITTLE HELP HERE WOULD BE NICE!" Baku screamed wildly.


1/2 mazin_power December 26 2008, 03:33:51 UTC
"YOU HEARD HIM, MECHANORIMON!" Kouji shouted. "BURESTO FIYAAAAAAAH!" With that, Mechanorimon shouted back "TWINKLE BEAAAAAAAAAM!", launching its attack at the rain of blades heading at the Gundam and his parter, but saw it wasn't enough.

"Kouji, they won't make it!" Mechanorimon said.

"Then, we'll DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!" Kouji shouted, boosting Mechanorimon forward. "I'm not abandoning anyone to these monsters! We're members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade and DAMMIT, we're going to PROVE THAT!" As he pushed on, both his D-Comm and Mechanorimon began glowing ( ... )


2/2 mazin_power December 26 2008, 03:41:32 UTC

... )


indarkestknight December 26 2008, 23:43:32 UTC
Meta Knight's eyes burned with anger, and for a moment, he focused his intent on attacking Matadormon... until he realized the severity of the demon's warning, and tried to vanish again...

... A second too late.

He was hit by the Meteor Squall, and sent crashing face first into the snow... in the form of a trophy.


spacekingkittan December 28 2008, 09:18:56 UTC
Kittan swung at one of the SangLoupmon, digi-soul finally solidifying into a curved point.

Starmon blinked, "Uh...whoops." Not about to let one of his leaders lay there defenseless, Starmon ran over and tipped Meta Knight onto his base. He stood in front of the trophy, stance defensive in case one of their enemies came too close.


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